
We should stop giving importance to cricket and start encouraging other sports!!
why? Just follow whichever damn sports you like, no need to hate any other sports.As a sports fan I ll always support all sports but I just cant jump this cricket is famous so we should not give importance bandwagon.
why? Just follow whichever damn sports you like, no need to hate any other sports.As a sports fan I ll always support all sports but I just cant jump this cricket is famous so we should not give importance bandwagon.
Think he meant - there is NO NEED to have a subsection for cricket - have a sport section involving all sports
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Is there any way that there is a mechanism placed to prevent random opening of threads? There are members here who are opening threads by the hour without any contribution save for some of the most ridiculous statements and banter.

That hardly resonates with the aim this forum is aiming for. Look at the Kashmir thread, the OP has disappeared and simply hovers and moves, without any attempt at defending any aspect of the OP the member has found resonance with.

Some of the contentions are highly suspect and are the typical trend of the mainstream media wherein an idea is inserted into the public domain which has no base and an issue is created out of it.

I would urge the management to seriously look at a mechanism to make it difficult for members to open threads on whims and fancies and without any source. Any member who has to open a thread, must have contribution on it too. We can have system settings to enable news feed as threads if we want, why do we need members for that?

@Aashish @nair @Ashwin
Let me check.. Political discussion is a topic which we dont want to get into political party fights.. A more discourse on national aspect is what we desire.. let me check and see .. will open it up then

Understood. My idea was to have a thread wherein one can post Political News from all the Parties & debate, so that such threads can be avoided:

PM's 'Aurangzeb Raj' Dig As Rahul Gandhi Set To Become Congress Chief

Further, can we have Multimedia Section to Post Pics? If time Permits, I'd like to post Pics from Russian History, World Wars, et al.
@Parul We have decided not to have any Political or religious discussion here - Unless it has a strategic implication to India....... Our experience with this topic is that, most of the posters are not matured enough to discuss this topic objectively.......
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Can you incorporate country flags? That way at least we can weed out trolling and flame baiting. We’ll know whom to respond and whom to avoid.
we are not using country flag to encourage non-partial discussions.