Man Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MPATGM) Developments : Updates & Discussions

DRDO has released EoI for 2 types of High Explosive technology. First warhead is most probably for a SAM and second is most probably a warhead either for ATGM or any penetrating bunker burster bomb. 20241012_110305.png20241012_110337.png
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What exactly is the difference between MPATGM and Amogha-3?
Amogha-3 is a watered-down version of the MPATGM. Reduced weight, reduced range, reduced armour penetration & of course reduced price.

BDL is now in conversation with some foreign country to export the Amogha-3. They haven't mentioned which country. I think it is Armenia. Amogha-3 would be an upgrade over the 2nd generation SACLOS guided Konkurs-M they purchased from BDL last year.