If I had the power today to force my decision on GOI, I will prepare for full scale war against Pakistan in Dec. I do not find a better situation to take down Pakistan than this. China has got bogged down on LAC and given the terrain, large scale movement and deployment of PLA troops is not possible in any sector of LAC without 10-15 days acclimitasion in extreme winter conditions plus PLA has no experience of high altitude operations like we have in Siachin. That gives us two weeks to finish off Pakistan and after that PLA will never be able to threaten us along LAC as all our forces will be available against them. Pakistan divided into Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab with merger of areas within Durandline with Afghanistan, will never be able to do anything against us. Infect Pak Punjab will be encircled from all sides by hostile neighbours and will be at our mercy for survival.
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