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This story about prized race horses, stallions & studs ( not what you're thinking about & drooling for sweetie @Innominate ) begins with a champion Irish bred stallion turned stud called Shergar who in 1981-82 won the Epsom Derby & was valued at 12 million USD before he was cultivated by his owners to be a stud on a stud farm ( again not what you think sweetie) where in 1983 Shergar was kidnapped for a ransom.

Long story short, after 4 days of suspenseful negotiations the kidnappers ceased all contact abruptly. Apparently, while kidnapping the horse suffered a serious injury to one of it's limbs & had to be put down. So why am I telling you this. To reinforce this little point - Trust the Irish to live upto their reputation, Paddy. @BMD
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Lulz. The mental midget can't let me go.
Aww , sweetie seems peeved with my assessment y'day that sweetie lacks the necessary mental make up & educational rigor needed for analytical posts . If you were exposed during the E virus like Stuxnet episode you were further exposed when PicDel posted a series of calculations demonstrating why the Rafales would have a better MTOW , hence is a better buy as opposed to the Hornets .

@Optimist tried to mount a weak defence but couldn't sustain it . The calculations & formulae were there for all to verify & it was clear PicDel was right & Optimist was wrong but at least he raised objections given his loyalties . OTOH , you weaseled it out for this was an out of the syllabi subject for you .

So what have we learnt here ? That sweetie's knowledge is all cut copy paste which eschews analysis since sweetie lacks critical thinking given sweetie doesn't possess the necessary tools to analyse , hence can't analyse but loves being anal ysed. Pun unintended. Sorry . Couldn't resist that juvenile joke. But you're still big daddy's favourite little big girl . 😁

Ever since I got him to say something that got him banned he's been on a mission.
Was that the incident when I stated I don't chat to the unwashed on Mondays & you blew a fuse spewing racist rants against Indians getting a ban for a month with you checking in on the proceedings practically every day of the ban. Yes , that must have been the incident in question.

He even imposed a self ban/boycott of this place because of me but that didn't last.

Sometimes I wish I had the luxury of living with my folks with them footing the bill , working in a 7x 11 , dipping my hands in the till every so often instead of being a corporate slave providing for my family . Not to be Sigh !!

I KID YOU NOT mate since he came back he's been posting pics of tranny's trying to get my attention to show me what he's into.

Ok ok. You love trans . You've mentioned that before & I've already noted that . Will tag you in case I come across such photos in the future . That's a promise. Happy ?

He also post videos of animals having sex which is another thing he's into.

Animals having sex ? Now you're just lying. Pls link that post of mine to me . Let others see it too .

What I did tag you with is a tweet of an elephant with ticklish anus syndrome , something you suffer from too which explains your orientation , but which the elephant can't help, as there's no faggotry among pachyderms which is why the poor elephant had to uproot a tree to scratch his ticklish anus . Trust that explains things..

Poor fella ever since I became a member and starting calling out his BS it has been a nightmare for him.

Yup . So much so that after posting an emoticon on every post of mine for nearly a year , sweetie's finally thrown the towel. Took 4 days off , presumably for therapy before ceasing that activity completely. You thought you'd p iss me off . Muahahahahahaha . You think the darkness is your ally ? You merely adopted it but I was born in it , was moulded by it .... You get the drift. Come to think of it , I miss you squatting & pee ing on every post of mine like the b with the itch you are . I'd be more than delighted if you were to resume that activity. I'm being serious here .

He told me that before I arrived here he's never been banned and that I'm to blame for his problems.

I told you this before but you're turning out to be a compulsive liar . Banned nearly 8 times , 5-6 before your arrival.

Oh yeah he also posted a pic of a short shirtless Indian "athlete" that he's into...

You're into heavies eh ? I got it . Plus there's the race issue too. Of course that doesn't preclude you from salivating at Pablos. 😁

I didn't mind that because gay is "normal" and I'm not going to knock him for that I just told him I aint into that.


I had a dude in school that could get any girl be into me which in a way was a compliment unfortunately for both of them I don't swig that way. :(

For added confirmation in case you try to laugh it off as a joke or an attack of ADHD ...

Post in thread 'Ukraine - Russia Conflict' Ukraine - Russia Conflict

& My response to which you never objected to :

Post in thread 'Ukraine - Russia Conflict' Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Mustn't try projecting your anxieties fears ... orientation etc onto others . Has a nasty habit of backfiring with the wrong set . With age you'd learn .

Lol. He really keeps me amused it's like having a pet monkey but without the biting and cleaning up sht.

Actually that's precisely what I think of you & Paddy . Half of me comes here for serious discussions or to learn something new & half of me comes here for the sheer amusement you & your cousin from across the Atlantic from you provide. It's unmatched , I tell you .

I'm in your mind . I've total control over you .

One of the many terms & phrases you've patented out here but which I've appropriated including your faggoty terms of endearments sweetie . Ja ?

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An old Irish soldier Sgt Paddy O'Brien from the Royal Army and a lesbian .....

An old Irish soldier sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old combat jacket and boots and ordered a cup of a ☕.

As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the Irish soldier and asked,
"Are you a real soldier"?

He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life in jungles and mountains. I've taken part in several wars and insurgencies. I've taught more than 1000 officers and several thousand troops about combat; what are you?"

She said, 'I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women. When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.'

The two sat sipping in silence.

A little while later, the woman left & a young man sat down on the other side of the old Irish soldier and asked: "are you a real soldier?"

The old Irish soldier replied breaking into sobs 'I always thought I was, but I just found out that I am a lesbian'.
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