Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

Video doing rounds in places... it is allegedly PLA pushing IA from some hill top 5104
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Madam is lying. This is the ridgeline leading up from Soangur gap towards the ridge coming from Black Top. Madam herself had posted a fake labelled image which I post below <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; shiv (@bennedose) <a href=" ">December 9, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Here somebody is counteracting it.
The negotiations to start all over again. Same old tricks used by China. This new guy will be like whatever has been discussed by his predecessor is null and void. No chance of situation improving let alone resolving any time soon.
chinese thinking , Indians cannot do any thing all that it takes is glib talk to mollify them. After some time it will be business as usual and idiots in delhi will forgot everything and things will be normal until next incident. We cannot fault them for their thinking, we have not even scratched them let alone throw a punch. If India does not act on and replace most of the imports from china that view will only become stronger.
chinese thinking , Indians cannot do any thing all that it takes is glib talk to mollify them. After some time it will be business as usual and idiots in delhi will forgot everything and things will be normal until next incident. We cannot fault them for their thinking, we have not even scratched them let alone throw a punch. If India does not act on and replace most of the imports from china that view will only become stronger.
Han Chinese in general are much more cockier than your average asians. From whatever I have seen on youtube about how the mainland Chinese live and a general sense of society. It's pretty similar to India but at the same time extremely different. There's a sense of superiority and a feeling of vengeance that has been inculcated by the CCP in the average Han. The Chinese are extremely immoral(morality is subjective but still) with whatever they do. Their entire game of honour and face saving has been played well by us.
The app banning actually has caused more heartburn and loss than it was thought to be. Though the Chinese need to be completely kicked out of Indian market it's still a loss since a lot of cheap Chinese electronics has been a large contribution in the digital and mobile revolution in India. And the Chinese products will only increase in quality and I fear we will do a repeat of 50's where we backed the Soviets instead of the Americans. Though the conditions all result in showing Chinese having adversarial ambition..
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