Lulz. The mental midget can't let me go.
Aww , sweetie seems peeved with my assessment y'day that sweetie lacks the necessary mental make up & educational rigor needed for analytical posts . If you were exposed during the E virus like Stuxnet episode you were further exposed when PicDel posted a series of calculations demonstrating why the Rafales would have a better MTOW , hence is a better buy as opposed to the Hornets .
@Optimist tried to mount a weak defence but couldn't sustain it . The calculations & formulae were there for all to verify & it was clear PicDel was right & Optimist was wrong but at least he raised objections given his loyalties . OTOH , you weaseled it out for this was an out of the syllabi subject for you .
So what have we learnt here ? That sweetie's knowledge is all cut copy paste which eschews analysis since sweetie lacks critical thinking given sweetie doesn't possess the necessary tools to analyse , hence can't analyse but loves being anal ysed. Pun unintended. Sorry . Couldn't resist that juvenile joke. But you're still big daddy's favourite little big girl .
Ever since I got him to say something that got him banned he's been on a mission.
Was that the incident when I stated I don't chat to the unwashed on Mondays & you blew a fuse spewing racist rants against Indians getting a ban for a month with you checking in on the proceedings practically every day of the ban. Yes , that must have been the incident in question.
He even imposed a self ban/boycott of this place because of me but that didn't last.
Sometimes I wish I had the luxury of living with my folks with them footing the bill , working in a 7x 11 , dipping my hands in the till every so often instead of being a corporate slave providing for my family . Not to be Sigh !!
I KID YOU NOT mate since he came back he's been posting pics of tranny's trying to get my attention to show me what he's into.
Ok ok. You love trans . You've mentioned that before & I've already noted that . Will tag you in case I come across such photos in the future . That's a promise. Happy ?
He also post videos of animals having sex which is another thing he's into.
Animals having sex ? Now you're just lying. Pls link that post of mine to me . Let others see it too .
What I did tag you with is a tweet of an elephant with ticklish anus syndrome , something you suffer from too which explains your orientation , but which the elephant can't help, as there's no faggotry among pachyderms which is why the poor elephant had to uproot a tree to scratch his ticklish anus . Trust that explains things..
Poor fella ever since I became a member and starting calling out his BS it has been a nightmare for him.
Yup . So much so that after posting an emoticon on every post of mine for nearly a year , sweetie's finally thrown the towel. Took 4 days off , presumably for therapy before ceasing that activity completely. You thought you'd p iss me off . Muahahahahahaha . You think the darkness is your ally ? You merely adopted it but I was born in it , was moulded by it .... You get the drift. Come to think of it , I miss you squatting & pee ing on every post of mine like the b with the itch you are . I'd be more than delighted if you were to resume that activity. I'm being serious here .
He told me that before I arrived here he's never been banned and that I'm to blame for his problems.
I told you this before but you're turning out to be a compulsive liar . Banned nearly 8 times , 5-6 before your arrival.
Oh yeah he also posted a pic of a short shirtless Indian "athlete" that he's into...
You're into heavies eh ? I got it . Plus there's the race issue too. Of course that doesn't preclude you from salivating at Pablos.
I didn't mind that because gay is "normal" and I'm not going to knock him for that I just told him I aint into that.
I had a dude in school that could get any girl be into me which in a way was a compliment unfortunately for both of them I don't swig that way.
For added confirmation in case you try to laugh it off as a joke or an attack of ADHD ...
Post in thread 'Ukraine - Russia Conflict'
Ukraine - Russia Conflict
& My response to which you never objected to :
Post in thread 'Ukraine - Russia Conflict'
Ukraine - Russia Conflict
Mustn't try projecting your anxieties fears ... orientation etc onto others . Has a nasty habit of backfiring with the wrong set . With age you'd learn .
Lol. He really keeps me amused it's like having a pet monkey but without the biting and cleaning up sht.
Actually that's precisely what I think of you & Paddy . Half of me comes here for serious discussions or to learn something new & half of me comes here for the sheer amusement you & your cousin from across the Atlantic from you provide. It's unmatched , I tell you .
I'm in your mind . I've total control over you .
One of the many terms & phrases you've patented out here but which I've appropriated including your faggoty terms of endearments sweetie . Ja ?