Sukhoi Su-30MKI

One of the puzzles for me is - If IAF likes MKI so much, then that plane must have been used for A2G and A2A roles. But for balakot, IAF used M2000.....and Modi said "agar Rafale hota......". So, I have hard time believing that SU30 MKI is super duper plane that we like to think it is.

My reasons for IAF purchasing 12 more MKIs:
a) To give some $$$ to Russia during their difficult times [it is easy for India to buy replacements from Russia Vs new equipment during this times].
b) Give some work to HAL, so that employees can be paid.
c) 12 losses of MKI means some squadrons have less number of planes and must be replaced by MKI only. So, the new ones will be in the same standard as the old ones. Since, they can not have mixed technology within the same squadron (please tell me if I am wrong).

However - purely from war-fighting perspective, IAF should have bought Rafales instead of SU-30.

My 0.00002 cents
Do you know one thing, the fixed wing aircrafts in our current inventory had battle experience are mirage & mig21 only. Though Mig21 is already expired its relevance, Both participated during kargil & Balakot saga. MKI/su30 & Jaguar was mere a spectators diring both the conflicts. Means currently we don't have any relevant number of aircrafts for battle.
Yeas we need Rafale aircraft, not this over hyped maintanence nightmare.
Do you know one thing, the fixed wing aircrafts in our current inventory had battle experience are mirage & mig21 only. Though Mig21 is already expired its relevance, Both participated during kargil & Balakot saga. MKI/su30 & Jaguar was mere a spectators diring both the conflicts. Means currently we don't have any relevant number of aircrafts for battle.
Yeas we need Rafale aircraft, not this over hyped maintanence nightmare.

Do you know one thing, the F-22 has battle experience in bombing opium factories and undefended rag tag terrorists. It must be useless in the A2A fight as per your logic.
Do you know one thing, the F-22 has battle experience in bombing opium factories and undefended rag tag terrorists. It must be useless in the A2A fight as per your logic.
F22 was an air superiority figher created to protect US mainland, yet they deployed in war fighting zone which shity MKI cannot claim. And f22 didn't get any chance to engage any enemy aircraft.

FYI when there was an opportunity to shoot down enemy aircraft, MKI behavior was like that of our house cat while seeing the big rat that is do not engage. Till date MKI's acheivment was securing gallantry medal for dodging a2a missile ( not so great acheivment according to me).
One of the puzzles for me is - If IAF likes MKI so much, then that plane must have been used for A2G and A2A roles. But for balakot, IAF used M2000.....and Modi said "agar Rafale hota......". So, I have hard time believing that SU30 MKI is super duper plane that we like to think it is.

My reasons for IAF purchasing 12 more MKIs:
a) To give some $$$ to Russia during their difficult times [it is easy for India to buy replacements from Russia Vs new equipment during this times].
b) Give some work to HAL, so that employees can be paid.
c) 12 losses of MKI means some squadrons have less number of planes and must be replaced by MKI only. So, the new ones will be in the same standard as the old ones. Since, they can not have mixed technology within the same squadron (please tell me if I am wrong).

However - purely from war-fighting perspective, IAF should have bought Rafales instead of SU-30.

My 0.00002 cents
MKI is locally produced easy to order. Rafale is impossible without jumping many political hoops. Ans yes this purchase because of attrition.
One of the puzzles for me is - If IAF likes MKI so much, then that plane must have been used for A2G and A2A roles. But for balakot, IAF used M2000.....and Modi said "agar Rafale hota......". So, I have hard time believing that SU30 MKI is super duper plane that we like to think it is.

My reasons for IAF purchasing 12 more MKIs:
a) To give some $$$ to Russia during their difficult times [it is easy for India to buy replacements from Russia Vs new equipment during this times].
b) Give some work to HAL, so that employees can be paid.
c) 12 losses of MKI means some squadrons have less number of planes and must be replaced by MKI only. So, the new ones will be in the same standard as the old ones. Since, they can not have mixed technology within the same squadron (please tell me if I am wrong).

It's all role-specific. MKI is used for much greater mass attacks.

Points a and b are debatable. But c is questionable. While it was initially thought to be attrition replacements, but the rumor mill indicates the opposite. Some even claim it's a Growler-esque design specifically meant for EW, that makes it different from the standard MLU or the vanilla MKI. But the attrition argument still remains the strongest.

However - purely from war-fighting perspective, IAF should have bought Rafales instead of SU-30.

My 0.00002 cents

In the mid-90s, the MKI was chosen purely because it was non-Western. We had already planned to conduct nuclear tests after the Soviet dissolution, so there was a risk of France sanctioning India. Only after they proved that they wouldn't betray our trust that we took them seriously again, hence the French tilt towards both Scorpene and MRCA (M2000). The Russians also offered a level of ToT the French were unlikely to match. Rafale was nowhere in the picture then, it became available only after 2006.
One of the puzzles for me is - If IAF likes MKI so much, then that plane must have been used for A2G and A2A roles. But for balakot, IAF used M2000.....and Modi said "agar Rafale hota......". So, I have hard time believing that SU30 MKI is super duper plane that we like to think it is.
2 MKIs stopped 8 F-16s from bombing our army headquarters. So yes, it is a great warplane.
My reasons for IAF purchasing 12 more MKIs:
a) To give some $$$ to Russia during their difficult times [it is easy for India to buy replacements from Russia Vs new equipment during this times].
b) Give some work to HAL, so that employees can be paid.
c) 12 losses of MKI means some squadrons have less number of planes and must be replaced by MKI only. So, the new ones will be in the same standard as the old ones. Since, they can not have mixed technology within the same squadron (please tell me if I am wrong).

However - purely from war-fighting perspective, IAF should have bought Rafales instead of SU-30.

My 0.00002 cents
Upgraded MKI will be superior to Rafale in some area while trail in some area. Both are required along with a stealth fighter.
F22 was an air superiority figher created to protect US mainland, yet they deployed in war fighting zone which shity MKI cannot claim. And f22 didn't get any chance to engage any enemy aircraft.

FYI when there was an opportunity to shoot down enemy aircraft, MKI behavior was like that of our house cat while seeing the big rat that is do not engage. Till date MKI's acheivment was securing gallantry medal for dodging a2a missile ( not so great acheivment according to me).
Can you show me where it is mentioned that it was not to be deployed abroad? Maybe, it did not get chance to engage because USAF is too scared that it will get exposed.

At least the IAF sent the Su30 to engage. The F-22 must be really bad that the USAF had to send F-15 and F-16 to engage aerial targets. Only aerial target it engaged was a balloon, which by the way could have been done with a Tigermoth.

I am of course using your logic here.
Damn it, we bought some Jaguar from middle East, and restored it for flying..
Because we could, at a fraction of cost, and to maintain operational fleet.

Su 30 mki upgrade indigenously takes it over Rafale in flexibility.

Universal pylon is in making for it.

Only aircraft s which can use all weapon s in our inventory going to be Tejas & Su 30 mki.

Anyways Rafale bases can accommodate 2 more squad s.. Which will be the minimum we buy even without MMRCA.
Do you know one thing, the fixed wing aircrafts in our current inventory had battle experience are mirage & mig21 only. Though Mig21 is already expired its relevance, Both participated during kargil & Balakot saga. MKI/su30 & Jaguar was mere a spectators diring both the conflicts. Means currently we don't have any relevant number of aircrafts for battle.
Yeas we need Rafale aircraft, not this over hyped maintanence nightmare.

The western countries & their parrots (australia; UK; BBC; NYT etc) could not resist speaking when a terrorist (Nijjar) got killed with no credible link to India. Hence, I do not think they can retrain themselves if something big happens.

I think we need to believe Indian high echleons, when they purchase Russian equipment. At least, Russians will not give statements embarrassing India.

It is better if India restricts western military purchases to France + USA (for really high-tech items).

PS: watch the latest statement from Pannu where he is directly threatening Hindus, while Trudeau finds no hate-speech on that. Western world has hit their hubris.
Can you show me where it is mentioned that it was not to be deployed abroad? Maybe, it did not get chance to engage because USAF is too scared that it will get exposed.

At least the IAF sent the Su30 to engage. The F-22 must be really bad that the USAF had to send F-15 and F-16 to engage aerial targets. Only aerial target it engaged was a balloon, which by the way could have been done with a Tigermoth.

I am of course using your logic here.
An aircraft which didn't get a chance to engage enemy aircraft vs an aircraft had an opportunity to engage multiple targets in air.
An aircraft which didn't get a chance to engage enemy aircraft vs an aircraft had an opportunity to engage multiple targets in air.
An aircraft which was sent to defend against an enemy balloon instead of actually going being outnumbered and yet defending against enemy aircraft.
As you can see, I am only applying your logic and standards. But the fact that we are talking about the F-22 vs Su-30 itself shows how bad the F-22 is. Again, your logic.
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An aircraft which was sent to defend against an enemy balloon instead of actually going being outnumbered and yet defending against enemy aircraft.
As you can see, I am only applying your logic and standards. But the fact that we are talking about the F-22 vs Su-30 itself shows how bad the F-22 is. Again, your logic.
FYI, we send mki to shoot down birds.
Su-30MKI featured in a Japanese aviation magazine. Didn't understand a word. Cool pics though.



India has indicated to Russia that India aims to increase indigenous content in the AL-31FP engines that power the Su-30 MKI according to IAF sources. India already has the capability to manufacture these engines from raw material stage.

IAF sources indicate that the future AMCA/TEDBF engine program will also utilise the established commercial jet engine related ecosystem setup around the CFM (GE & Safran) LEAP engine currently in Hyderabad.

Let's wait for the final proposal! But we're going with enhanced desi AL-31FP. So engine will be updated. Regarding airframe, even if we don't change the outer skin(we should as per my understanding), with new gen RAM that we've developed RCS should see an improvement.

But final details will only become obvious once the MLU/UPG. contract is signed.
Rs 60,000 cr for 84 airframes meaning ~$85 million per MKI !. As usual they want it gold plated .
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