range targeted is 120km, probably because the future SM40 will be shorter than MM40 (to fit in a sub vehicule to reach the surface) so less fuel.A news that may be nteresting about french product (for Scorpene ?) :
A successor to the exocet SM39 is on track.
SM40.... probably a MM30 block 3 derivative, with a fuel engine instead of a powder one, so increased range and higher stealth.
Sous-marins : MBDA travaille à la succession du missile antinavire Exocet SM39 | Mer et Marine
Mis en service il y a bientôt 40 ans, le SM39, version du célèbre missile antinavire Exocet conçue pour être tirée depuis un sous-marin en plongée, ar...www.meretmarine.com