You probably mean this lone photo -
Too bad a folding stock variant never made it big (if it actually did exist), if it did it would have opened up a whole lot of more stock options for when we'd want to modernize the design (not that OFB would take initiative anyway)...
I still can't understand why they decided not to reuse an excellent design they already had (SLR) for the 7.62x51mm requirement but went the extra mile to adapt INSAS design to 7.62 Nato instead.
I guess that's what happens when one hand doesn't know what the other hand is already holding. But they again, these are the same guys that didn't realize for 30 years that they had the designs for the Bofors FH77B, so no surprise there.
Army changes requirements faster than expected. After the IPKF disaster where most of the Indian Soldiers traded their Stupid Long Rifles aka SLR for Kalashnikovs, we realized that we needed a far lighter and advanced intermediate calibre weapon. Then we started a Weapon Trial in which Steyr AUG came at the top due to its modularity and ultra modern features. Then again it was rejected and the design inspiration was carried onto INSAS to make it a Modular Weapon System with an additional Bullpup Variant, which never saw service. The only modifications done to the SLR in that time frame was adding some Long Range Scopes and Second Generation Night Visions to be used as a DMR by State Police, CAPFs and even select units in Army. SLR was a simple design and reliable too and they could add new contemporary features like a Free Floating Barrel, P-Rails, Quad Rails and more. It could have made a good Battle Rifle design though OFB took some inspirations from SLR in R2 design like the 20- & 25- round magazine which will be same as SLR. Even the present L1 Bidder for IA Battle Rifle, SIG 716 has been derived from the AR-10, a Six-Decades old design.