Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

It’s flexible and can be used to threaten anyone, Capital Hill likes to threaten. Application is not necessary to get the desired results.

CAATSA doesn't provide the US with as much leverage as one might think. 'Cause it's not a blanket ban on supplies, it only kills potential future deals. But if you are not offering advanced tech in the first place, then countries would opt for CAATSA over abandoning capability. CAATSA only works when the West/America provide an alternative. The direct competitor to the F-35 is the Su-75. Furthermore, sanctioning a rich client will open up the market to American competitors, including Russia, so the pressure from the American MIC on USG will be great.

Similarly, in the future, if India goes for the Su-57M, the Americans are going to have to offer the NGAD as an equivalent alternative. If given no choice, it's natural we will choose CAATSA over abandoning capability. And what after that, America will completely abandon the Indian market for future sales? Pretty ridiculous for that to happen.

Anyway, CAATSA is basically aimed towards America's enemies, including Iran and China, and non-compliant states like Turkey. CAATSA will mainly prevent American companies from selling advanced stuff that the USG doesn't own.
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CAATSA doesn't provide the US with as much leverage as one might think. 'Cause it's not a blanket ban on supplies, it only kills potential future deals. But if you are not offering advanced tech in the first place, then countries would opt for CAATSA over abandoning capability. CAATSA only works when the West/America provide an alternative. The direct competitor to the F-35 is the Su-75. Furthermore, sanctioning a rich client will open up the market to American competitors, including Russia, so the pressure from the American MIC on USG will be great.

Similarly, in the future, if India goes for the Su-57M, the Americans are going to have to offer the NGAD as an equivalent alternative. If given no choice, it's natural we will choose CAATSA over abandoning capability. And what after that, America will completely abandon the Indian market for future sales? Pretty ridiculous for that to happen.

Anyway, CAATSA is basically aimed towards America's enemies, including Iran and China, and non-compliant states like Turkey. CAATSA will mainly prevent American companies from selling advanced stuff that the USG doesn't own.
Then on what basis they are threatening Turkey for S400 purchase ?
I meant that they refused Turkey’s request for Patriot air defence system

The Turks probably didn't expect to get kicked out of the F-35 program though. They likely tried to call the bluff, but Erdogan had crossed the line too many times since after ISIS. Anyway they were going rogue long before that. They had even chosen the Chinese HQ-9 at one point, before the Russians changed their offer to the S-400.
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The reality is that L.M. has turned its marketing into propaganda to hide the failure of the F-35 development.
  • It has unresolved structural defects that limit its life and are the consequence of the weight reduction campaign that was necessary because the aircraft exceeded the weight limit of its specifications. Some structural frames that were planned to be made of titanium were made of aluminium to gain weight and the structural tests could not be completed.
  • The flight controls, which are critical software, were developed without following the standards that this type of software requires and when employees alerted management to these bad practices, they were transferred to another site and assigned to tasks without responsibilities.
  • The JPO administratively downgraded, i.e. without asking the test pilots and engineers, 800 category 1 anomalies to category 2.
  • The programme is unable to develop ALIS, which manages maintenance and mission preparation, and ODIN, which was supposed to replace it in order to solve the problem, has had its funding cut because it did not work any better.
The more problems the programme has, the more L.M. amplifies its praise and presents the F-35 as wonderful. In fact his propaganda presents the F-35 as if all its features work as specified in its specifications, when they don't, and presents these features as extraordinary novelties when they now exist in almost all modern aircraft because the F-35 has fallen so far behind.
Lol. For such a failure it sure does well in the export market, huh? Problem with you is that you are projecting your idiocy to other nations by claiming LM marketing is propaganda and it seems you're trying to imply that these nations are somehow being fooled by evil LM marketing schemes and not by the F-35's merits, right? But you see that is not the truth that is your opinion based on your lack of logic and EXTREME butt hurt that your plane can't seem to do well in the export market. Also it doesn't help that you and many of your fellow fanboys suffer from delusion.

Look how easily I can turn this around on you.... I guess Dassaults "propaganda" isn't good enough that it has to bribe people to buy their crappy plane like in India, eh? Why would Dassault need to bribe India to buy its plane when India already flies french fighters? What da dealio, mang?

I've notice you are totally avoiding my post on how your french planes top speed clean (F1 version) is as fast as the F-18E. Good for you there may be hope for that delusional mind of yours.
Just like the HMDS story, where you didn't know the F-35's helmet was just a third generation Israeli device.

Don't be an idiot.... or maybe you can't help it? What the F-35 helmet does is an evolution from previous HMD and either you know it and are trying to be a smart a s s or you're really clueless as hell. Does the french plane even have a HMD? NVM lets educate you a bit since you think the F-35 helmet is a third gen Israeli device.

F-35 helmet is more than just a HUD and HOB lock for IR missiles.
Don't be an idiot.... or maybe you can't help it? What the F-35 helmet does is an evolution from previous HMD and either you know it and are trying to be a smart a s s or you're really clueless as hell. Does the french plane even have a HMD? NVM lets educate you a bit since you think the F-35 helmet is a third gen Israeli device.
You're the idiot, of course the Rafale has HMDs. One model for Qatari aircraft, one model for Indian aircraft, both of which are operational, and one model for French aircraft which is being tested under F4.1. This shows how easy it was to integrate this device and lends credibility to reports that the French Air Force did not want to use the older models which were too heavy in their opinion.
In 5 years when the FCAS is going nowhere, price keeps going up and F-18s and Typhoons are barely flying they will reconsider when they see all their EU neighbors happily flying F-35s. Nobody likes to feel left out of the party.
we all know who is going to be running this program and its not the French. The warm tender embrace of the Germans and the rest of the Eurofighter consortium is going to go deep and hard on France. France will pay big bucks to have a chance to make parts for Typhoon 2.0 while having their sovereignty evaporate, and their requirements put secondary as the revenge is exacted. I can't wait. Macron is walking into a trap, and the pressure they have exerted on Spain will be sweet revenge.

By the time this is done France will be asking "daddy" for more workshare in any language but French, and the old Typhoon group will simply say no and tell them the price just went up again. Funding Germany's next generation fighter, won't be cheap, Pierre, we must all do our part!
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NATO state that doesn't want to be a US lapdog anymore, hence the punishment.
Then they should leave. NATO is the US, I don't know why anyone pretends otherwise. being in NATO is by definition being a US lapdog, the USSR has been gone for 30 years. If they stay in NATO's house they have to play by NATO's rules, if they don't like it they can grow up and leave.

Canada is the same. There is no point in playing "which ship" or "which airplane" when the treaties stay the same. Its "fake" independence. like "rebelling" against your parents when you know they won't kick you out, but also know you are not such a rebel that you would dare leave home. If Trudeau actually "rebels" against the US and picks the Gripen, he is still the US's lapdog, he just gets to pick what he wears while he sits in the lap.
we all know who is going to be running this program and its not the French. The warm tender embrace of the Germans and the rest of the Eurofighter consortium is going to go deep and hard on France. France will pay big bucks to have a chance to make parts for Typhoon 2.0 while having their sovereignty evaporate, and their requirements put secondary as the revenge is exacted. I can't wait. Macron is walking into a trap, and the pressure they have exerted on Spain will be sweet revenge.

By the time this is done France will be asking "daddy" for more workshare in any language but French, and the old Typhoon group will simply say no and tell them the price just went up again. Funding Germany's next generation fighter, won't be cheap, Pierre, we must all do our part!

If you believe that, then you don't know Dassault.

Between the French state and Dassault, Dassault is the strongest, for example the French state tried 5 times to nationalize Dassault and it did not succeed, even the deportation in the concentration camp of Buchenval of the President of Dassault did not succeed in making Dassault bend.

If Dassault's interests are not protected, Dassault will leave the project, and it is even capable of producing the future fighter on its own funds, as is the case for its civilian aircraft, and then offering it in competition with a possible European aircraft, when the latter is ready several years later.

And in this case France will of course buy the Dassault plane which will be far superior to the European plane because it will be at the top world level.
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Not practical at all. B and C are very compromised designs with inferior flights characteristics, low fuel and low weapons load. You will need refuelers to come close to LOC/LAC. and even then it’s not designed for high altitude operation.
It’s a Bad Bad deal for any Airforce. It’s best suited for small sized carriers and LHDs.
But then why F35. If you want STOL then F22 is there. Why to modify F35 for only STOL.
Having more fuel, operating from unprepared airfields, something the Russians have had for decades. The Flanker could always do what Flynn is talking about. The Fulcrum came with two inlets, the lower one would seal itself for operations from dry and grass fields.

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Just like the HMDS story, where you didn't know the F-35's helmet was just a third generation Israeli device.

But this is not VTOL
the French state tried 5 times to nationalize Dassault and it did not succeed, even the deportation in the concentration camp of Buchenval of the President of Dassault did not succeed in making Dassault bend.
May be because Dassault partners with other European companies for the equipments and French government does not what this to happen?
Having more fuel, operating from unprepared airfields, something the Russians have had for decades. The Flanker could always do what Flynn is talking about. The Fulcrum came with two inlets, the lower one would seal itself for operations from dry and grass fields.

Just like the HMDS story, where you didn't know the F-35's helmet was just a third generation Israeli device.
a 1.5+ hour podcast and all you could come up with is "Russia Stronk also has fly from rough field" ??

"Give us the F-35 or we buy Su-75". Should be an effective threat.
the same person saying the F-35 which saw combat years ago with the Israelis, is "not ready" but the Russian mock up is more ready, and an "effective threat" against the sale having not flown even a single flight. Yes I hope the Americans encourage them to be that stupid. They might as well threaten to buy S-37 Berkut if they don't get F-35. Berkut at least flew. it was one of the more fun Russian vaporware ideas
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The reality is that L.M. has turned its marketing into propaganda to hide the failure of the F-35 development.
  • It has unresolved structural defects that limit its life and are the consequence of the weight reduction campaign that was necessary because the aircraft exceeded the weight limit of its specifications. Some structural frames that were planned to be made of titanium were made of aluminium to gain weight and the structural tests could not be completed.
  • The flight controls, which are critical software, were developed without following the standards that this type of software requires and when employees alerted management to these bad practices, they were transferred to another site and assigned to tasks without responsibilities.
  • The JPO administratively downgraded, i.e. without asking the test pilots and engineers, 800 category 1 anomalies to category 2.
  • The programme is unable to develop ALIS, which manages maintenance and mission preparation, and ODIN, which was supposed to replace it in order to solve the problem, has had its funding cut because it did not work any better.
The more problems the programme has, the more L.M. amplifies its praise and presents the F-35 as wonderful. In fact his propaganda presents the F-35 as if all its features work as specified in its specifications, when they don't, and presents these features as extraordinary novelties when they now exist in almost all modern aircraft because the F-35 has fallen so far behind.

"everything i don't like is LM propaganda" a Childs Guide to Ignoring Basic Facts.
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Don't be an idiot.... or maybe you can't help it? What the F-35 helmet does is an evolution from previous HMD and either you know it and are trying to be a smart a s s or you're really clueless as hell. Does the french plane even have a HMD? NVM lets educate you a bit since you think the F-35 helmet is a third gen Israeli device.

F-35 helmet is more than just a HUD and HOB lock for IR missiles.
And the helmet of the F-35 would not exist without the patents of Thales, you know this franchouillarde company 😛

Gov't Pays $10M To End Patent Case Over F-35 Helmet Display

By Daniel Wilson (November 10, 2021, 5:23 PM EST) The federal government has reached a $ 10 million deal to resolve a long-running patent infringement suit filed by a Thales unit over helmet-mounted display systems produced for the US Department of Defense's F-35 fighter jet program.
Please make up your mind. First it was 3rd gen Israeli, now it's French. I don't know if Thales buying the US Visionix means it's French tech? We also don't know what patent of Visionix was breached. Unless it was the main software program, it may be insignificant. $10m indicates it's not much, as far as settlements go.