Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

Lol. So it jammed a downgraded SU-35 with no EW capability.

And to answer your question the AN/ASQ239 Barracuda did something more capable than super super spectra...

"...While a lot of missions are conducted with the JOTT partners, the Dutch F-35s periodically fly with the 148th Fighter Squadron ‘Kickin’ a$$’, the RNLAF’s F-16 training unit in Tucson, Arizona, to evaluate and validate new tactics. ‘The first time we got to test all these advanced capabilities to their fullest potential was about a year ago, with and against our F-16s in Tucson,’ says Knight.

‘The initial scenario was that our two F-35s would escort a four-ship of F-16s across a notional border and protect them against another eight-ship of F-16s simulating a modern adversary. A relatively inexperienced flight leader was in charge of the F-16s on our side and Lt Col Joost ‘Niki’ Luijsterburg, the Tucson detachment commander, was responsible for the adversaries. Up to this point we had only practised these scenarios in the simulators and while we had a decent game-plan, we were all anxious to see how the F-35 would perform in real life. We figured that the F-35’s stealth would keep us out of harm’s way for most of the fight, but that we also need to protect the friendly F-16s, maximize the lethality of their missiles and get them to the target.

To make this happen, we planned to initially use electronic attack against the adversary F-16s, see if we could avoid having them detect friendly fighters and datalink the location of the hostile aircraft to our F-16s. This way we could use the F-16s on our side to shoot down the initial wave of enemy fighters and keep our own missiles available once the ‘Blue Air’ F-16s had to focus on their target attack. The plan worked flawlessly."

Can your inferior french plane do this..? No!
in 2012, during a training against GB EF2000 in Scotland, Spectra was used in a non wartime mode (training+ mode).
Even when the GB pilots saw the Rafale in the air, their EF2000 weapon system was unable to elaborate a fire solution.... That is the goal and the meaning in french of "Spectra".

Downgraded Su35? Maybe. But we are speaking of export variant of Rafale also....

In your brain everything that is not american can't be world class. America uber alles !!!
(I remember the AIM9X fired from a SH18 against a old Su22 in SYria. It failed. So sad my dear).
in 2012, during a training against GB EF2000 in Scotland, Spectra was used in a non wartime mode (training+ mode).
Even when the GB pilots saw the Rafale in the air, their EF2000 weapon system was unable to elaborate a fire solution.... That is the goal and the meaning in french of "Spectra".

Well whoopty doo. How about hiding a flight of 4 4th gen fighters from a flight of 8 4th gen fighters all while keeping its signature hidden? If your cute little plane can do that then I'll be impressed. F-15E, F-18E blkII and F-16 with AN/ALQ-131(V) EW pod can jam 4th gen fighters.
Downgraded Su35? Maybe. But we are speaking of export variant of Rafale also....

SU-35 with no EW.
In your brain everything that is not american can't be world class. America uber alles !!!
(I remember the AIM9X fired from a SH18 against a old Su22 in SYria. It failed. So sad my dear).

It's your brain that thinks that. Aim-9x has been in combat twice and its 1-2 with that one kill being a Russian air force SU-24 with Russian IR-ECM.

Aim-9L predecessor to the Aim-9m had a 80%+ combat record so yeah not all will be effective but it will still be superior to anything out there.

What is the current IR-Mica's combat record?

Fighter pilot from the Marine Corps' first F-35C squadron says the stealth jet is making US aircraft carriers more lethal​

Sep 27, 2021

Maj. Mark Dion, an operations officer and VMFA 314 pilot, transitioned to the F-35 from the F/A-18 Super Hornet, and he told Insider recently that the fifth-generation fighter is definitely what he wants to be flying. He said that "the F-35C is far and away more capable than the F/A-18" Hornet.

"This jet gives you so much more situational awareness," he said. "The fusion of all these sensors the jet has just gives the pilots so much more information to make decisions, make better decisions, make them quicker, and just be more lethal."

"If we are doing an intercept out there, the F-35 is what you want to be in," he said.

"It gives me that ability to kind of remain undetected, or at least the ability to remain where the enemy cannot necessarily employ their weapons against me, which we didn't really have back in the F/A-18s, those fourth-gen aircraft," Dion said. "That's a massive advantage of this jet."

"If we find ourselves going to a merge with an enemy fighter, it does well in that close combat," he said, adding that "it does very well. I would rather be in the F-35. I have flown both, and this is where I want to be."

It really is all about SA and pilots that came from 4th gen fighters and now fly F-35's always boast about the SA.

Situational Awareness is life in a conflict under high-tech conditions.
A bipartisan group of 15 House members sent national security adviser Jake Sullivan a letter last week urging the White House to help American defense contractors win a bid to sell Finland some warplanes.

“We are writing today concerning Finland’s fighter jet competition and to request the White House support U.S. efforts to win this race,” (...)

(Lokheed Martin sponsors Politico)
Laugh all you want but your denial contradicts what the Swiss thought of the F-35's SA.

Swiss Pick F-35 to Replace Old Fighter Jets
30 Jun 2021 Marcus Weisgerber

"...“[T]he F-35A achieved the best result because it has a marked technological advantage over the other candidates: it includes entirely new, extremely powerful and comprehensively networked systems for protecting and monitoring airspace,” the Federal Council said. “The F-35A is able to ensure information superiority; this means pilots benefit from a higher situational awareness in all task areas when compared with the other candidates. This is especially true for day-to-day air policing.”

In other words the Swiss weren't impress with your planes SA, bub.
What impressed them most were Biden's threats, otherwise they would never have bought a white elephant.
Ah yes the french excuse to why their plane always loses to the F-35... because of US pressure and nothing to do with being cheaper to operate and SUPERIOR than the french plane. That will be the same excuse in Finland and when Spain and other EU nations select the F-35 in future.

Btw Stark_contrast is abosolutely destroying you at airdefense yet you don't give up your BS argument... good for you!
Btw Stark_contrast is abosolutely destroying you at airdefense yet you don't give up your BS argument... good for you!
Stark_contrast is the laughing stock of all the members of air defence, we've already had this kind of person who thinks he's impressing us by spouting Anglo-Saxon arguments that we know by heart, and we let them do it until he gets bored because it's a bit of a change from the usual.
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Ah yes the french excuse to why their plane always loses to the F-35... because of US pressure and nothing to do with being cheaper to operate and SUPERIOR than the french plane. That will be the same excuse in Finland and when Spain and other EU nations select the F-35 in future.
I would like to have a list of the competitions we have lost to the F-35, in order to be aware of the overwhelming superiority of US technology and the remarkable efficiency of the management of programmes in your country.
No it has a data fusion that works without any limitations.
Without limits huh? So much so that it was only like 0.5 ahead of the Eurofighter in that area, which doesn't make any ridiculous claims? And they selected the F-35 over the Rafale remember.

Data fusion was not a Swiss requirement at that time and was therefore not tested by Armasuisse. This was our main problem, the Swiss requirements were very low compared to the capabilities of the Rafale.
Without limits huh? So much so that it was only like 0.5 ahead of the Eurofighter in that area, which doesn't make any ridiculous claims? And they selected the F-35 over the Rafale remember.

View attachment 21220

Data dissemenation is about NCW, and all three, Gripen, Rafale and Typhoon, have pretty much the same score because all three use Link 16, which sucks. SA/Force Coordination is also limited by Link 16. And even when using the same hardware, it still allows the Rafale to beat the other two.

Anyway, even a single point difference is actually a pretty massive difference.

U.S. Marine F-35Bs to Embark on Japan’s Largest Warship in October​

KUALA LUMPUR – U.S Marine F-35Bs from Iwakuni will support the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s post refit trials of the destroyer helicopter carrier JS Izumo (DDH183) next month.
The Marine Corps aircraft will work with the JMSDF in the Pacific Ocean from Oct. 3 through Oct. 7, according to a Thursday news release from the Japan Defense Ministry. Izumo in June completed the first of a two-stage modification that will enable it to operate the F-35, with the first stage adding heat resistant coating to the flight deck and flight line markings for F-35 operations.

The release did not say which squadron the aircraft would come from or how many USMC F-35Bs will be embarked for the trials. The U.S. Marines have two F-35B squadrons operating from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, with the “Bats” of Marine Corps Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 242 declaring initial operating capability on Sept. 9. The other squadron – the “Green Knights” of VMFA-121 – reached IOC in July 2015, before deploying to Japan in January 2017.

MCAS Iwakuni detailed Izumo arriving to the base’s harbour in a Thursday new release, though it did not state the purpose of the ship’s arrival.
USNI News reported on Sept. 1 that Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger said U.S Marine F-35s would operate off a Japanese warship later this year, though it is unclear whether he meant the trials or a later operational or exercise deployment on Izumo.

Izumo’s final conversion work will be carried out in Fiscal Year 2025, while its sister ship – JS Kaga (DDH184) – will be fully modified in FY 2022. The second stage of Izumo’s conversion and the full stage of Kaga’s conversion will involve a change of the shape of the ships’ bows along with interior reconfiguration allowing them to embark and fully operate F-35s.

The modification of Izumo and Kaga are paired with a planned Japan Self-Defense Forces buy of 42 F-35Bs to operate from the two ships. The first of the JSDF F-35Bs are set to arrive in FY 2023 and the U.S. Marine F-35s are expected to continue operating off the two ships as Japan acclimates itself to operating F-35Bs. The JMSDF has already conducted a series of engagements and exchanges in relation to F-35B operations with the U.K. Royal Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 21 (CSG21) while it was in Japan in early September.

A JMSDF submarine carried out a series of anti-submarine warfare training from Sept. 14 to 15 with a Royal Navy submarine near Japan, the JMSDF said in news release earlier this week. The release noted that this was the first occasion in which a JMSDF submarine trained with a Royal Navy submarine. A U.K.’s Astute-class submarine is currently operating in the region as part of the CSG21 deployment. The U.K. and Japan have also agreed to commence formal negotiations on a Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) to deepen the defense relationship between the two countries, the U.K. Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Izumo’s sister ship – Kaga – and destroyer JS Murasame (DD101) are making their way across the Indian Ocean to Colombo, Sri Lanka for a port visit from Oct. 2 to 4 as part of the JMSDF Indo-Pacific Deployment 2021 (IPD21) task group. The two ships conducted an exercise in the Indian Ocean with the German Navy frigate FGS Bayern (F217) last week. The exercise included Bayern’s embarked Super Lynx helicopter conducting a landing on Kaga and one of Kaga’s SH-60 helicopters doing the same on Bayern.

The two JMSDF ships also conducted an exercise with USNS Yukon (T-AO-202) on Wednesday.

Bayern, which left Germany in August for a seven-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific, docked in Fremantle, Western Australia on Tuesday for a week-long visit following an anti-submarine warfare exercise with a Royal Australian Air Force P-8. The frigate will be berthed at Fremantle Harbour from Sept. 28 through Oct. 5.

Meanwhile the main body of the U.K. CSG21 left Guam on Tuesday. The U.K. CSG consists of aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) and embarked aircraft, which include the “Wake Island Avengers” of VMFA-211 and the Royal Air Force 617 Squadron “The Dambusters.” The two squadrons are integrated for operations on the carrier.

The CSG also includes frigates HMS Kent (F78) and HMS Richmond (F239), Royal Fleet Auxiliary’s RFA Fort Victoria (A387) and RFA Tidespring (A136), destroyer HMS Defender (D36), and an Astute-class submarine. Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen (F805), U.S. destroyer USS The Sullivans (DDG68) are also part of the CSG. Some elements of the group are in separate locations, with The Sullivans last seen docked in Yokosuka.

Richmond – having been deployed in the East China Sea while taking part in United Nations sanctions enforcement operations against North Korea – posted on social media on Monday that it transited the Taiwan Strait while en route to Vietnam.

F-35B is totally revolutionizing many Navy's. Italian Navy with its two F-35B carriers has made it the second best/formidable navy right behind Royal Navy.
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