Man Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MPATGM) Developments : Updates & Discussions

MPATGM propellant is developed successfully and missile max range is achieved by HEMRL, same is now going to be handed over to production partners via tot.

DRDO has released EoI for 2 types of High Explosive technology. First warhead is most probably for a SAM and second is most probably a warhead either for ATGM or any penetrating bunker burster bomb.
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What exactly is the difference between MPATGM and Amogha-3?
Amogha-3 is a watered-down version of the MPATGM. Reduced weight, reduced range, reduced armour penetration & of course reduced price.

BDL is now in conversation with some foreign country to export the Amogha-3. They haven't mentioned which country. I think it is Armenia. Amogha-3 would be an upgrade over the 2nd generation SACLOS guided Konkurs-M they purchased from BDL last year.