As usual you're clueless. USN "best" SEAD/DEAD aircraft are its Growlers with F-18E. Only a fool would not know this. USAF best SEAD/DEAD is the F-35A with JSOW. Jsow has a 70mile + range. Before the F-35 USAF "rented" F-18Gs for the SEAD/DEAD.Do you know the US's best SEAD/DEAD aircraft is the F-22, and the F-22 uses a 30Km range JDAM for it?
That is why USN doesn't want to pay for 25 of USAF's F-18Gs that the USAF has been renting. USAF is done with them because of the F-35A.
Btw right now USN best SEAD/DEAD aircraft is the F-35c.
Once NATO goes to war with Russia in Ukraine (It's inevitable and you can see it heading there) F-35s and F-18Gs will be the aircraft used to take out Russian IADS inside Ukraine and Russia. There will be no Rafale anywhere near Russian IADS they will likely be tasked for CAP over NATO nations while real fighters built for war will do the fighting. Ince Ukraine airspace is secure by US fighters you might see Rafafles flying over Ukraine.