Exactly sir! I thought that he does it because he is uncomfortable with the fact that LAC is being discussed in media a bit too much and we are not defending LAC. Some past military leaders also said that most of our narrative should be around Johnson line -- our claim. This is why I asked @Falcon about what is the general perception of LAC in IA.Gen Panag seems to be on fire at all ends. No one has peddlled as much fake news as this Officer alone.
But then recently I am beginning to think that Retd Col. Panag has some totally different motive because of his bizzaro claims

This is his recent most hand annotated image.
He has mis-identified fingers. I think knowingly. Finger 8 (AFAIK) is more to the eastern side of the lake, nearer to Khurnak PLA post than ITBP post.
Also, I am not aware of ANY publicly disclosed LAC demarkation of LAC as claimed by India. Only think that I know and has been confirmed by @Falcon as well, is that it is the actual control in 1993.
Then here is the cake.
In a previous article, the same Retd Col shifted the our version of LAC eastward, aligning it with Indian claim of border.

The guy, IMHO, is just throwing whatever comes to his mind (so long it is provoking) and hoping something sticks.
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