You do realise the burden of proof rests in your hands, right?
At this time, all proof points towards the radar and TRD only.
The American concept of stealth is actually quite simple.
-Use EA from outside the detection range of SAMs using radar.
-Use stealth to penetrate. Zero emissions during penetration, so no jamming.
-If things go south, reel out the TRD, try to jam the radar and/or missile while you either escape or accomplish the mission. This way the TRD overwhelms enemy radar with overflow, while the jet maintains stealth from a distance.
The Israelis added a jamming pod to the Adir because the jet itself lacks jamming capability.
Israel is also developing two different sets of external fuel tanks to extend the F-35’s range. The first will be non-stealthy 425-gallon underwing tanks developed by a subsidiary of Elbit—these could be dropped when approaching enemy airspace (the pylons holding the drop tanks would reportedly...
The new system will also allow the I.D.F to install Israeli-built datalinks and defensive avionics systems such as radar-jamming pods. An official told Aviation Week the IAF expects the advantages of the F-35’s low radar cross section will be “good for five to ten years” before adversaries develop countermeasures.
Thus, the I.D.F particularly values the flexibility to install “plug-and-play” defensive countermeasures such as jamming pods as they become relevant and available.
You don't need an external jamming pod if there was internal capability. This is common sense.