Small Arms & Tactical Equipment

Tonbo Imaging presents a newer lighter version of their bestselling thermal weapon scope - Arjun.


Tonbo's new offering : Spartan-S, a powerhouse clip-on sight customized to work in a tri-optic config, exclusively for the special forces. In photo the one sitting in front is the Spartan-S then the Aimpoint Micro H-1 red-dot day sight then the image magnifier.

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Remember the Bangalore based SS Defence ? Well this is their AK based 7.62X39R :


The iron sight is all kinds of fascinating.:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Jokes apart it should allow for a good amount of redundancy. Good effort, where is that trigger though ?:unsure:
it is operated by thought control and voice control. It is a plastic model AFAIK.
Sir you really out to be a bit more careful. The last time you said nuke test, we had 2 whole pages of people jumping up and down. Now a voice activated plastic AK.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Someone might actually think its true.
Sir you really out to be a bit more careful. The last time you said nuke test, we had 2 whole pages of people jumping up and down. Now a voice activated plastic AK.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Someone might actually think its true.
It seems I can't even joke now or make fun of things.
Credit : Unknowncommando

Indian Army in Africa for UN Peacekeeping. Quarter Zip Combat T-Shirts in Army standard camo.

BIS has apparantly adopted a standard for BPJ in India. The BPJ displayed is the one :
Now I could be wrong but the structure at the back(as shown in the pic above) seems to be the Load Distribution System that MKU Industies had patented. It allows the load on the back to be distributed to the hips and waist, that in turn reduced load from the shoulders.
Obviously the Load distribution system isn't something you need all the time, neither do you need those chin guards all the time. The camo looks good, should be ideal for desert ops. Where are the molle webbing though ? If MKU is involved with this BPJ why didn't they use it ? MKU does make lightning cut molle webbing which is argueably the best out there today.
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More photos of the SSS Defence snipers :

This is probably the 7.62X51 NATO variant.

Modified SVD Dragunov with M-LOK rails at 3, 6 and 9 positions. The optic looks like an ELCAN Spectre, also the barrel seems to be modified as well :

I am starting to like these guys.
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As a small arms enthusiast and someone who is passionate about the subject,after a lot of deliberation I have come to the conclusion that this is a bad deal(strictly my opinion).I think going for ak 203 with full TOT is a foolish decision and a big blunder being committed by our politicians,bureaucrats and military leadership.This is a short sighted decision without any consideration given to the general direction towards which small arms development is headed to.I will list out the reasons in a detailed post sometime later.

When I say this will be a bad decision ,I say it irrespective of the rifle being AK 203 OR ak 15 .Still if you had to have a Russian ak then let it be AK 15 .It is the latest in terms of ground up development at Kalashnikov.

AK 15

1 Has better improved trigger.
2 Has better free floating hand guard.
3 Has better iron sights ,rear aperture with windage adjustment and front sight placed on the gas block.
4 Has better fixed gas tube,which removes the wobble on upper hand guard rail and can be cleaned easily by removal of a plug in front.
5 Has better muzzle brake,which helps to keep the rifle more stable while shooting.
6 Has two round burst mode.

Another important point why AK 15 make more sense is because AK 12 and AK 15 have been adopted by Russian army,so they will probably see constant upgrade throughout their life cycle. For your information development work for new ambidextrous selector lever,new improved sights,new stock and handguard is already underway at Kalashnikov for these rifles,which will materialize on the new batches of these rifle,once the development is completed.Whereas I don't think Indian gunsmith at OFB and ARDE will carry out such further development on AK 203 going by their past record and present attitude .We might get stuck with the basic ak 203 for decades to come.With AK 15 we we would have at-least the option of implementing the development carried out by Kalashnikov in future.So in simple language AK 12/AK 15 seem to be having better product support and development cycle than the AK 203.

Now coming to cost,Russia is selling AK 203 to India at a cost of around $1000 = 71,992.50 Indian rupees per rifle.( SIG 716 Patrol cost 990$ = 70,262.78 Indian rupees per rifle.)
Joint venture for AK 203 rifles factory at Amethi was the `fastest ever’ created with Russia

AK 15 civilian model called TR3 , is similar to military model ,barring the limitation of firing mode to semi automatic and that it cannot be fired with folded stock.TR3 cost 69,000 Russian ruble = 74,768.92 Indian rupees.
Купить TR3 7,62 || «АК»

AK 203 Civilian model called Saiga MK 105 ,is similar to military model ,barring the limitation of firing mode to only semi automatic and that it cannot be fired with folded stock.Mk 105 cost 49,900 Russian ruble = 54,069.81 indian rupees.
Сайга-МК исполнение 105 - Самозарядный карабин калибра 7.62мм на базе автомата Калашникова АК-203

Please note that the price of 49,900 is as what is listed on official Kalashnikov site,however various dealers are selling AK 203 at varying prices .At one place it is listed at 40,190 rubles,at another 49,000 and someone has just bought the rifle by paying 48,990 rubles.For convenience let's just stick with the prices listed on Kalashnikov website.

Let's do some calculations now (cost per rifle) :

Kalashnikov is selling AK 203 to India for = rs 71,992.50

Kalashnikov is selling AK 203 to civilians for= rs 54,069.81

Difference in cost = rs 17,992.69


Cost of civilian AK 15 = Rs 74,768.92
cost of civilian ak 203 = Rs 54,069.81

Difference in cost = Rs 20,699.11


Assuming India buy AK 15 instead of AK 203 in this deal then the price would be =

Difference in cost of AK 203 civilian model and Indian model = rs 17,992.69
ak 15 civilian model cost = rs 74,768.92

Cost of AK 15 to India if all variable remain same = rs 92,761.61

If we add the difference in cost between civilian AK 15 and ak 203 to the current price of AK 203 India ,which already include Kalashnikov profit.

Difference in cost of AK 203 and AK 15 civilian model = 20,699.11
Cost of AK 203 for India = 71,992.50

Cost of AK 15 to India = 92,691.61

Assuming a round off figure for the cost of AK 15 = rs 93,000
Cost of AK 203 to India = rs 71,992.50

AK 15 will be costlier to India by = rs 21,007.5

So basically it will cost around rs 21,000 more for AK 15 ,by saving 21,000 per rifle the Babu has done his work and now can gloat ,as his main preference is cost saving ,for him it is all the same be it AK 203 or AK 15 .It was Indian army which had to ensure that their soldier get the the better rifle,and they have been a let down.

Please note that AK 203 will come with Opaque black mags of AK 103 and with full length cleaning rod ,unlike the new design polymer mag with windows and three piece cleaning rod tucked away in the stock in AK 15.(final configuration will depend on what our army demand for).
ak 203 70.jpg

Hope that at least the version we order have both the three piece cleaning rod and new mag like shown below :
ak 203 18.jpg

AK 200
ak 2.jpg

ak 3.jpg
ak 4.jpg

AK 203
ak 1.jpg
ak 203 23.jpg
ak 203 24.jpg

AK 203 Shooting

AK 15 Shooting


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Some photographs of the civilian version of AK 203 ,it's similar to military version barring automatic fire and the ability to fire with butt folded.
ak 203 32.jpg

ak 203 33.jpg
ak 203 34.jpg
ak 203 35.jpg
ak 203 37.jpg

ak 203 38.jpg
ak 203 39.jpg
ak 203 40.jpg
ak 203 41.jpg
ak 203 42.jpg