Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

anyway, in other news, it looks like the PLA has retreated from the Galwan Valley after negotiation(Keep in mind this was after the ITBP beat up their soldiers).

This is in line with satellite imagery that shows Chines are mostly building up on their side of the LAC. It also corroborates Jeff Smith's assertion that the Indian army recently evicted PLA from Galwan

Keep in mind some of the first available satellite imagery showed about 4-500 at most PLA soldiers intruding about 500m or so across the LAC into Galwan. The recent video of Chinese retreating appears to be in that location

Depend on what you mean by their side of the LAC, claims of either side extend both ways. If it is within Indian claim lines of LAC, then you can’t just dismiss it as their side of LAC.
For LAC I am going by finger 4, the de-facto LAC since 1962. Both sides have patrolled past those lines previously, the Indians have patrolled up to 8 while China has gone as far as 2. Although that doesn't necessarily translate to controlling that territory.

Galwan is a different case. PLA did intrude into Indian territory by several hundred meters, but they appear to have left
300 mm rocket artillery development will take time,so we have to increase pinaka inventory and as a stop gap we can purchase more smerch from Russia.
This is What Makes Me angry On bloody Russians
You see Chinese Brazenly infringing Russian technology but they never Sanctioned Them but When India asked genuine Request Of Smerch Licence production for OFB Russian rejected us Then Many people here are Still sing Poems about Indo-USSR Frandship

And this When they signed MOU with us

Russia Backs Out Technology Transfer For Smerch Rockets To India
Russia Backs Out Technology Transfer For Smerch Rockets To India
This is What Makes Me angry On bloody Russians
You see Chinese Brazenly infringing Russian technology but they never Sanctioned Them but When India asked genuine Request Of Smerch Licence production for OFB Russian rejected us Then Many people here are Still sing Poems about Indo-USSR Frandship

And this When they signed MOU with us

Russia Backs Out Technology Transfer For Smerch Rockets To India
Russia Backs Out Technology Transfer For Smerch Rockets To India
You aren't copying, its your mistake. If russians are not sanctioning chinese for copying you too can do.
Why would a bloodied soldier have a rope around his legs?
Have you heard of treatment of broken bones by joining the broken one with a fit one to restrict movement. Its called buddy wrapping/taping? This is done as part of immidiate first aid for broken bones till a proper medical treatment is given. These guys had slipped from a mountain and had broken their bones. so their broken leg was tied to the fit leg.
This is What Makes Me angry On bloody Russians
You see Chinese Brazenly infringing Russian technology but they never Sanctioned Them but When India asked genuine Request Of Smerch Licence production for OFB Russian rejected us Then Many people here are Still sing Poems about Indo-USSR Frandship

And this When they signed MOU with us

Russia Backs Out Technology Transfer For Smerch Rockets To India
Russia Backs Out Technology Transfer For Smerch Rockets To India
Its a 2014 article.
Its a 2014 article.
Yes It is Smerch technology is denied to us after this We didn't purchase any smerch system

are last order was in 2012
Whoever saying this pic is fake need to look closely.


Notice the blue boat and water in top left corner of image here.


this happen near pangong lake. You can see rods in hand of few PLA soldiers. Some of ITBP policeman look seriously injured, I wonder if few of them even survive with such injuries. I hope next time we ambush some of them and open there skull wide open. These jokers need to be brought to the ground. To much anime and china stonk has gone into there head.
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Guys how credible is Brahma Chellaney? He confidently says that China has occupied a hell lot of territory! He seems more like an armchair strategist to me. But what concerns me is Gen Panag is also saying the same. What do you guys think?

Also, can India successfully escalate and evict the Chinese if the push comes to shove and what stops us from intruding and occupying in other sectors?
@Falcon @vstol Jockey
Guys how credible is Brahma Chellaney? He confidently says that China has occupied a hell lot of territory! He seems more like an armchair strategist to me. But what concerns me is Gen Panag is also saying the same. What do you guys think?

Also, can India successfully escalate and evict the Chinese if the push comes to shove and what stops us from intruding and occupying in other sectors?
@Falcon @vstol Jockey

I think he is credible enough.
Guys how credible is Brahma Chellaney? He confidently says that China has occupied a hell lot of territory! He seems more like an armchair strategist to me. But what concerns me is Gen Panag is also saying the same. What do you guys think?

Also, can India successfully escalate and evict the Chinese if the push comes to shove and what stops us from intruding and occupying in other sectors?
@Falcon @vstol Jockey
The place on Pangong Tso where China has built its boat yard is good about 10kms west of the LAC claimed by India.
He wanted to DISBAND the Army

He.said that we need only a police force

He appointed his Relative Gen Thapar as COAS

He said this to Army Officials when they
Warned him of a Chinese attack on India

" COMMUNIST nations do not.attack other nations

You only take care of Pakistan"

He.was the.reason we had an idiot called Krishna Menon as Defence Minister

He did not care for Either Weapons or
Proper Footwear or winter clothing for our soldiers --.Jeep.Scam in his tenure

He.was.too his image in Western Nations or.basically he wanted Nobel peace prize

So he was soft.on Pakistan and " Trusted" UK on Kashmir which then flipped around and started supporting Pakistan

Have you.Read C Dasgupta' on Kashmir

These are some of.the immediate points which come to my mind as we still grapple with LoC and LAC

He earns my respect for 'this singular act'.

I can respect a single point, I may not agree with others.
What ours?

The men.

3 to 4 centuries preceding the Christian era, Hindu dynasties established by adventurers, claiming descent from the Kshatriya potentates of northern India, ruling in upper Burma, in Siam and Laos, in Yunnan and Tonkin, and even in most parts of southeastern China...……..

70 years of so called independence we are still following history written by leftists and foreigners with an agenda . While the Chinese rewrote their history to suit their needs. Atleast we have the proofs , they don't even have them .

Very personal opinion now. Nothing to do with my usual act of trying to put things out in alignment of the national policy.

We must lay claims to all areas of CARs, so called Western China and Tibet. And be prepared to work towards the same with a declared national imperative aimed at reclaiming all lost territories with or without populations, including upto Tiz (near Chahbahar) and portions of South-East Asia along South China Sea.

Call it Akhand Bharat redux or whatever, really do not care. But I really do not see why we should forever remain pacifist and simply accommodative.

Okay. Personal opinion off.
If this is sarcastic post.. Please mention it.
I didn't fully get the meaning of this post ..

Sarcasm with facts. Read the GoI note of 1899.

If that's the case the following century saw Gen Zorawar Singh first under the Khalsa Darbar & later under the Maharaja of Kashmir establish their suzerainty respectively over Ladakh & consequently over Aksai Chin.

Sir, will you please elaborate on that? Seems to be new angle & piece of information. Thank you.

Rising Sun.

There is whole plethora of material. As usual, am too lazy to go through stuff I have read over 15 years to reverify the accuracy.

Go through this for starters.


Considering his radical views, how high up are such radicals in our military's top echelon? Even Gen Panag seems to be going that way. And we already know about Ajai Shukla.

Our Kadi Ninda or as some call him Kadi Ninja, epitomizes the Sun Tzu adage of appear weak when strong.

His seeming lack of inactivity and tepid response drives overwhelming amount of people (including me at times) to frustration. But that is where the catch is.

PRC miscalculated. And with each passing day, Indian forces are increasingly confident of burying the master and the slave in the area.