Missile Test Watch

Chatter on Twitter, this being modified Brahmos acting as target for naval AD.
I understand the hype, but won't that depend on work being finished first. Most of the rumours are from tenders, which needs to be awarded first. At present we know there were definite tenders of aerial target service for astra mk2 and Akash ng came last month. Lets see what they test. I expect AD system test to happen a bit later toward end of year.
Please stop posting fake Twitter handles tweet. They feel like parasite to genuine posters both here & on Twitter. Copied content from multiple news reporting on this matter already which is also available on Twitter.
This one was actually reported by timesnow news , possibly by someone quite novice. There is only 1 notam of some test on 5th to 9th Oct for 2k km. What it is, is anyone's guess.

Whatever they test, they have to prepare first, and all of related labs, SF complex have been quite busy over the past month, particularly ITR and PXE. you do not stock up on medicines, speed boats, underwater gear, boots and protective clothes, air to ground comm, comm from ground to heli+ jets , calibrator, tools, searchlights (handheld) loads of other things even taxi services for specific days for nothing. Weather permitting, we are just about to enter some testing phase for sure like every year.