Line of Actual Control (LAC) : India & Tibet Border Updates

We have to stop shooting the messenger. He is telling this through media for some time, either government should come up with a statement or they have to take action against him.
Just one GOI statement: "Chinese troops have not dug in the Galwan river valley, and have not occupied any height or feature that can threaten the DSDBO road" will do..
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We have to stop shooting the messenger. He is telling this through media for some time, either government should come up with a statement or they have to take action against him.
It depends which side of the coin you like more. Just look at the real map of that place. Just 4-5kms behind is the plateau of Aksai Chin and the best which chinese have been able to find are their light tanks with 105mm guns against T-72/90 tanks with 125mm guns. That should tell you something. Check how far are the flat grounds from this valley.
We have to stop shooting the messenger. He is telling this through media for some time, either government should come up with a statement or they have to take action against him.
Ladakh news

The root cause of this stand off is Galwan Bridge. Once completed India can move heavy armours/ troops to Galwan valley with ease and speed as geography is favourable on our side and PLA have narrow valley to negate as seen in latest video stand off. As seen below ITBP has camps beyond shyok river and small posts across Galwan river same PLA has posts in Galwan valley towards their side of claimed LAC.

Now India built a bridge across Galwan river and Indian troops with large vehicles can move up swiftly towards Galwan valley and Chinese are at disadvantage due to geography and narrow valley hence they felt threatend and started claiming whole Galwan valley till Shyok river to stop the bridge being constructed which changes the status Quo...

To negate this disadvantage PLA started patroling beyond finger 5 where they are at advantage with armoured vehicles boats and infra. They have constructed new base near finger 5. Also their highway passes close to this region if India advances till finger 8 claimed line then they will be feared for cutting access to Xinjiang. As of now India has altered status Quo in our favour in Galwan valley and china in Pangyong lake.... DBO - Galwan strategic road and rapid infra built up has sent alert to CCP.
I don't understand why people blame bureaucrats for the failure of political class. It is politicians who wield power in India. If bureaucrats are not working/implementing the vision of Government, Transfer them or fire them . If they have protection under law, change the damn law. You have majority in parliament. If they are hindrance for implementation of vision, Name them and shame them. Blaming bureaucrats won't solve the issues. It is just a blame game. What I feel is ruling class of India irrespective of political parties lacks VISION to build India or make India super power. They are more interested in winning elections and ruling.

You probably don't understand because probably you have no idea on the same.

The laws which protect them , protects both the good and the bad . If a law is made to remove them easily

And tomorrow if a corrupt govt like congress comes to power , it will be misused to remove the good ones .

Do you have any idea how corrupt bureaucrats stymied indian defence system . Eg there was a project of navy to dreg one of their ports , a bureaucrat kept postponing it because he wanted to award it to his acquittance. Complains at MoD did shit because he was connected to UPA govt bosses.

Don't give ad homein arguments to justify the unjustifiable

Why do you think so many ex bureaucrats turn out to be anti national in their views
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They hate bureaucrats cause they don't allow these clowns and there rich friends like Ambani , Adani an co. to loot and exploite this country people non stop and have there way...... they are p**d that there are check and balances in system so these wannabe feudal lords who are basically foreign agents can't have there way but this govt has made sure that whole country is up for sale.

Ironically some of them most conveniently allowed clowns in UPA to carry out numerous multi billion dollar scams , arms scam , fixing of stock market , transferring billions out of the country illegally , transfer and hound honest officers who unearthed scams eg vadra scam , selling the country to the highest foreign bidders, encourage cronyism , attempt to give Siachen to Pakistan , attempt to paint Hindus as terrorists etc etc

only a despicable clown will defend a clown

Also look at the hands of the soldiers

They bore no wounds or scars or bleeding on the knuckles and fingers . They are clean

If they were attacked they would have fought back before being overpowered

And their hands will have been the first casualty in the ensuing fight .

So clean hands what does it indicate ?

That the said soldiers were not involved in a fight .

How can anybody miss such a obvious sign

( Also their hands are not tied )
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What I have got to know till date is that Chinese are shit scared as they fear that they may have to raise the level of planned short skirmish to much higher level and yet not achieve anything in return. They fear that they will end up starting a much bigger conflict or they should be ready to loose Aksai Chin and also Pakistan. They know that in case of two front war, India will very quickly decimate Pakistan and than move its forces against China for a final battle. This is a situation which Chinese PLA does not want. PLA owns CCP. There is power struggle between PLA and CCP. The decision to confront India was at the behest of PLA. They thought that they can replace Xi who now has power to remain chief till death. The standoff is a direct outcome of power struggle within PLA & CCP.
Xi wants to do what Rani Jindan did to Sikh Empire. She forced sikhs to fight East India Company (EIC) to weaken Sikh Army and their role in running sikh empire and have an upper hand to decide the future of Sikhs, But ended up by loosing Sikh Empire and also weakening Sikh Army. Rani Jindan died in a prison in Nepal as a prisoner of EIC.
That was much before 1857. Same fate awaits PLA & CCP if they do misadventure against India. The so called thaw in the game is due to what is being negotiated between PLA & CCP. The truth is that India has become a pawn in the internal struggles of PLA & CCP, AND THAT IS EXTREMELY GOOD FOR INDIA.