1. I'm not a fan of how regionalistic India is, and I believe it often fosters infghting and disunity with negative consequences. But at the same time, India is so damn unique with so many different varieties of people, cultures, languages etc that it was always likely to be a somewhat loose, relaxed arrangement. But I do wish that all Indians, kept their regional pride intact on one side, but didn't let it become arrogance and didn't put it ahead of the fact that we're all Indians. And on that note, I would also like to see some sort of future arrangement where these regionalistic parties (SP, BSP, RJD, TMC, AIADMK, DMK etc) don't get to contest in national elections and play kingmakers; and even more so that they do not get "veto" power when it comes to the country's foreign policy.
Your wishful thinking fails miserably at addressing the issues. That is a hard reality for you to understand.
2. It's true that Hindu India was used as a bogey and an imaginary external threat to rally Pakistan behind the Army and ISI, but I definitely still feel that through a deep sense of hatred and contempt, and a burning desire to take back Kashmir and eventually wipe us out, the Pakistanis are in fact obsessed with us; just my viewing of the situation. I also totally agree on the point about Indian Media, Indian Media seems to only know 2 extremes; either it is blatantly to the left, or alternatively it's one of those "commando comic" channels as they're called with their big shout-match "debates" and embarrassing, under-informed, boastful hosts.
And here I was under the impression that the concept of a
SECULAR India eroded their
raison d'existence as a separate homeland for Muslims of India as demanded prior to the bifurcation of the nation in 1947?
It is intriguing that you have, like many on this forum do, played right into the narrative that was being pushed to justify the creation of Pakistan in the first place. By using the exact phrase that the founders of Pakistan used to create a bogey "Hindu India" you have mainstreamed a rather silly and baseless point.
The point is not about Indian media alone. It is about Indians being uninformed in general, and undertaking a relentless campaign to relegate the minuscule that exist in the sub-group of informed, to a minority by drowning out, or subverting their voices by means of sustained attempts to deflect, ignore and suppress by sheer volume.
It is with great sadness that I re-quote the great Issac Asimov on this forum:
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
3. The main "Indian obsession" that you discuss on forumns, I'd say, is more about punishing Pakistan for its constant scheming and dastardly acts, than some sort of greater obsession with the country. If tomorrow the LOC could be made the permanent border and India & Pakistan completely disengaged from each other, I think most Indians would be satisfied to go about their business and probably wouldn't think about Pakistan again. Anyhow, we have bigger fish to fry now in the form of China.
I again attempt to draw your focus to your own point here - an obsession of an Indian with Pakistan. I am amused to see that you fail to notice how you are exactly underscoring my contention that Indians are obsessed with Pakistan too, instead of obsessing with their own state of affairs and on pertinent questions that need to be addressed in their desire for an united and progressive nation.
Towards this, you have exactly placed in front of yourself, the greatest handicap this nation faces - of blaming Pakistan for using our own stupidities against us. I say stupidities and not stupidity as Kashmir remains a series of missteps and downright idiocy for India as a nation and an example of the ineptitude that is rampant amongst the highest decision makers of this country.
And as for the bigger fish statement, are you sure that it is not a reciprocal?
4. We haven't failed to disengage from Kashmir; we have been left no choice. Pakistan wants all of Kashmir, and that's just the appetizer. Add to that the fact that even the section of the Pakistani military that isn't ideologically obsessed with capturing Kashmir knows, that if there is peace between India and Pakistan, then they will start to become irrelevant and that without the India bogey they will be subject to scrutiny by their own people. So we have basically been forced to keep playing this game in Kashmir, and I am of the opinion that Pakistan will keep making us do this until it destroys itself in its eternal quest to destroy us.
Again you have subtly tried to shift blame to Pakistan and still proving my point.
Why, pray do tell me, is it that there is not one, and I repeat not one, thread in this forum on where India has gone wrong and where India needs to work which is short on idiocy and more on research and solidly based on foundations of International and National laws, treaties and obligations? Why is there a dearth of a discourse in that direction instead of celebrating a retaliation which killed personnel on their side while lamenting loss of own? Where does "strategicfront" distinguish itself from being any other social media platform of misinformed spreading their self informed opinions based on incorrect foundations?
Again, a Pakistan obsession? Yet you claimed it was reverse?
5. We definitely have our own internal issues to solve, but that doesn't erase a very significant external, existential issue for our country in the form of Pakistan; an entity whose very basis of creation is a hatred and contempt for Hindus, secularism and India, and an entity which is ideologically convinced of its religious, racial and cultural superiority and committed to our destruction/subjugation. And remember that when Armies of Islam fight someone, they fight in absolute and eternal terms, it then becomes a conflict all the way to the apocalypse; this is the Islamic mindset (add to that the hadith about Ghazwa e Hind). And we are so lucky that we have a neighbor armed with this mindset, who has a decent amount of military power, and nuclear weapons to top it all off. We may have a million internal issues, but that is an incredibly significant threat to our existence no matter which way you look at it.
A small 'we definitely have our own internal issues to solve..' yet not one thread on that.
Let us examine Kashmir issue? Why not discuss this core issue that straddles us as the first step? And stop blaming an adversarial nation for taking advantage of our ineptitude as a nation?