F-35 is NOT just for partner-specific-enchancements. If you read the language of the contract awarded to LM, it reads specifically the following :The Delta SDD is being misunderstood. This is only a program similar to Rafale ISE, but for F-35 customers.
https://www.anao.gov.au/sites/default/files/201213%20Audit%20Report%20No%206.pdf?acsf_files_redirect In 2003, an ‘International Commonality Effort’ program was initiated to define a generic JSF Program partner version and a Foreign Military Sales version of the F‐35 and to complete the necessary preliminary design activity. This ‘delta’ SDD phase would produce a partner version JSF Contract Specification, establish the process for handling country‐specific requirements, and create separate ‘delta’ design reviews.
The purpose of the Delta SDD is to develop a version of the JSF Air System that meets U.S. National Disclosure Policy, but remains common to the U.S. Air System, where possible.
DefenseLink: Contracts for Thursday, November 15, 2007
I quote the original contract:
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Ft. Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $134,188,724 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-award-fee contract (N00019-02-C-3002). This modification is to continue the design, development, verification, and test of Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Partner Version Air System development under the JSF Delta System Development and Demonstration Effort (Delta SDD). The purpose of the Delta SDD is to develop a version of the JSF Air System that meets U.S. National Disclosure Policy, but remains common to the U.S. Air System, where possible. Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (68 percent), Orlando, Fla. (24 percent), and El Segundo, Calif. (8 percent), and is expected to be completed in October 2013. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity.
Interestingly, your OWN document states that. "to define a generic JSF Program partner version"
SDD will define the base model for all the partners and foreign military sales AND processes for handling country specific changes.
You know the fun part?
Whose JSF is Stealthier?
Lockheed Martin has been handed another $134 million contract to develop a "partner version" of the JSF "that meets U.S. National Disclosure Policy, but remains common to the U.S.
Also, features such as nationally required weapons wouldn't be covered in SDD, which has a defined set of weapons to be cleared for the Block 3 configuration -- the endpoint of SDD
The nation specific requirements are NOT covered by SDD. It is just a bunch of protocols for individual nations to cover their specific requirements ON TOP of a SDD specification.
SDD Delta end point is what people call an "export version". Watered down on parts which US National Disclosure Policy wants to hide.
Au contrarie!This concept of dumbing down never existed.
It was talked about. In holland atleast.If it was real, then everybody would have been talking about it even today. LM and Pentagon would have admitted to it in committee hearings as well.
Unfortunately, you cann't "kill switch" a lot of "passive" stealth due to shaping, materials etc. Only the "active" part of the stealth.There's no need to dumb down an aircraft when you have a kill switch through ODIN/ALIS.