Off-Topic Chit-Chat

Aww , sweetie lost control of the emoticon which defines xim / xer here - the bee with an itch icon .

Tsk tsk .

Your condition now is just like your 4 legged siblings who bark & wag their tail in delight as they enter the vet's for the first time with those two things hanging below their tail visible from behind only to see them gone when your siblings exit the vet .

Aww , come to big Daddy my big little girl , daddy's got a nice big juicy candy for you .

Which us why demographics of Gerala C is what it is . Top Gun doesn't even last 15 min with these guys . Analogous to the Story of their sex lives .
Another name for the Holy spirit .

Strange nick name for Jack Daniels
Which us why demographics of Gerala C is what it is . Top Gun doesn't even last 15 min with these guys . Analogous to the Story of their sex lives .

I think you misunderstand. You're not supposed to have sex with fighter planes....I mean that's not where you're supposed to put it. If you want I can refer some tutorials with explanation etc. that pre pubecxent teens use to educate themselves....
Punning is an art . To understand puns is also an art . If down's s Syndrome afflicted start getting my puns , I'd have to quit punning.

1/4 children are missing a meal in the UK every day . All this within less than a century of losing their empire. Now this is one of the richest nations on the face of the earth we're talking about & Paddy here has the gall to comment on malnutrition in India . @BMD
Lol. Sht for brains here is really obsess with homos always bringing up gay topics. This numb nuts even posted a pic of his favorite fantasy just to show me what kind of dude he's into.
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He's into short 5'9 grasshopper players although 5'9 could be considered tall for mein malaca which means I'm a giant to him.
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Lol. Sht for brains here is really obsess with homos always bringing up gay topics. This numb nuts even posted a pic of his favorite fantasy just to show me what kind of dude he's into.
View attachment 25886

He's into short 5'9 grasshopper players although 5'9 could be considered tall for mein malaca which means I'm a giant to him.
Aww, sweetie's the redneck's blushing & turning red with anger at the same time .

Here's a reminder of your coming out , hunny bunny , which was totally unexpected as it was uncalled for . Just to jog your memory...


Post in thread 'Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion' Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning and F-22 'Raptor' : News & Discussion

Now sweetie you're the way you are & it is the way it is . In addition to being dyslexic , don't be in Daniel .


Btw dolly , did his photograph contain his height ? I doubt it did . But full marks to you for data mining . Grasshoppers or whatever it means in fag parlance are not your kind ? Is that what you're saying ?

I'd keep that in mind the next time I send you "pin ups ."

Btw , just for your information I'm 6'2" , 200 lbs & just not into you aka don't share your tastes i.e not a fag .

P.S - I was just telling someone the previous night , if you can't handle the heat don't stay in the kitchen. Put another way , you don't want to be messed around with , stop messing around . Don't be under some illusion you can take pot shots & when you get it good , you'd throw tantrums here & we'd put up with it .

You'd get your a r s e kicked & handed over to you without so much as a thank you which I suspect sado masochistic you , would love .
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Apparently , this is the reason why faggotry emerged in the animal kingdom as per evolutionary biology . Since faggotry is absent among the pachyderms which is elephants in dummy aka trailer park terms , the elephant did what you saw it doing .

Human beings , however , have much more environmental friendly means of handling a ticklish anus & who'd know more about than you sweetie ?! @Innominate

This harks back to the time when being obese was respectable... & lucrative.

Stop drooling over them sweetie. BTW going by your description of that athlete as grasshopper, these could well meet your definition of whales if there's such a category in fagdom. Well, is there?

Back on topic, membership was subject to one being at least 200 lbs or more & could pay a 1 USD membership fee in 1901 which would translate to ~100 USD today.

I think trailer park should take the lead in bringing back the notion of being obese is being respectable. After all with statistics reporting 50% + of the population in the US being obese courtesy junk food, an unhealthy lifestyle etc, hell you're already in the majority.

I'm also venturing a lot of these obese people are natural Republicans, which probably explains the attitude of the mainstream media towards them viz ridicule, contempt, pity, etc.

Show them you're capable of better & pls stop drooling over the phone, sweetie. @Innominate
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Apparently twerking is a spiritual activity because people or at least some people store their emotions in their hips. That's right. Gauging by which since your hips must never be at rest thanks to all those thrusts you receive, you're a very spiritual person , sweetie .

Who would've known except for pronouns people ? BTW this is an excellent marketing point that obese you can sell to obese trailer park subsisting on a diet of pot chicken pie & moonshine, sweetie.

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Besides since trailer park folk aren't the brightest of bulbs around because of this -


Which in case you still didn't get it means - inbreeding leads to mental disorders like autism, dyslexia & ofc Down's syndrome. Which also means you have a killing to make.

Just 1 piece of advice. After scamming those white trailer trash like yourself don't do this -

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Go set up Skids Row some place else like the east coast. Meet a better or at any rate a different quality of trailer trash. @Innominate