Where is Stephan and nilgiri? Nilgiri hahahaha. I told you but you guys were beating drums last night.things change rapidly. They might release a video as well.
We knew there were fights happening before (each side likely has photos and videos)....but you bradfordstani forums and twit groups have to control every
doosra bandra style narrative to deluded abdul mob...and blab A happened after B and whatever it takes....all the while hyper-cheerleading and then swinging to losing marbles over whatever else (before it, during it, after it)....because no basic sense for something in between....some basic allegiance to neutral logic.
In telegram groups I'm in, turkish, western, iranian buddies all laughing at your PDF shameless cheer brigade and the "mods" power-tripping drama (deleting threads....pushing narratives). Most of your lot simply have no idea esp how so many Turks (esp secular kemalists) despise you lot because of your mob's (similar cheerlead with no consistency) defense...even all-in support of China over uighur camps....yet want to celebrate some neo-ottoman bromance elsewhere. This more than anything has totally opened their eyes to Pakistan complex (given much more blatant gasoline and spark in your PDF) in their own way. I need not visit the easy points to make w.r.t Iranians and westerners I'm friends with.
I simply point out to all interested worthwhile parties a further reality about this complex you lot have...you guys simply inevitably spark each one yourselves (even with the chinese haha, when you start over-reacting to ground reality of having to host lot of chinese peasant types in total different cultural setting because of CPEC and iron bro stronk stuff)
Stuff like "Huge victories" happening for PA before dhaka fell....just print it in fauj media and it becomes true!...reality finally arrives and musharraf cries! No revisit of the lies allowed, just swept under the carpet...and the to-be bengali PM was "agartala conspiracy"..rather than your racist, ethnicist ego (totally against the religion you claim to follow).
PA not involved in Kargil (and then owning up shamelessly many years later)...blah blah blah.
We have all seen this before....you wont change. Extend hand and it gets bitten each time....because fauj will lose everything they own (by your own ppl hands) if reality all comes falling down as to how badly they messed everything up for you lot....they must at all costs be total masters of your mob....no other better opportunity or fate must be allowed to come your way.
I remember all too well what your mob responded after Pakistan govt admitted the mumbai terrorists were Pakistani (i.e even when your fauj permits "govt" to own up to something). It has grown to a different proportion than almost anywhere else in the world.
You long failed utterly (1971) at what your nation was (claimed to be) set up for, you failed your founding father (who's one daughter stayed Bharati).
So failures like this run on emotion and little to nothing of credible substance. They turn into cheerleaders and worse for whomever that can give little alms for the emotional needs. China becomes new USA for you etc etc....all because you rather be a serf than a master of your fate....because short term cowardly emotion refuge +protection means much more than long term+brave venturing into reality.
So this is what failing and losing more than half your country people (because of your complex and ego) does to remnant. You just keep doubling down on what the root failure is...rather than introspect and change.
I introduce Pakistan psyche to everyone else that way first thing.....i.e please simulate in mind losing half your modern nationstate (after pumping up and basing ego on it that much)
first before attempting to figure out the bradford chamcha loser wannabe-thug (or the more "pure" variant stuck back home) or the hyperventilating mobs they form. Allah punished you, you wont learn from it, and you still claim to be islamic nation...what's that gonna do to your mob thought patterns from get go? Its why ummah laughs at you (in front of you or behind your back depending on what suits them) lot and treat you like they do increasingly. Best get used to it, its just going to increase.
So keep that cheerleading going....and keep doubling down on it. You can laugh and cheer others all the way to your own doom, it makes no difference to us.