Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

We now know what the invoices that Médiapart denounces as false correspond to: they are offsets from the Rafale programme to make models of the Rafale in India! (y):ROFLMAO:

Moreover, some of these models were found on the desk of a future Dassault prospect, a Peruvian general!

"I'm a professional, and you should take me seriously-- but look this guy has a model in his desk!!" funny emoji because that is proof! LOL wow, piccermirandol I guess the Swiss were just lacking in company desk models. same in Brazil too. So again, why is Rafale over 2 billion dollars more than the unaffordable F-35? Insert excuses here:
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"I'm a professional, and you should take me seriously-- but look this guy has a model in his desk!!" funny emoji because that is proof! LOL wow, piccermirandol I guess the Swiss were just lacking in company desk models. same in Brazil too. So again, why is Rafale over 2 billion dollars more than the unaffordable F-35? Insert excuses here:
He’s talking about the bribery allegations. Part of which (I believe) was spent on replicas/models as shown by him.
"I'm a professional, and you should take me seriously-- but look this guy has a model in his desk!!" funny emoji because that is proof! LOL wow, piccermirandol I guess the Swiss were just lacking in company desk models. same in Brazil too. So again, why is Rafale over 2 billion dollars more than the unaffordable F-35? Insert excuses here:
First of all, I have never made an argument from authority in my capacity as a professional and I have never put it forward, I consider myself more of an old pensioner than a professional. Then you have to make yourself some progress to understand humour or sarcasm.
As for the overall price of the Rafale and the F-35, there is a bias that I don't understand, it's the comparison of the price per flight hour in the United States and France on the one hand and in Switzerland on the other. And there is a perfectly explicable reason: for the F-35 there are 20% fewer flight hours under false pretences.

So I'm waiting for confirmation of the Finnish tender before getting on my high horse
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That's not a factor of design but tech. An AESA equipped Flanker would be more dangerous than an f-15. J-16 pretty much proved that
Idiotic statement based on nothing but opinion and emotion. I bet you actually believe your Tata Indian cars are just as good as German made cars because they have wheels, engine and require petrol, eh? Doesn't that sound moronic? Just because Russians have AESA somewhere waiting to be put on their fighters doesn't mean it's as good as US AESA's for pete's sake!

The french planes RBE2 AESA is not as good as the F-18Es APG-79. RBE2 lacks GMTT/GMTI and EW capability. I bet you thought french planes AESA was equal to US fighters, huh?
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So I'm waiting for confirmation of the Finnish tender before getting on my high horse
Lol. You've been riding that high horse for a while problem for you is you've been getting knockdown from it.

Finland will select the F-35 but let me make this prediction incase it happens (because you never know). I predict if Finland selects the F-18E the french fanboys here and at airdefense will somehow in their delusional mind claim this as a victory for their french plane over the F-35. I'm not joking you dopey fench fanboys will celebrate this as some victory over the F-35 even though your plane didn't win.

That is how much the F-35 has totally mentally messed with your minds. I bet you frenchies get nightmares of the F-35, huh? :ROFLMAO:
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they are all monkey models! says person trying to explain how threatening to buy downgraded Russian equipment scares the US. and India should buy more. What great people the Russians are to sell non combat ready equipment to future victims. This is that "professionalism" you mentioned no doubt.

You are confusing the Russians with the SU. The Russians have made available some of their best tech for export. The SU kept their clients a generation behind. Only India benefited once or twice with slightly older models, only slightly behind the Warsaw Pact.

You are snorting vodka if you think PAKFA went according to plan as you claimed earlier. Even now they are waiting on engines. Why are they waiting on engines? because way back in the 1980s the Americans spent big money to develop advanced engines that went into the ATF program that became the F-22. The Soviet counter to this was to collapse and lose decades. To this day they still don't have engines, they are as you admit, constantly 2nd. Reacting rather than acting. Russia has built how many Su-57 in the decade plus since it first flew? and its lost one to a crash and one to an engine fire (those engines again!)

This shows you do not know much about Su-57's development.

and hey if it doesn't go your way just start saying "monkey model" and tell everyone that Russia deliberately sabotages the weapon systems you are advocating

willing buyer, willing supplier. The Russians want to sell "monkey models" to monkeys, and monkeys want to buy them. Darwin would be proud. unwitting Kamikazes.

Dude, you know nothing about this subject. The more I read your posts, the more I am convinced you are trolling.

The safety record alone of the Flanker tells me all I need to know. PAKFA as well. The amount of problems they have had with the dozen or so Su-57 tells so much. and even if they were superior to Eagle and Viper, and they are not; the US has Flankers in private hands. The US and about 15 other countries are already moving past them. Russia is great. they finally "master" the old 4th generation and then find out everyone is already onto the next generation and the next generation (NGAD) after that. and that's assuming they aren't selling you the old "monkey model" which is even a generation behind what they claim. In an amazing act of coincidence all the things the west thinks are required to make a modern fighter are lacking in Russia. Except Bananas of course.

The safety record of the Flanker is excellent.
The USAF too.

There is not a single fighter pilot in the entire USAF that thinks a Flanker can beat them. You selectively quoting the USAF doesn't change that. besides they'll only ever face monkey models remember?

The USAF has said plenty of unflattering things about Flankers, you choose to forget them, and then explain all short comings as "monkey models"

its the perfect excuse. if Russian gear wins then it is superior, when it loses, then it wasn't "real" Russian equipment. its a child's logic.

You are telling us combat is the only real test, and then dismissing combat when your team fails the test. Flankers combat record is nothing compared to F-15 which may go down in history as the most dominant air to air platform in history. So I agree with you, lets use combat as the metric, and watch F-15 win easily, while you talk about record setting Flankers like P-42 that are not even combat machines. lets use combat as a measurement oops! wait on second thought the true measure of a fighter is world record turning! Monkey model!
Lol. You've been riding that high horse for a while problem for you is you've been getting knockdown from it.

Finland will select the F-35 but let me make this prediction incase it happens (because you never know). I predict if Finland selects the F-18E the french fanboys here and at airdefense will somehow in their delusional mind claim this as a victory for their french plane over the F-35. I'm not joking you dopey fench fanboys will celebrate this as some victory over the F-35 even though your plane didn't win.

That is how much the F-35 has totally mentally messed with your minds. I bet you frenchies get nightmares of the F-35, huh? :ROFLMAO:

yes, much like how we are being told the F-35 which is an engineering example of "what not to do," and not reliable, but F-35 is loaded with French parts, uses French Software, and is made using French programs. the Superiority of the French F-35 will not be denied!

You have 100 percent captured the logic that will be applied. "if it can't be me, at least don't let it be him! and that will be a victory" but then of course, the Rafale loses to Super Hornet...

That's not a factor of design but tech. An AESA equipped Flanker would be more dangerous than an f-15. J-16 pretty much proved that
no no nothing can prove anything except for real combat, and even then the Russian equipment losses will be excused as "monkey models" so not even real combat can really show the superiority of Russian equipment. so pay no attention to the F-15s perfect air to air combat record, because the Chinese put an AESA on a Flanker, the F-15 is now second despite decades of evidence to the contrary. If they put a coffee maker in J-16 the F-15 falls even further behind
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Lol. You've been riding that high horse for a while problem for you is you've been getting knockdown from it.

Finland will select the F-35 but let me make this prediction incase it happens (because you never know). I predict if Finland selects the F-18E the french fanboys here and at airdefense will somehow in their delusional mind claim this as a victory for their french plane over the F-35. I'm not joking you dopey fench fanboys will celebrate this as some victory over the F-35 even though your plane didn't win.

That is how much the F-35 has totally mentally messed with your minds. I bet you frenchies get nightmares of the F-35, huh? :ROFLMAO:
It would seem quite logical to me that the Finns would choose the F-18 SH for continuity with the F-18s they already have. I would be disappointed for the Rafale, but the Finns are the only judge of their needs and if they want to be very conservative that is their right.

The choice of the F-35 has other disadvantages, it weakens the military power that buys it because it turns out to be too expensive after the purchase and this is to the detriment of either the flying hours generated with the budget or to the detriment of other components of the army. So we're not happy that an ally is weakened and we resent the US for abusing that ally.
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You are confusing the Russians with the SU. The Russians have made available some of their best tech for export. The SU kept their clients a generation behind. Only India benefited once or twice with slightly older models, only slightly behind the Warsaw Pact.

Surely, they only sold everyone else monkey models. You have the real stuff.

This shows you do not know much about Su-57's development. Dude, you know nothing about this subject. The more I read your posts, the more I am convinced you are trolling.

Not trolling, just capable of basic observation and not drunk on Vodka and Kremlin dreams

The safety record of the Flanker is excellent.
compared to what?
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It would seem quite logical to me that the Finns would choose the F-18 SH for continuity with the F-18s they already have. I would be disappointed for the Rafale, but the Finns are the only judge of their needs and if they want to be very conservative that is their right.

The choice of the F-35 has other disadvantages, it weakens the military power that buys it because it turns out to be too expensive after the purchase and this is to the detriment of either the flying hours generated with the budget or to the detriment of other components of the army. So we're not happy that an ally is weakened and we resent the US for abusing that ally.
this is where Rafale is superior, its unaffordable from the start. openly. costing 2 billion more in Switzerland. you buy fewer Rafales overall. if people are willing to pay more to get less with Rafale, then they won't be "weakened" later. this is somehow not abuse. and when that ally like say India gets abused, they will nicely blame the ally. They did nothing wrong, its the buyer
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Idiotic statement based on nothing but opinion and emotion. I bet you actually believe your Tata Indian cars are just as good as German made cars because they have wheels, engine and require petrol, eh? Doesn't that sound moronic? Just because Russians have AESA somewhere waiting to be put on their fighters doesn't mean it's as good as US AESA's for pete's sake!

The french planes RBE2 AESA is not as good as the F-18Es APG-79. RBE2 lacks GMTT/GMTI and EW capability. I bet you thought french planes AESA was equal to US fighters, huh?
AFIK US made cars are agricultural at best and are generally considered pile of crap. There is a reason US automobile companies can’t compete with others (including TATAs and M&M ), and are going bankrupt one after the other.
Putting a monstrous V6 or V8 gas guzzler on a ladder frame chassis and a soap box like body doesn’t make it a modern car. And audacity is putting a humongous price tag on those trucks. Tata and M&M offer way better car with much more modern features for what price they are seeking. There is a reason Ford Motor has shut shops in India, which is too stiff competition from local car makers and Japanese and Korean manufacturers.
Only bragging point you lot have left with is the Tesla EVs, which too IMO is not going to last long. 4-5 yrs max.
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his is where Rafale is superior, its unaffordable from the start. openly. costing 2 billion more in Switzerland. you buy fewer Rafales overall. if people are willing to pay more to get less with Rafale, then they won't be "weakened" later. this is somehow not abuse. and when that ally like say India gets abused, they will nicely blame the ally. They did nothing wrong, its the buyer
The difference is that France does not have the same leverage as the US:
  • No ITAR rule
  • No extra-territorial law
This means that our clients can choose on more objective criteria.

And the Rafale is not very expensive, it is less expensive than the F-35 and the Typhoon, and when it is more expensive than another plane it is justified by superior performance.
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this is where Rafale is superior, its unaffordable from the start. openly. costing 2 billion more in Switzerland. you buy fewer Rafales overall. if people are willing to pay more to get less with Rafale, then they won't be "weakened" later. this is somehow not abuse. and when that ally like say India gets abused, they will nicely blame the ally. They did nothing wrong, its the buyer
Don't you love his moronic logic? He touts himself as some expert... maybe at airdefense he's considered an expert since just about everyone there thinks like him maybe that is why he thinks highly of himself.

His logic: F-35 too expensive for Finland, french plane not so much. Even though Finland doesn't fly a french fighter or has french fighter weapons in inventory and would have to go through a huge transition, logistic and training change, french plane would be a lot cheaper according to this french clowns logic.

He also believes because Finns fly F-18c that somehow F-18E will be easier transition because they look a like and have same name even though they are two entirely different fighters. Swiss came to the conclusion that F-18E was expensive to buy and operate and we still don't know which fighter came in second place waaay behind the F-35. I personally believe the F-18E came in second place since is equal to the french plane.
AFIK US made cars are agricultural at best and are generally considered pile of crap. There is a reason US automobile companies can’t compete with others (including TATAs and M&M ), and are going bankrupt one after the other.
Putting a monstrous V6 or V8 gas guzzler on a ladder frame chassis and a soap box like body doesn’t make it a modern car. And audacity is putting a humongous price tag on those trucks. Tata and M&M offer way better car with much more modern features for what price they are seeking. There is a reason Ford Motor has shut shops in India, which is too stiff competition from local car makers and Japanese and Korean manufacturers.
Only bragging point you lot have left with is the Tesla EVs, which too IMO is not going to last long. 4-5 yrs max.
What the hell are you talking about? What the hell does your post have to do with my response to Lolwa? :confused:
You were mocking Tata in that post. So compelled to reply back.

PS: Sorry for off topic post.
Wasn't mocking Tata just pointing out the obvious. Tata cars don't compare to German made ones just like AESA fighter radars are not the same just because it's an AESA. I could have used chicom made cars but this isn't a chicom forum or have any clue what the names of chicom cars are.
Wasn't mocking Tata just pointing out the obvious. Tata cars don't compare to German made ones just like AESA fighter radars are not the same just because it's an AESA. I could have used chicom made cars but this isn't a chicom forum or have any clue what the names of chicom cars are.
One last time-
Just because something is made in a specific country or by specific people, don’t make it a superior product automatically. And to be fair many cars of Tata actually fairs better than their German counterparts. So stop making vague comments.
One last time-
Just because something is made in a specific country or by specific people, don’t make it a superior product automatically. And to be fair many cars of Tata actually fairs better than their German counterparts. So stop making vague comments.

Stop being such a sensitive Sally. We Yanks know Deutsch autos are superior to US even Nippon cars are recognized as better
cars than US made ones and don't get our panties in a twist when it's pointed out just like you did.

You need to grow a pair and stop your whaaaaa. You gonna whine and get all millennial on me if I say chicom J-10c is superior than Tejas fighter too?