India also allowed it to some extent by always making itself an enemy of the West and siding with USSR/Russia.
You should read up on history.
India didn't side with the USSR. The West chose Pakistan and armed it, to the point where Pak invaded India with free Western supplied weapons in 1965. Before that India was in the Drink the Kool-Aid era, where our leaders thought we didn't even need an army because we were peaceful.
The US also consistently worked against Indian interests, and the only way to counter that was to "ally" with the USSR in 1971. This move was made after the Sino-Soviet split in 1969, which led to the US allying itself with China, which meant the US allied with both of India's enemies.
So, no, it's all the Wests' fault.
Also, the deal we made with the USSR had a lot more to do with the USSR helping us guarantee our neutrality on international issues rather than an alliance in exchange for market access. So our policy has been consistent since our independence.
Right now, we are sort of siding with the Russians because they are far more trustworthy, helped a lot by our symbiotic economic and political relations. Maybe if the UK gave up its UNSC seat to India, then we could start talking about building trust. At this time, India-West relations are mostly all just words being thrown about with nothing concrete happening on the ground that would help build trust, like what the USSR did with India back in the 70s and mid-80s.
Your enemies are not our enemies.