Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

Rafale with Mica-NG and Meteor will swat F-35 more often than otherwise. F-35 may remain hidden from RBE2-AA upto 20-30kms, but OSF(now with much more powerful IRST in Rafale-I), will catch F-35 from 70-80 kms away. In a contested air zone, that matters a lot.

Now, if F-35 emits and tries to catch Rafale with its more powerful and superior APG-81, that's where SPECTRA comes in and lobs Meteor towards F-35 passively.

Rafale is an excellent plane. Only reason USAF dominates is because they go the whole shebang. 1 vs 1, Rafale will swat every single US fighter sans F-22.
Meteor is good, but not special.

Why would the IRST not take the F-22 as well? There's nothing in the F-22 that makes it better than the F-35 in BVR.

Rome's legions weren't the best individual fighters and often smaller than opponents yet outfought them due to teamwork and organization. 1 on 1 isn't really relevant in a war. Beating someone in 1 on 1 in basketball isn't a great accomplishment if your opponents best attribute is passing for example.

Hypothetically, in a 4 on 4 situation with AWACS support the F-35 could lob missiles 80km away from the Rafale with targeting done by the AWACS with 0 chance of detection for example. Hell even without AWACS, one F-35 could detect the Rafales from 200km away and guide the F-35 missiles fired 80km away.

edit: I like this explanation for why IRST isn't that great.

If an Infrared Search and Track (IRST) pod can track a stealth jet, then why are stealth jets still a large threat? Additionally, what mo...
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Meteor is good, but not special.
Its range and ability to remain powered throughout its whole flight is unprecedented. Even if F-35 and Rafale both fire AIM-120D and Meteor towards each other at the same time. Meteor will reach F-35 much sooner with lots more energy and endgame kinematics. Result: F-35 neutralized.
Why would the IRST not take the F-22 as well? There's nothing in the F-22 that makes it better than the F-35 in BVR.
Of course Rafale's new OSF-NG(which Indian Rafale have got) will catch Raptor too. But Raptor is not only about stealth like Stubby. It has a combination of stealth, supercruise and supermaneuverability, which really makes it a hard kill.

F-22 will shoot with more altitude and energy and also possess the ability to defeat missiles kinematically. On stark contrast, F-35 can't run, burn or turn. Got the drift.
Rome's legions weren't the best individual fighters and often smaller than opponents yet outfought them due to teamwork and organization. 1 on 1 isn't really relevant in a war. Beating someone in 1 on 1 in basketball isn't a great accomplishment if your opponents best attribute is passing for example.
I agree with this point. If USAF throws its full gambit then any opposition is Effed. Its definitely a team effort.
Hypothetically, in a 4 on 4 situation with AWACS support the F-35 could lob missiles 80km away from the Rafale with targeting done by the AWACS with 0 chance of detection for example. Hell even without AWACS, one F-35 could detect the Rafales from 200km away and guide the F-35 missiles fired 80km away.
If a team of F-35 is accompanied by AWACS then Rafale is Effed, I agree. But that is where Meteor comes into the fray. Rafale would need to wipe out that AWACS, otherwise OSF advantage is lost.
With QWIP based IRST and soon with Quantum Dot based processors, IRST tech has taken a giant leap forward.

In modern contested dense air zone, if you emit, you die. So, IRST will become more and more important.

Even F-22 MLU is going to carry an IRST pod. That tells you about its importance in modern air warfare.
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They are just trolling the F-35. They know in their hearts, the Rafale is inferior. It's too silly for me even to post a rebuttle. Two minutes on google would show how desperate they are. What is worse, is that they know they are lying.
It's funny seeing how stupid and little these people know. They are stuck in the 90's and still believe somehow agility and speed is still king in air to air when it's SA and stealth. Rafale/MKI can't kill what it can't see. F-35 will always get the first shot and kill.
It's funny seeing how stupid and little these people know. They are stuck in the 90's and still believe somehow agility and speed is still king in air to air when it's SA and stealth. Rafale/MKI can't kill what it can't see. F-35 will always get the first shot and kill.
Sweetie's baaaackkk... How did your douching session at both ends go , sweetie ? How I missed you , hunny bunny ?!

On topic , look first & shoot first translates to kill first ??! That could well be the case in 2030 in a Lightning vs Rafale contest once the former gets itself a thorough MLU & FOC , new engines , weapons package , sensor & EW suite , bells & whistle , et al .

But today ? Let's not get ahead of ourselves sweetie . While the odds definitely favor the Lightnings it's by no means overwhelming & we're referring to the Rafales here not a Su-35 or a J-10C .
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Ah la la! Me who had maraboutised @randomradio, I only have to do it again. :p

But I'm surprised you never noticed . He's been pretty consistent about this which is ofcourse a subjective matter . Allow me to summarise his position -

J-20 > F-35

F-35 > Rafale

But Rafale > J-20

It's there in all his posts for the past 2 yrs at least , the longest I've seen him hold on to particular position consistently & he sees absolutely no contradiction in his own mutually contradictory position .

He's also the only guy I know of who's used a triple negative bypassing English grammar in an attempt to make a positive / assertive statement whereas everyone else following the rules of English grammar use a double negative to make a similar statement . What's more he almost pulled it off . I kid you not .
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So these are the numbers I told you. The range is not double.

56%. Not 100%.

Nope. You melt multiple things. There is Radius Range and Ferry range, but also combat range.
The only thing we can compare between fighter jets is ferry range. Why ? Because in combat, because plane, payload and mission profile are different, it is impossible to compare.

Ferry range for Rafale is 3700km, not 3000 (with external tanks)
F-35 with internal fuel is 2300 km. (source is USAF website here)

Here, by trying to get right, you minimise the number of the Rafale and maximise the one of the F-35. Both the number you gave are wrong.

The ferry range without external tanks is 2500Km for Rafale and 3000Km for F-35A.

You don't enter enemy airspace with fuel tanks. And once you drop it, the Rafale has a range of 2500Km and F-35 has 3900Km. How is this difficult to get?

If you want to compare range with full fuel tanks, then the F-35's is more than 4000Km. It surpasses the F-16 in ferry range.

And the 2300Km for F-35 also has the words "more than" in it. Even the 30% range upgrade is "more than".

Let's see when the XA100 will be operational. If this engine reach the expectation at 100%, it will be the first time in the full programm we have a promise kept

The Americans are good on the hardware side of things, especially the engine.

You are confusing between power and speed. Look at any aerial demonstration (F35, Rafale, F22, Typhoon or wathever) The planes will almost alway use the full afterburner and never go supersonic.

They are not allowed to during airshows. You can turn on the AB without going supersonic.

If, during a strike mission, you are catched by an ennemy, you have to defend yoursellf. F-35 have only 2 Amraam Missiles to do it, and not even close range missile. If a plane is approaching it, basically... It will be dead.

Sure, which is why it needs escorts. But 2 AAMs are also enough for the purpose. Most strike fighters also carried just 2 missiles.

Because you can have this :

transformed in few second by jetisson the heavy load. But it will remain with 6 deadly A2A missiles and an agility the the F35 will NEVER reach.
Also, even without the advantage of the IWB, the Rafale can be transformed from a deadly bomber to a pure fighter.
The F35 in both case will have the payload of a poor strike aircraft (2 bombs and 2 missiles) and a poor fighter (2 missiles)

This is my point too. The Rafale is a better A2A fighter, but has to lose its payload to become one.

So if the Rafale is able to jetisson its huge payload, maybe it will loose some amunition, but it will have much more better chances to survive by itself.

The F-35 can do the same without losing its payload.

I never said the F35 is not impressive. but compare them the way you are doing it remind me endless discussions with fanboys. F35 have its own advantages, but the ones your are trying to argues with here are really not relevants and no realistics at all.

You have been listening far too much to diehard F-35 fanboys and very little to F-35 experts.


Still nope.

Sorry, it's yes and yes to both. You are starting with the wrong numbers.

Rafale's ferry range will always remain 2500Km without a brand new engine, whereas F-35A's ferry range will increase by 30% to 3900Km by 2030.

Do you believe 2500Km vs 3900Km is not a generation difference?

The F-35 by using its IWB only, have a really poor payload. But it is normal, it is done to enter in a verry dangerous area during the first phases of a conflict. Then, it will use hardpoint under wings, and here also, the payload is better, it is not impressive anyway. (I don't like to use the word "impressive" by the way)

The F-35's internal payload is adequate, it can carry 2 large bombs or 8 SDBs, it's enough for such a role. FCAS will also not be any different. AMCA is also the same, in fact slightly inferior in terms of heavier payloads. Its external payload is more than the Rafale's, it can carry 6 1000Kg bombs in total.

LOL. Do you have at least a source to this comic joke ? Or are you trying to convince some simple minds with this lie just to not recognised that you told a fool ?
Do you have aldeary, once in your life, saw from your eyes a strike mission preparation ? It takes hours ! You need to thing with a map, to rely on intelligence. Once the first shot is done, the cards have changes. You have to restart the intelligence collect from the begining. So, please...

The F-35 changes that. Even the Rafale is said to be able to perform mission planning in-flight.

The F-35 can do its own intelligence collection, said to be superior to traditional ISR like AWACS and JSTARs, and its touchscreen display can display a map. I don't see the problem here. Rafale can do the same. It is just supported by a weaker intelligence backbone when not using American ISR.

Pretty much all modern cockpits can handle in-flight mission planning.

The entire point of 5th generation avionics and sensor fusion is to be able to plan a mission quickly due to the impermanence of the threat environment. For example, only 2 F-22s are necessary to complate a SEAD/DEAD assignment in a matter of minutes compared to 16 4th gen aircraft that takes hours.

You mix everything.
Awacs are used during combat mission, (I will speak about COMAO because we are talking about strike missions). If the Awacs will not be useful at all, tell me why the USAF is replacing them by the E7 ?
Rivet Joint have been almost abandonned because operational expectation have never been met. RC135 collect EM Intelligence and Compass call deceive the ennemy communication, two roles have nothing to do with F-35 roles.

The E7 purchase is a stopgap measure. Their main ISR capabilities will come via satellites.

Nothing to do with that. If you work at DRDO, please ask one time to speak with pilot and ask them the huge workload they have to properly prepare a strike mission. It is not possible to do that in flight, even if you have a really comfortable seat, huge sreen, chips and frech coke.

Based on US pilots, they can plan a SEAD/DEAD mission with only 2 F-22s and JDAMs. They can find a target while flying, assign bombs to targets, scan the air for enemy DCA, then engage the enemy air, supercruise towards the SAM site, drop bombs at assigned targets and supercruise on egress.

IAF pilots cannot experience that because they barely have any 5th gen capabilities yet. Only the USAF can do this reliably today.

Flying at an altitude of 50,000 feet and a speed of Mach 1.5, the F-22 released a GPS-aided, 1,000-pound JDAM from a range of 24 nautical miles, destroying a ground target in the aircraft's fastest and highest JDAM delivery to date.

Because of its stealth technology, the Raptor has been able to venture into the battlespace unnoticed and help support the AWACS and Rivet Joint during exercises such as Northern Edge. The F-22s communicated Red Force surface and air threat information to the entire OCA package. The SEAD assets were then able to use that information fused with information from other sources to target the threats.

The F-22 could do that back then, the F-35 will eventually do even better.

This is come from your mind ? Or do you have a source for that too ?

Mission planning time drops when number of assets used drops. The F-22 needs 2 jets to perform a mission that requires 8 F-35s or 16 F-16s. How much mission planning do you think 2 pilots need? In the future too, MUM-T means only a few people will plan missions and use drones as secondary enablers instead of 16 F-16s.

yes, but not on IWB.

IWB is not necessary for standoff missiles.

lower, from a longer distance, with better A2A missiles to defend itself.

It has the option to adapt given the threat. The Rafale has no such option, has to fly low.

You dream about that, but no. I already told you why it will be stupid to keep bombs internally.

Not even Dassault thinks that.

But it will have way better chances of survive. That's the point. In death danger, the most important is to survive. Not to keep bombs with you.

Dropping bombs that are in IWB will slow down the escape.

You won. I can't compete with that level of bad faith.

So LCA can't carry Brahmos?

I bet this image is also in bad faith.


Will have, will have... But when ?!! You have a lot of expectations with the LCA, the truth is that this program is made to help the India to build a full defense industrie through a real fighter programm. But don't have too much expectations if no you will be really desapointed.
LCA is maybe a good aircraft (I don't know it very well) MK1 is very limited, and MK2 is not here. And when it come to discuss about HAL, the only thing you can be sure off, is the delay.

In terms of standoff capabilities, the LCA Mk1A will surpass the Rafale due to weapons options in just 1-1.5 more years.

Both Brahmos and SCALP are options for Mk1A.

Sure, Mk2 will take time, but we are not talking about which aircraft is better. The point I'm making is 4th gen aircraft are all similar in standoff capabilities. Even LCA Mk2 matches Rafale. So it's not a big deal. You are the one arguing in bad faith.

F35 is "ON PAPER" a generation ahead. But for me it is not due to the IWB. It helps, but that's it.

F-35 is a generation ahead compared to Rafale in some areas (passive stealth, IWB), below a generation in some areas (supercruise, agility), on par in some areas (avionics, weapons). You have to be specific. But IWB is most definitely a next gen feature. It's a very serious capability upgrade.

I will stop the discussion here, because you talk with a lot of confidence in some topic that obviously you don't understand. False numbers, lies, false argument or invented ones, just to be right. You can think I'm arrogant, but for me it is enough. It was a festival of fanboy attitude I never saw from a long time.


You are just in denial. And this is coming from a Rafale supporter.

I think I have better qualifications to be objective compared to a Frenchman or American on this subject.

Sidekick allows the F-35 to carry 6 A2A missiles internally.

But that's based on current technology and weapons. USA is developing long range missile same size as AIM-120 with 200km + range. As well as developing a new missile that fires the same range as the AIM120 with the kicker being half the size. 4 + 4 would be quite the show.

Well that's a pretty big advantage. I could reverse it and say the only advantage Rafale has over F-35 is the supposed Spectra. Let's just say Spectra is really all that. Great, but adding Spectra onto the F-35 one day is very possible and doable. Adding stealth to the Rafale is impossible.

It's not the be all end all in air combat, but it's similar to the advantage Jordan has by jumping higher than everyone. It's a big deal.

They are just trolling the F-35. They know in their hearts, the Rafale is inferior. It's too silly for me even to post a rebuttle. Two minutes on google would show how desperate they are. What is worse, is that they know they are lying.

The F-35 has the potential to be good, but it's a piece of crap today.
The ferry range without external tanks is 2500Km for Rafale and 3000Km for F-35A.
The A2A radius is 720nm so about 1440nm/28,000 km in one direction. That also allows for time on station and combat. Ferry range would be more than 3k without new engine or tanks
F-35 is a generation ahead compared to Rafale in some areas (passive stealth, IWB), below a generation in some areas (supercruise, agility), on par in some areas (avionics, weapons). You have to be specific. But IWB is most definitely a next gen feature. It's a very serious capability upgrade.
I have an issue with the said supercruise, agility, avionics and weapons. I'll await the Indian air force to agree. Or any other user besides France for that matter.
The F-35 has the potential to be good, but it's a piece of crap today.
This piece of crap in block 3f, is still the best plane available today. As many air forces have said.
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Ah la la! Me who had maraboutised @randomradio, I only have to do it again. :p

I have never believed Rafale to be better than the F-35 at strike, only in the A2A domain. My only argument, always, was the Rafale is ready, the F-35 is not, when it comes to strike.

I had always argued that the biggest failing of the Rafale compared to the F-22 is the lack of IWB, which prevents it from supercrusing with Hammers. And the Rafale is very clearly inferior to the F-35 in strike due to the other reasons I have already stated above.

And I had also believed that Rafale's superiority is ensured only with the arrival of GaN for radar and EW suite by 2025. Sadly, even that's been postponed to 2030+. Now we know that the radar will be the same one as before, which puts it in the same class as what DRDO has already developed for the LCA, and they also claim it's better than what's on the Rafale. And F4.2 largely serves as a program meant to bridge the gap between the Rafale and F-35, like the addition of AGCAS and patrol link. GaN by 2025 was necessary to compete with the J-20, but now both F-35 and Rafale will get GaN around the same time.

In strike, performance, payload, range, stealth, altitude options, dedicated avionics, everything necessary to accomplish such a mission is better on the F-35A.

Sadly bubzy lacks coherent arguments. His only arguments have been relying on wrong data and going into denial.
Sadly bubzy lacks coherent arguments. His only arguments have been relying on wrong data and going into denial.
He lives in a frog bubble nest on airdefense. This is what they spout all day. I disagree with your conclusions on the F-35, but at least you are worth replying to. It's pretty hard to supercruise, when just an IR pod pulls the rafale back to M1.4 in afterburner.
The A2A radius is 720nm so about 1440nm/28,000 km in one direction. That also allows for time on station and combat. Ferry range would be more than 3k without new engine or tanks

Yes, it's likely that the ferry range is more than 3000Km. But it's good to be careful. MKI is also above that, but we still say 3000.

I have an issue with the said supercruise, agility, avionics and weapons. I'll await the Indian air force to agree. Or any other user besides France for that matter.

Rafale's? It does. Confirmed by an Indian Air Marshal. We have already seen the Rafale pull 10.5G. And we know it far surpasses the M2000. Avionics being next gen has also been confirmed. Our ACM bragged about it already.

This piece of crap in block 3f, is still the best plane available today. As many air forces have said.

Nope. Most of the F-35's capabilities that you see on the net are only on paper. Regular pilots cannot use it beyond the simulator. So, unless they are all tested in the JSE, a commander cannot use it in the real world. At worst, it has to be tested during war with China in a limited way, but without relying on it.

Pretty much all the cool stuff air forces brag about are still software locked. It's only after B4 is fully developed can they be used. Otherwise you are risking both the life of the pilot and the success of the mission. A commander cannot use an untested capability on the battlefield.

There's not much special about B3F. The only next gen advantage the F-35 has today comes from its stealth and some avionics cleared for use. The air forces that use Rafale, like Greece, will be more impressed by the Rafale until the F-35 is ready by 2030 or so.
He lives in a frog bubble nest on airdefense. This is what they spout all day. I disagree with your conclusions on the F-35, but at least you are worth replying to. It's pretty hard to supercruise, when just an IR pod pulls the rafale back to M1.4 in afterburner.

Dunno much about the French forum, I don't wanna deal with translations, so I can't comment on that.

Rafale's supercruise is only specific to A2A. So give it some AAMs, a drop tank and it can somewhat compete with the F-22.

The requirement for air forces for air defence is 6 AAMs and 2 subsonic DTs that are dropped before engagement, for interception it's 4 AAMs and 1 centerline supersonic DT. So Rafale is said to supercruise with 6 AAMs or 4 AAMs + 1 DT.

This is one of the main features why the IAF believes the Rafale is enough to compete with the J-20.
DRDO Claims a lot of Things.
Let's See if it's real.

The IAF is really happy with DRDO radars. They themselves announced DRDO has ended the need to import radars since 2022. It's one of our few successes after EW suites.
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french pilot Atts said at air show, but 9g with missiles and 5.5g with tanks or bombs

That's soft restrictions on the FCS. Pilots can surpass that in case of emergencies.

The F-35A can also do 10G, but restricted to 9.

The rafale doesn't supercruise in any meaningful way. Or the comps would say that it does. Even the F-35 goes M1.2 without AB and it's not called supercruise.

The F-35A doesn't supercruise. It can maintain transonic speeds for 150 miles. It's impressive for a subsonic-only fighter, but lacks real world applications. It's tactically not good enough, using the AB is a better option. The F-35 also heats up quickly, which is bad for avionics, so it's not good for sustained supersonic operations. The primary use of the AB is to boost thrust in bursts for higher speed and acceleration or to run away.

The F-22 can do 400 miles, standard, and the Su-57 can do 1000 miles. The problem is the lack of fuel on the F-22.

The only supercruisers in existence today are the F-22, Typhoon and Rafale, in that order.
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I have never believed Rafale to be better than the F-35 at strike, only in the A2A domain. My only argument, always, was the Rafale is ready, the F-35 is not, when it comes to strike.
Lol. F-35 sees Rafale first and kills Rafale first... Period. There's nothing Rafale can do to kill an F-35 other than hope the F-35 is a moron and decides a WVR fight and then Rafale might have a shot at a kill... might.
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Meteor is good, but not special.
>70km of No Escape Zone (officially. The truth may be 80... 100 ?)
>>200km max range
It is more than good.
Lol. F-35 sees Rafale first and kills Rafale first... Period. There's nothing Rafale can do to kill an F-35 other than hope the F-35 is a moron and decides a WVR fight and then Rafale might have a shot at a kill... might.
You forget that F35 is only stealth in some EM freq.
You forget that no fighter can be stealth in low band radar waves (this is why all new chinese destroyers are fitted with low band radar, for exemple).
You forget that F35 is unstealthy in Infra Red.