Small Arms & Tactical Equipment

You probably mean this lone photo -


Too bad a folding stock variant never made it big (if it actually did exist), if it did it would have opened up a whole lot of more stock options for when we'd want to modernize the design (not that OFB would take initiative anyway)...


I still can't understand why they decided not to reuse an excellent design they already had (SLR) for the 7.62x51mm requirement but went the extra mile to adapt INSAS design to 7.62 Nato instead.

I guess that's what happens when one hand doesn't know what the other hand is already holding. But they again, these are the same guys that didn't realize for 30 years that they had the designs for the Bofors FH77B, so no surprise there.

Army changes requirements faster than expected. After the IPKF disaster where most of the Indian Soldiers traded their Stupid Long Rifles aka SLR for Kalashnikovs, we realized that we needed a far lighter and advanced intermediate calibre weapon. Then we started a Weapon Trial in which Steyr AUG came at the top due to its modularity and ultra modern features. Then again it was rejected and the design inspiration was carried onto INSAS to make it a Modular Weapon System with an additional Bullpup Variant, which never saw service. The only modifications done to the SLR in that time frame was adding some Long Range Scopes and Second Generation Night Visions to be used as a DMR by State Police, CAPFs and even select units in Army. SLR was a simple design and reliable too and they could add new contemporary features like a Free Floating Barrel, P-Rails, Quad Rails and more. It could have made a good Battle Rifle design though OFB took some inspirations from SLR in R2 design like the 20- & 25- round magazine which will be same as SLR. Even the present L1 Bidder for IA Battle Rifle, SIG 716 has been derived from the AR-10, a Six-Decades old design.
British Special Air Service (SAS) Operative at the recent Nairobi Attacks. Nicknamed as the "Guardian Angel" he got up in his kit and went as a Lone Wolf clearing the area, neutralizing a terrorist and securing many civilians. He is here armed with a L119A1 (Colt SBSFW) 5.56x45mm Carbine with Vortex SPARC-II Red Dot and a holstered Glock 19 9mm Pistol.

@Milspec @Falcon @Harsh Bardhan

To me it looks like the standard Hensoldt ZF 6x42 scope that comes with the PSG-1 as standard (NSG was upgrading to PSG-1A1 and replacing them with Schmidt & Bender Police Marksman II series [I think it is 3-12x50, not sure] but I didn't hear about any other users doing the same). Furthermore, the lettering on the knobs seems to indicate Hensoldt rather than S&B. What do you think?

What has me interested though is what appears to be a short P-rail on the rear clamp: -

CRPF Kashmir PSG-1.jpg

EDIT: These guys are CRPF by the way.
@Milspec @Falcon @Harsh Bardhan

To me it looks like the standard Hensoldt ZF 6x42 scope that comes with the PSG-1 as standard (NSG was upgrading to PSG-1A1 and replacing them with Schmidt & Bender Police Marksman II series [I think it is 3-12x50, not sure] but I didn't hear about any other users doing the same). Furthermore, the lettering on the knobs seems to indicate Hensoldt rather than S&B. What do you think?

What has me interested though is what appears to be a short P-rail on the rear clamp: -

View attachment 4028

EDIT: These guys are CRPF by the way.

Yup appears so.

Yeah, CRPF. But what the hell is the sniper doing on the ground. Where is the over watch? ;)
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@Milspec @Falcon @Harsh Bardhan

Did OFB ever make a folding-stock SLR?

Yes -

Screenshot from Sandeep unitthan video from RFI.
SLR 1.png
SLR 2.png

Regarding 1c SLR it was meant for mechanized infantry.

If by utilizing SLR for modern rifle ,you meant pimping it up with modern furniture then I will not agree with you.But,if your idea was taking inspiration from SLR in designing a modern rifle ,then I would concur with you.This is what FN has done in form of SCAR H .

I don't have much hope from OFB ,when it comes to designing or manufacturing firearms.

For example ,take the case of the upper hand guard of insas rifle.
insas 1.jpg

It is a ill fitting and a fragile piece by design,which easily comes out after some rough usage.If you observe soldiers using insas in active field operations such as Kashmir and LOC ,you will notice most of the rifles without it.




Instead learning from it , redesigning and refining the hand-guard design , the OFB not only continued with it,but also placed rails over it ,irrespective of the stability of that part.

insas 2.jpg



Since we are talking about SLR ,one thing often put forward is to modernize the SLR furniture and use it as marksman rifle .IMHO for marksman requirement of Indian army either we should go for a modern 7.62x51mm marksman rifle or if we want to go cheap then we should buy TOT of SVD from any eastern block nation at cheap rate and produce SVD with modern furniture such as railed dust cover and new stock ,SVD till date is an excellent marksman rifle ,which only need modern optics .

Yup appears so.

Yeah, CRPF. But what the hell is the sniper doing on the ground. Where is the over watch? ;)

He's getting there. :sneaky:

Yes -

Screenshot from Sandeep unitthan video from RFI.
View attachment 4038
View attachment 4039

Wow, great find!

If by utilizing SLR for modern rifle ,you meant pimping it up with modern furniture then I will not agree with you.But,if your idea was taking inspiration from SLR in designing a modern rifle ,then I would concur with you.

I didn't mean to take existing SLRs and attach all kinds of modern gear on it, what I meant was a re-make of the SLR with modern elements. Like usage of polymers, lessening weight, and making it more modular and easier to maintain. Kind of what the Brazilians have done with the IMBEL A2 series (comes in both 7.62 and 5.56) -


It's not like OFs didn't tinker with the SLR design, they did, but like their other endeavours, it's mostly aimed in a weird direction, like trying to convert SLR for shooting a 7.62x39 round in the form of the original Trichy Assault Rifle -


...before they want back and decided on a cloned AK being the right platform for 7.62x39 (which is what the Trichy AR finally turned out to be in its latest iteration).

This is what FN has done in form of SCAR H .

SCAR development did more than draw experience from previous designs though. Everything was reworked from the ground up - the amount of money FNH would probably have spent on R&D cannot even be imagined by OFB in their dreams.

OFB is mostly about playing around with designs they licensed to build (or steal, like they did with SLR and AKs). They don't have the R&D budgets. Heck, most of their money probably goes to feed the manpower-bloated organizational structure and conducting repairs on the dilapidated cattle sheds they call Ordnance Factories.

I don't have much hope from OFB ,when it comes to designing or manufacturing firearms.

Same hear.

Since we are talking about SLR ,one thing often put forward is to modernize the SLR furniture and use it as marksman rifle .IMHO for marksman requirement of Indian army either we should go for a modern 7.62x51mm marksman rifle

At this point, yes, because even by optimistic estimates, the Army won't induct a new DMR anytime before 2025 anyway. However, OFB (and Army) should have thought about using a modernized, accurized SLR as an interim (or even service issue, if they liked it) a long time ago. Of course this should have happened hand-in-hand with the Army adopting a bolt-action rifle as the principle sniper weapon and relegating semi-autos to a marksman/support role. which incidentally still hasn't happened and we continue to use a non-modernized SVD in this day and age.


or if we want to go cheap then we should buy TOT of SVD from any eastern block nation at cheap rate and produce SVD with modern furniture such as railed dust cover and new stock ,SVD till date is an excellent marksman rifle ,which only need modern optics .


Another possibility, though in reality nothing but a "what if" sigh in hindsight, just like my modernized SLR fantasies. If we were going to modernize the SVD, we would have done it 10 years ago.

The only way going forward to me appears to be adopting a modern AR-10 based DMR shooting the same round as the frontline infantry. Given the fact the SIG 716G2 Patrol seems to have emerged L-1 in the FTP for rifles, the 716G2 DMR variant might be the obvious choice. But like everything else, it will be decided by a tender and bidding process, so chances are it won't be it -

This is where the procurement of small arms stands as of now :

*The final numbers can have variation but the estimate is mostly accurate as per things stands right now.

1. 7.62x51mm rifle : Meant for Infantry and other front line fighting units .Might trickle down to Air force , Navy and CAPF.

a) 72,000 assault rifles through a fast-track procedure direct purchase from OEM(most probably sig 716 patrol g2).

b) A separate tender for 5,00000 rifles to be made in India- under make in India .

2. 5.56x45mm carbine : Meant for commanders,drivers etc and for CQB.Will trickle down to CAPF,Navy and Airforce .

a) 94,000 carbines through a fast-track procedure direct purchase from OEM(most probably caracal 816)

b) A separate for tender for 3,60,000 carbines to be made in India -under make in India.

3. 7.62X39MM rifle: Meant for support troops of Indian army ,RR,CAPF. Might trickle down to Air force and Navy.

6,50,000 in number which will be divided between :

a) 1.8 lakh rifles to be manufactured by the Ordnance Factory Board(OFB)in partnership with Kalashnikov(AK 103).

b) . Separate tender under which the winner will manufacture the remaining lot under the 'Buy and Make in India' category.There are rumors that OFB is also participating in this tender with ak 103, which has irked many private manufactures.As government had assured them that after OFB receiving certain percent of this tender (7.62x39mm), the rest will be reserved only for the private Industry under make in India.

4 7.62x51 mm LMG : Meant for army,might trickle down to CAPF,Air force and navy.

a) 10,237 to be sourced from OFB.

b) A separate tender for 30,712 sourced from private industry to be made in India -under make in India.

5 .338 Lapua Magnum sniper rifle : Meant for army

a) Emergency purchase of a very small number sniper rifles under commander fund - Barrett M95 .50/.338 Lapua Magnum Scorpio TCT.Rough estimate around 300-500 in number.

b) 5,719 new .338 Lapua Magnum rifles will be brought under Buy Global category,direct purchase from OEM.

Under this same tender separate bid for 1,00,00,000 rounds of .338 lapua magnum, with the condition that 50 per cent of the ammunition will be manufactured in India.

6. 9mm Hand gun : Was Meant for army,would have trickled down to CAPF,Air force and navy.

a) Army had issued tender for 9mm handguns few years ago,which went on to die its natural death under Indian procurement process ,without any trace of its existence left.Current status is not known.
This is where the procurement of small arms stands as of now :

*The final numbers can have variation but the estimate is mostly accurate as per things stands right now.

Much thanks for the break-down of the numbers!

1. 7.62x51mm rifle
b) A separate tender for 5,00000 rifles to be made in India- under make in India

The separate tender for MII is for 5 lakhs and not 2.5 lakhs?

3. 7.62X39MM rifle: Meant for support troops of Indian army ,RR,CAPF. Might trickle down to Air force and Navy.

6,50,000 in number which will be divided between :

a) 1.8 lakh rifles to be manufactured by the Ordnance Factory Board(OFB)in partnership with Kalashnikov(AK 103).

b) . Separate tender under which the winner will manufacture the remaining lot under the 'Buy and Make in India' category.There are rumors that OFB is also participating in this tender with ak 103, which has irked many private manufactures.As government had assured them that after OFB receiving certain percent of this tender (7.62x39mm), the rest will be reserved only for the private Industry under make in India.

I believe chances are OFB will end up supplying all 6.5 lakh AK-103s by itself. GoI ever barred the Russians from wanting to tie up with a private company.

However, is there any information regarding which exact model of the 103 Kalashnikov & OFB are planning to make? Is it the vanilla 103 or the 103M which comes pre-integrated with a full-length rail system? I sure as hell hope its the latter -


6. 9mm Hand gun : Was Meant for army,would have trickled down to CAPF,Air force and navy.
a) Army had issued tender for 9mm handguns few years ago,which went on to die its natural death under Indian procurement process ,without any trace of its existence left.Current status is not known.

....and so the venerable Hi-Power lives on for at least another decade.

Am I reading this right? I've long suspected this but only now looked it up...

the SIG716 sells for nearly $ 2,400 in US civilian market while the Tavor (probably X95) sells for less than $ 1,800 typically?

If those numbers are right, that means our Infantry will be running with rifles more expensive than what our top Special Forces run with. What kind of joke is this?

EDIT: Just checked, the Tavor SAR-Israel Defense Forces (TAR without full-length rail which is the one we use) is MSRP $ 2,600. Probably because its not being mass produced anymore. But the modern full-length Tavor with P-rail is only $ 2,000. Who are the guys that couldn't find the money to equip more than 1-2 men in a section with an NVG (that too an old monocular one), but can find the money to buy 72,000 pieces of a rifle most first-world armies would shudder to account for?

On the other hand, I don't think a more generic AR-10 (albeit one with direct impingement) would be a problem to find for less than $1000.

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Some of the new weapons that have entered service with Indian Armed Forces in Past Few Months (SIG-516 at Infantry School is also inducted but not included here due to lack of photographic proof):

1. SIG-716: The G2 Variant has entered in service with NSG and SG.


2. SIG MPX: In Service with NSG and SG.


3. Colt CM901: In Service with Indian Army.


4. FNH SCAR-L/H: Indian Army (Para SF) and NSG.


5. Beretta Victrix Scorpio: Indian Army


5. MINIMI Para: NSG has been spotted as sole user.

6. APR Bolt-Action Precision Rifle: Mizoram Police.


7. X-95: Ghatak Commando Teams and Para SF of Indian Army.


8. Kriss Vector Submachine Gun: NSG



  • 1548279692525.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 400
Apparently, the rifle on offer from Kalashnikov is the AK-203 (200 series is improved 100 series, renamed after small changes)!

Владимир Дмитриев: рынок стрелкового оружия США для нас сейчас закрыт


"- Literally in the last days of 2018, our specialists once again went to Delhi for negotiations. I personally met with representatives from the Indian side, with Rostec, Rosoboronexport and FSMTC, we are really discussing the potential production of the Kalashnikov in India. By the end of January 2019, we must formulate the main parameters of this plant. It should be understood that the Indians are already producing a product that they have mastered by themselves; we are, in fact, invited first of all in order to improve the quality."

"- In the process of negotiations, we explained that over the past 50 years, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, to put it mildly, has changed, we have new modifications, more interesting, and, most likely, we will come to the conclusion that we will change the product that has now been delivered troops. This will not be the AK of the 100th series, it will be similar to the AK-203, that is, a much more technically advanced product. As far as we know, this suits the Ministry of Defense, and the production side is also ready, it will be somewhat more expensive, but, in my opinion, this is the case when the price is justified.

I won't count my chickens yet, but If the report is true, this is the rifle (or equivalent tech) we're being offered:


I'm damn glad its not the vanilla 103 we're going with. This version is not that different, its only small changes, but they make quite the improvement: a long 12'o clock rail integrated into dust cover (don't have to buy aftermarket parts, and none of that handguard-mounted optic nonsense of Ghaatak), ergonomic pistol grip, a retractable stock out of the I said, little changes, but altogether make it considerably a better option!

@Milspec @Falcon @Harsh Bardhan @Maximus
I'm damn glad its not the vanilla 103 we're going with. This version is not that different, its only small changes, but they make quite the improvement: a long 12'o clock rail integrated into dust cover (don't have to buy aftermarket parts, and none of that handguard-mounted optic nonsense of Ghaatak), ergonomic pistol grip, a retractable stock out of the I said, little changes, but altogether make it considerably a better option!

So you prefer the chocolate? ;)

On topic, you used a Google Translator? I read the report in Russian and found it to be quite accurate apart from abbreviations :)
Yes, a better option with OEM integrated upgrades. At least we can rely on the parts being a fit and ergonomically integrated in order to improve weapon handling.
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Much thanks for the break-down of the numbers!

The separate tender for MII is for 5 lakhs and not 2.5 lakhs?

I believe chances are OFB will end up supplying all 6.5 lakh AK-103s by itself. GoI ever barred the Russians from wanting to tie up with a private company.

However, is there any information regarding which exact model of the 103 Kalashnikov & OFB are planning to make? Is it the vanilla 103 or the 103M which comes pre-integrated with a full-length rail system? I sure as hell hope its the latter -


....and so the venerable Hi-Power lives on for at least another decade.

This estimate is after analyzing many reports and RFI from army,actually DAC had cleared fast track procurement for 72000 rifles and a separate tender for 500000 rifles(approx).Now it seems that the separate bid for 7.62x51mm rifles has been put on hold,we might see some progress later this year,only then we can confirm the final numbers.

The defence procurement in India is a complex maze-you never know where and how it will really end.Right now there are three RFI from army- one is for carbine , second for LMG and third of 7.62x39mm rifles.As I have said ,it was planned by the government to source 10,237 lmg from OFB and rest 30,712 from a Private Indian company,but you never know whether this will end up completely with OFB or a private company or will go as it has been planned when the deal is signed.

In Indian defence procurement ,you never know till the final deal is signed.The original plan for 7.62x39mm rifle was to let OFB manufacture around 25% of rifles (ak 103) and let private companies bid for the tender to produce rest of the rifles(whichever rifle win that tender).I know it sound absolutely mad but this is what has been planned by MOD,even if it means that we may end up with two different type of 7.62x39mm rifles.But then there is also a probability that government could scrap this tender for the private companies and let OFB produce all the rifles (ak 103/203) .

Regarding ADANI -Yes,there was news of government rejecting Kalashnikov bid for tie up with him ,but then there is also news of him bidding for the 7.62x39mm rifle tender in collaboration with Kalashnikov.The explanation for this contradicting news can be that government refused the Kalashnikov tie-up with Adani for the initial almost certain 25% of 7.62x39mm rifles,for which government wanted Kalashnikov to tie up with OFB (as it was reserved for OFB),but for the separate tender which is open for private companies, Kalashnikov will be competing in partnership with Adani .There is news of OFB also trying to bid for this tender with ak 103. Of course all this right now is only "news",let's see what transpires in future.Here is the news regarding this -1 Rifle, 2 targets: Industry confused over army move

Think logically ,how can govt stop ADANI group from entering into JV with Kalashnikov ,when many others private enterprise have entered into JV with firearm manufactures like punj llyod-iwi,SS-LMT,MKU-CARACAL .The only deal government rejected of Kalashnikov-ADANI jv was of sure order of ak 103 which is to happen under Government to government deal .The separate tender still remain open for ADANI along with others ,at least for now.Here is that tender-

If government really want to give the tender of all 7.62x39mm rifle to OFB ,then why this charade of tender to private companies .This is what frustrate arms manufacturers when dealing with Indian MOD.This is not how you establish strong private manufacturing base of firearms, this is how you sabotage the Private industry .

OFB was planning to produce this AK 103 with rails -


Similar to what Kalashnikov has offered to Pakistani army for their 7.62x39mm rifle -
pak ak 103 1.jpeg
pak ak 103 2.jpeg

OFB did come up with an EOI for arm manufacturers ,looking to partner for development of a 9mm pistol, to compete in the ARMY tender for 9mm pistol,but guess no body bothered.
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: 9mm PISTOL 1. Indian Ordnance Factories is an industrial set-up which functions under the Department o

Apparently, the rifle on offer from Kalashnikov is the AK-203 (200 series is improved 100 series, renamed after small changes)!

Владимир Дмитриев: рынок стрелкового оружия США для нас сейчас закрыт


"- Literally in the last days of 2018, our specialists once again went to Delhi for negotiations. I personally met with representatives from the Indian side, with Rostec, Rosoboronexport and FSMTC, we are really discussing the potential production of the Kalashnikov in India. By the end of January 2019, we must formulate the main parameters of this plant. It should be understood that the Indians are already producing a product that they have mastered by themselves; we are, in fact, invited first of all in order to improve the quality."

"- In the process of negotiations, we explained that over the past 50 years, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, to put it mildly, has changed, we have new modifications, more interesting, and, most likely, we will come to the conclusion that we will change the product that has now been delivered troops. This will not be the AK of the 100th series, it will be similar to the AK-203, that is, a much more technically advanced product. As far as we know, this suits the Ministry of Defense, and the production side is also ready, it will be somewhat more expensive, but, in my opinion, this is the case when the price is justified.

I won't count my chickens yet, but If the report is true, this is the rifle (or equivalent tech) we're being offered:

View attachment 4091

I'm damn glad its not the vanilla 103 we're going with. This version is not that different, its only small changes, but they make quite the improvement: a long 12'o clock rail integrated into dust cover (don't have to buy aftermarket parts, and none of that handguard-mounted optic nonsense of Ghaatak), ergonomic pistol grip, a retractable stock out of the I said, little changes, but altogether make it considerably a better option!

@Milspec @Falcon @Harsh Bardhan @Maximus

I don't get it? why it boiled down to them explaining the Indian MOD regarding AK 203 .Professionalism dictate that MOD delegation leading the talk ,should have done their homework, about the latest development in Kalashnikov rifles including AK 203,AK 15,AK 109 etc .It should have been the MOD inquiring about AK 203 not vice versa.

From the photos it is evident that the MOD delegation that visited Kalashnikov facility was shown AK 203 .


They also tried their hand on AK 15.
ak 15.jpg

After all this ,if it took Vladimir Dmitriev to do the explaining,on why AK 203 make more sense than AK 103 ,then I don't know what to say about the intellect of people in our MOD!

P.S. I would still prefer AK 15 for its free floating barrel and improved sights mainly beside other improvements.

Service? You sure this isn't from the Multi-calibre rifle trails many years ago? Colt submitted CMC platform (among others), but none of them got selected afaik. :unsure:

Yes,this one is from rifle trials.Not from multi caliber but from fast track procurement of 7.62x51mm and 5.56x45 carbine,from which COLT opted out later on.
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Here is the respective prices of various small arms in perspective of India and the US civilian market :

*Link of the source is given for verification / Price per piece / US dollar and Indian rupee.

1. SIG SAUER 716 G2 patrol (7.62x51mm rifle)



Price tag of ( $1,789/RS 1,26,992) / With discount ($1,325/ Rs 94,055)
Sig Sauer 716 G2 Patrol review: Unknown chamber marks on brass - AR15.COM

In India

Offered price ( $990 / Rs 70,275 )
Army to acquire rifles, carbines

2. Caracal CAR 816 (5.56X45mm)



Price tag of ( $999 / Rs 70,914)
Caracal CAR816 thoughts? - AR15.COM

In India

Offered price ( $1150 / Rs 81,632)
Army to acquire rifles, carbines

3. IWI X95 (5.56x45mm)




Price tag of ( $1,549 /Rs 1,09,955 )
IWI Tavor X95 556nato 16.5″ 30rd Black – GUNPRIME

In India

Offered price to Police ( $1690.50 / Rs 1,20,000)
Specialised police forces to get modern weapons

4. JVPC (5.56x30 mm)


Not sold

In India

Offered price to Police ( $1056.56 /Rs 75,000)

Watch at 1:43

5. kalashnikov ak-103 (7.62x39mm)
pak ak 103 1.jpeg


Not sold

In India

Offered price ( $705 /Rs 50,000 ) *Please note this is the offered price of AK 103 with rails,AK 203 would probably cost more.
In Rafale season, Centre rejects Russia’s request for Adanis as AK-rifle deal partner
Although, for the AK, I think adoption of an overall less bulky holosight like the newer model Falke LE would help further:


Case in point, the Chattisgarh Police STF seem to have gone ahead and done just that - new Falke LE on their FAB AK being used in an ad-hoc SAW/LMG role...

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FIRST IN DECADES: Biggest New Assault Rifle Deal For Indian Army Finally In Sight


The Indian Army’s largest infusion of basic assault rifles in recent years is finally on the horizon. Livefist can confirm that the Ministry of Defence last week signed off on paperwork that will see a deal for 72,400 SIG716 assault rifles concluded later this month with U.S. firm Sig Sauer Inc. The rifles will replace in the service INSAS with frontline infantry units. All of the rifles contracted will be manufactured at Sig Sauer’s New Hampshire facilities and supplied over the course of a single year to meet the Indian Army’s fast track requirements.

The Indian Army chose the SIG716 in September last year after a competitive process, also choosing UAE firm Caracal in a contest to supply 93,895 battle carbines. The order for 72,400 assault rifles from Sig Sauer Inc. will be the single largest contract for assault rifles since the INSAS, developed and built by the state-owned Ordnance Factor Board (OFB), entered service. The Indian Army has, over the last decade, procured a few thousand Israeli Tavor TAR-21 5.56mm assault rifles for its Special Forces and Rashtriya Rifles counter-insurgency units, but has continuously failed to land a large-scale induction of desperately needed assault rifles. The AK-47, a standard weapon across several units, will also see an upgrade, as Livefist reported recently, with the Indian and Russian governments providing finishing touches to a deal to manufacture 650,000 AK-103 assault rifles in India.

The SIG716 also be India’s first major contract for an American infantry weapon. The Indian Army has selected the SIG716 G2 Patrol, a weapon that combines the structure of the earlier SIG 516 assault rifle with a 7.62mm cartridge. The deal is said to also include a variety of accessories and optics.

With the MoD providing an-clear for the assault rifle contract with Sig Sauer Inc., it’s reasonable to expect that similar clearances will follow for the 93,895 carbine deal with UAE’s Caracal. That ill-tempered contest is being followed with a much bigger contest for similar carbines, with the Indian Army officially announcing interest in procuring 360,000 more. The M4A1 carbine, a weapon in service in small numbers with the Indian Army’s Para Special Forces, could compete alongside other contenders. Indian soldiers have had several brushes with the M4A1 over the years in the Yudh Abhyas exercise series with the U.S. Army.


Indian soldier with a US Army M4A1 at Exercise Yudh Abhyas / US ARMY PHOTO

The big contracts coming up are a major break from piecemeal procurement ethic that has bedeviled the Indian Army’s small arms procurement, a crushing irony given the huge dependence on the infantry for counter-insurgency, border patrol and anti-terror operations. After years of meandering contests and ad hoc procurements to meet emergency requirements, Indian Army chief General Bipin Rawat in 2017 is said to have taken a firm decision to fast track procurement, dividing requirements between high performance/urgent for frontline forces and slightly less advanced/license built equipment for other infantry units.

To be sure, the Army is still compelled to procure weapons in small numbers. Last month, the Indian Army revealed it had contracted for an unspecified (but undoubtedly small) number of sniper rifles for troops posted on the Line of Control with Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.


Apart from the high-number procurement of assault rifles and carbines, the Indian Army is also all set to open a contest this month for a deal for 40,000 light machineguns (LMG) to augment in the in service Israeli Negev.

FIRST IN DECADES: Biggest New Assault Rifle Deal For Indian Army Finally In Sight


The Indian Army’s largest infusion of basic assault rifles in recent years is finally on the horizon. Livefist can confirm that the Ministry of Defence last week signed off on paperwork that will see a deal for 72,400 SIG716 assault rifles concluded later this month with U.S. firm Sig Sauer Inc. The rifles will replace in the service INSAS with frontline infantry units. All of the rifles contracted will be manufactured at Sig Sauer’s New Hampshire facilities and supplied over the course of a single year to meet the Indian Army’s fast track requirements.

The Indian Army chose the SIG716 in September last year after a competitive process, also choosing UAE firm Caracal in a contest to supply 93,895 battle carbines. The order for 72,400 assault rifles from Sig Sauer Inc. will be the single largest contract for assault rifles since the INSAS, developed and built by the state-owned Ordnance Factor Board (OFB), entered service. The Indian Army has, over the last decade, procured a few thousand Israeli Tavor TAR-21 5.56mm assault rifles for its Special Forces and Rashtriya Rifles counter-insurgency units, but has continuously failed to land a large-scale induction of desperately needed assault rifles. The AK-47, a standard weapon across several units, will also see an upgrade, as Livefist reported recently, with the Indian and Russian governments providing finishing touches to a deal to manufacture 650,000 AK-103 assault rifles in India.

The SIG716 also be India’s first major contract for an American infantry weapon. The Indian Army has selected the SIG716 G2 Patrol, a weapon that combines the structure of the earlier SIG 516 assault rifle with a 7.62mm cartridge. The deal is said to also include a variety of accessories and optics.

With the MoD providing an-clear for the assault rifle contract with Sig Sauer Inc., it’s reasonable to expect that similar clearances will follow for the 93,895 carbine deal with UAE’s Caracal. That ill-tempered contest is being followed with a much bigger contest for similar carbines, with the Indian Army officially announcing interest in procuring 360,000 more. The M4A1 carbine, a weapon in service in small numbers with the Indian Army’s Para Special Forces, could compete alongside other contenders. Indian soldiers have had several brushes with the M4A1 over the years in the Yudh Abhyas exercise series with the U.S. Army.


Indian soldier with a US Army M4A1 at Exercise Yudh Abhyas / US ARMY PHOTO

The big contracts coming up are a major break from piecemeal procurement ethic that has bedeviled the Indian Army’s small arms procurement, a crushing irony given the huge dependence on the infantry for counter-insurgency, border patrol and anti-terror operations. After years of meandering contests and ad hoc procurements to meet emergency requirements, Indian Army chief General Bipin Rawat in 2017 is said to have taken a firm decision to fast track procurement, dividing requirements between high performance/urgent for frontline forces and slightly less advanced/license built equipment for other infantry units.

To be sure, the Army is still compelled to procure weapons in small numbers. Last month, the Indian Army revealed it had contracted for an unspecified (but undoubtedly small) number of sniper rifles for troops posted on the Line of Control with Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.


Apart from the high-number procurement of assault rifles and carbines, the Indian Army is also all set to open a contest this month for a deal for 40,000 light machineguns (LMG) to augment in the in service Israeli Negev.


On the individual soldier level - bought real helmets, BPJ's, new assault rifles, carbines and snipers. Finally broke the artillery gun drought. Risked serious political capital to upgrade the IAF's tech edge & numbers by buying Rafales, gave a serious push to the LCA, started work on addressing India's helicopter shortfalls, withstood American pressure to get the S400, worked on addressing critical ammunition deficiencies, signed deals for several more T-90's.

And outside of purchases, also made important moves like beginning to further develop defenses on the A&N Islands, paying attention to the Northeast (Highways & Roads, Bridges, Airstrips) etc.

That's a lot of good work for one term, especially without any defense scams.
@Milspec @Parthu
Do list the planned/sanctioned number of various 5.56/7.62 guns (foreign/desi) for procurement. Ignore the 9mm replacement, or LMG/MMGs. Include the snipers/Marksman rifles. Thanks.

@Maximus already did: Small Arms & Tactical Equipment


SS-LMT (a JV between Bangalore-based Stumpp, Schuele & Somappa and US-based Lewis Machine & Tool company) has come up with a modernization package meant for the SVD...

62B15694-70DB-4DD5-8160-BB7A27F15F17.jpeg if on cue @Maximus ! Here's hoping the Army takes a look. They're already buying Israeli FAB Defense and TDI Arms aftermarket kits for outfitting all kinds of AKs in Indian service, hope the same method trickles down to the SVD (and other below). It's gonna be a long while before the Army inducts a new DMR, this upgrade kit could prove very functional & useful in the meantime.

LMT was also seen at the last DEFEXPO marketing its various US-made AR-15 and AR-10 based models through this JV company.


I'd never gotten around to taking a closer look at the OFB-made 12 gauge shotgun, now that I've did, one thing is certain: this gun is a direct carbon copy of the Mossberg 500 series (Model 500/Model 590). The trigger guard, position of the safety switch, the open loading port, they're all dead giveaways.


The Moss 500 6-shot model for comparison:


Little changes here and there, mostly owing to different methods of manufacturing/different materials used (for example OFB has a fiberglass stock unlike Moss which has a polymer-based one, and the grooves on the forend are different probably owing to a different machining process) rather than a change in design.

The silver lining in all this is that this could possibly mean that we can easily drop-in any of the huuuuge array of aftermarket parts available for the 500 series in the international market, with zero tinkering needed. Any Police department/private user (like security agencies) that use the OFB 12-bore can easily do this on their own, just read the manual or watch a video.

Could potentially increase its utility greatly...the various QRTs and SWAT units might find a tactical shotgun useful. Most units I've seen only ever use one shotgun frequently - the dual-mode Franchi SPAS-15 (pump action & semi-auto modes available).


@Milspec @Falcon


As the SIG 716G2 Patrol inches closer to signing of an order for 72,000 rifles, I'm left with bated breath waiting & hoping that the Caracal CAR-816A2 goes ahead and clinches the carbine deal for 93,000-odd pieces. So far the only 'carbine' the Army had was the Sterling and owing to it's poor range and stopping power (9mm) it was very rare to see anyone using it as a primary weapon, preferring instead the much larger INSAS.

With the CAR-816A2 in hand, all that should change. I'm hoping to see a lot more battlefield usage of the 'carbine'...we're jumping from an SMG carbine to a Rifle carbine and that's a big deal.

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