Syrian Civil War - News & Discussions

The other two were poisoned by the same poison. Also, are you suggesting that if we catch a Russian committing espionage, which is also a crime, that we can nerve gas them.

Two words, Intent and means.

The "other " poisoning you are talking about happens a long time after the real poisoning. Britain failed to provide any evidence for intent and means for the second poisoning and accused Russia without evidence.

The UN never point fingers, but the trajectories they released prove it could only have been the Assad regime.

UN do point fingers when they have evidence. For example the latest Myanmar report pointed their military for genocide. The only reason why UN didn't pointed fingers at Sharia is because they cannot find any real evidence. I posted the report earlier and there is nothing that points to SAA. Guardian just published some bullshit just like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq lie.

Who sucks up to them. The press hounds them everywhere and they make money for the taxpayer via tourism. A bit like the Kardashians only much less annoying.

You peoples. Lol.. is she not the head of the state even though she is child of terrorists? Are you peoples take you oath of citizenship in her name? Didn't your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her all the time? Isn't she the commander of the Army? Isn't she the one who appoints your prime minister. Isn't your prime minister supposed to kiss her middle finger before becoming prime minister lol.. Aren't you peoples supposed to sing glory to that daughter of terrorists whenever you sing your national anthem? That's what I call sucking up to them.

Iran supported Al-Quaeda in Iraq. When the Bin Laden raid cut off the head, they went scurrying everywhere and joined up with others in IS. Iran also support Hezbollah in Syria however, who is an enemy of IS, so recently Iran got its first taste of what it helped create.

It was right to support resistance to Soviet expansionism. The outcome of idiocy is unfortunate but nobody regrets stopping the Soviets for one second. No one will ever miss a dictatorship because they are just well organised terrorists and most can trace their roots back to terrorist uprisings too. Saddam Hussein, Assad, the CCP, the Soviets. All of them started as terrorists at some point within the last 100 years.

The Middle East is complicated because there's oil there. There said it. But 90% of global dictatorships are Russian or Chinese allies. What does that tell you? Is there a single democracy that's aligned to Russia or China in the same way that Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea, ROC, Australia and New Zealand are aligned with the US? Saudi Arabia is very much an exception to the rule globally.

Well I know a bunch of people's who suffered because of UK-US support to Islamic extremists including all Taliban commanders in afganistan. It's the Afganistan proples.

And no, Iran have nothing to do with al-queida which is a sunny Islamic terror group that consider Iran as it's sworn enemy. Stop trying to blame your failures on someone else.

More than 70% of all dictators in this planet is a UK-US ally. Entire religious fanatic salafist dictators of GCC are your allies. So was almost all military dictators from sisi of Egypt to Musharraf of Pakistan to Latin America and Africa.

You peoples pretant like you are fighting for democracy, when in reality the only thing that common in all your wars is that the one you fight is a pro Russian regime or one that oppose petro-dollar.
Two words, Intent and means.

The "other " poisoning you are talking about happens a long time after the real poisoning. Britain failed to provide any evidence for intent and means for the second poisoning and accused Russia without evidence.

UN do point fingers when they have evidence. For example the latest Myanmar report pointed their military for genocide. The only reason why UN didn't pointed fingers at Sharia is because they cannot find any real evidence. I posted the report earlier and there is nothing that points to SAA. Guardian just published some bullshit just like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq lie.

You peoples. Lol.. is she not the head of the state even though she is child of terrorists? Are you peoples take you oath of citizenship in her name? Didn't your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her all the time? Isn't she the commander of the Army? Isn't she the one who appoints your prime minister. Isn't your prime minister supposed to kiss her middle finger before becoming prime minister lol.. Aren't you peoples supposed to sing glory to that daughter of terrorists whenever you sing your national anthem? That's what I call sucking up to them.

Well I know a bunch of people's who suffered because of UK-US support to Islamic extremists including all Taliban commanders in afganistan. It's the Afganistan proples.

And no, Iran have nothing to do with al-queida which is a sunny Islamic terror group that consider Iran as it's sworn enemy. Stop trying to blame your failures on someone else.

More than 70% of all dictators in this planet is a UK-US ally. Entire religious fanatic salafist dictators of GCC are your allies. So was almost all military dictators from sisi of Egypt to Musharraf of Pakistan to Latin America and Africa.

You peoples pretant like you are fighting for democracy, when in reality the only thing that common in all your wars is that the one you fight is a pro Russian regime or one that oppose petro-dollar.
I guess some randomer must be making Novichok huh. Russia's intent in the Skirpal case is enough. They introduced the poison, there is nowhere else it could come from.

Well duh, in the Myanmar case, it's obvious. But if they induce that a chemical attack took place and that its trajectory came from government held territory, it is either the government did it, or a rebel sneaked into government territory and fired a chemical shell back at his own territory. US and European analysts all concur on this. There is no other sensible conclusion based on the evidence.

She's the token head of state of tons of countries.

Elizabeth II - Wikipedia

Polls in Britain in 2006 and 2007 revealed strong support for Elizabeth,[210] and in 2012, her Diamond Jubilee year, approval ratings hit 90 percent.[211] Referendums in Tuvalu in 2008 and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in 2009 both rejected proposals to become republics.[212]

I know a hell of a lot more who suffered far worse in Soviet gulags.

Iran's relationship with Al-Quaeda is a curious one.
Al-Qaeda Has Rebuilt Itself—With Iran's Help - The Atlantic
Newly released Osama Bin Laden document describes Iran, Al Qaeda link
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

Sisi and Musharraf are gone. And no, outside of the Middle East, all dictators are either allies of Russia or China. Nearly all Russia and China's allies are dictators. Gadaffi, Assad and the Ayatollah were all Russian allies. North Koreans (millions killed), North Vietnamese (1.5m South Vietnamese executed). Cuba. Khymer Rouge (3 million killed) were Chinese allies. The world's very worst regimes always look to Russia and China.

The recent record is very good. Iraq - dictator removed - democracy. Afghanistan - Taliban removed - democracy. Libya - dictator removed - democracy.

Russia and Russia's proxies. Syria - fighting to keep a dictator in charge. Yemen - fought to remove democratically elected government, now maintaining a dictatorship. Ukraine - fought against the move to an honest democracy. Poised candidate Yuschenko. Invaded part of Georgia, a democracy. China, threattens to invade Taiwan, a democracy, if they declare independence.

I'd say the West's record is better here.
I guess some randomer must be making Novichok huh. Russia's intent in the Skirpal case is enough. They introduced the poison, there is nowhere else it could come from.

Well duh, in the Myanmar case, it's obvious. But if they induce that a chemical attack took place and that its trajectory came from government held territory, it is either the government did it, or a rebel sneaked into government territory and fired a chemical shell back at his own territory. US and European analysts all concur on this. There is no other sensible conclusion based on the evidence.

She's the token head of state of tons of countries.

Elizabeth II - Wikipedia

I know a hell of a lot more who suffered far worse in Soviet gulags.

Iran's relationship with Al-Quaeda is a curious one.
Al-Qaeda Has Rebuilt Itself—With Iran's Help - The Atlantic
Newly released Osama Bin Laden document describes Iran, Al Qaeda link
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

Sisi and Musharraf are gone. And no, outside of the Middle East, all dictators are either allies of Russia or China. Nearly all Russia and China's allies are dictators. Gadaffi, Assad and the Ayatollah were all Russian allies. North Koreans (millions killed), North Vietnamese (1.5m South Vietnamese executed). Cuba. Khymer Rouge (3 million killed) were Chinese allies. The world's very worst regimes always look to Russia and China.

The recent record is very good. Iraq - dictator removed - democracy. Afghanistan - Taliban removed - democracy. Libya - dictator removed - democracy.

Russia and Russia's proxies. Syria - fighting to keep a dictator in charge. Yemen - fought to remove democratically elected government, now maintaining a dictatorship. Ukraine - fought against the move to an honest democracy. Poised candidate Yuschenko. Invaded part of Georgia, a democracy. China, threattens to invade Taiwan, a democracy, if they declare independence.

I'd say the West's record is better here.

When did sisi gone? Last time I checked he is still the president of Egypt and he came to power by overthrowing a democratically elected goverment with the full support of west.

Same true for Ukraine. The current Regine of Ukraine came to power by overthrowing a democratically elected goverment of Ukraine with the full help and endorsement of west.

Hipocracy is absolutely disgusting. Almost all dictators in middle East and Africa are western allies.

As I said earlier. West overthrown lots of governments both democratic and undemocratic and supported dictators and Islamic terrorists when it suits it's interests. The only thing that is common in all these wars and goverment overthrowing is that they were either pro Russian or Anti petro-dollar. Stop pretending like you are fighting for any values.

That particular poison is not something g unique to Russia, almost 30 other countries have that nerve agent. There is no intent for Russia to poison random peoples. It's just allocation that is not backed up with evidence.

That doesn't change the fact that your country is sucking up to the daughter of those terrorists, isn't it? What do you call her, your Majesty isn't it. Not a word apt for children of terrorists don't you think?
When did sisi gone? Last time I checked he is still the president of Egypt and he came to power by overthrowing a democratically elected goverment with the full support of west.

Same true for Ukraine. The current Regine of Ukraine came to power by overthrowing a democratically elected goverment of Ukraine with the full help and endorsement of west.

Hipocracy is absolutely disgusting. Almost all dictators in middle East and Africa are western allies.

As I said earlier. West overthrown lots of governments both democratic and undemocratic and supported dictators and Islamic terrorists when it suits it's interests. The only thing that is common in all these wars and goverment overthrowing is that they were either pro Russian or Anti petro-dollar. Stop pretending like you are fighting for any values.

That particular poison is not something g unique to Russia, almost 30 other countries have that nerve agent. There is no intent for Russia to poison random peoples. It's just allocation that is not backed up with evidence.

That doesn't change the fact that your country is sucking up to the daughter of those terrorists, isn't it? What do you call her, your Majesty isn't it. Not a word apt for children of terrorists don't you think?
I was thinking of Mubarak. The reason Sisi retook control is because of an Islamist regime committing illegal acts under the Egyptian constitution, which is illegal under a democracy.

The voting in Ukraine's supposed democracy was corrupt to the core. Pro-Russian voters were bused between polling booths so that they could vote dozens of times. It was a democracy only in name, Yanukovych lived an opulent lifestyle no true democratically elected leader ever would in a country that poor. Back when there was honest voting, Putin had Yuschenko poisoned. And there is a democracy in Ukraine now, the existing government was elected.

Almost all Russian and Chinese allies are dictatorships globally. Name me a democracy fully allied to Russia or China? I can name dozens of democracies allied to the US.

Not with a motive for killing an ex-Russian agent though. They poisoned the random people to confuse people about the original attack before security footage confirmed the movements of their agents. Your arguments are extremely ridiculous. It is known that Russian agents poisoned the Skirpals but you claim there was a random attack with the exact same chemical agent against two other people by a third entity around the same time? JFC, you should really stop watching RT.

People like her. Her popularity is higher than Modi's and she doesn't interfere in politics and brings in tourism revenue.
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I was thinking of Mubarak. The reason Sisi retook control is because of an Islamist regime committing illegal acts under the Egyptian constitution, which is illegal under a democracy.

It was a democratically elected government of Egypt and the only illegal thing that happened is a military coup, supported by west to acheive their political objective.

The voting in Ukraine's supposed democracy was corrupt to the core. Pro-Russian voters were bused between polling booths so that they could vote dozens of times. It was a democracy only in name, Yanukovych lived an opulent lifestyle no true democratically elected leader ever would in a country that poor. Back when there was honest voting, Putin had Yuschenko poisoned. And there is a democracy in Ukraine now, the existing government was elected.

Almost all Russian and Chinese allies are dictatorships globally. Name me a democracy fully allied to Russia or China? I can name dozens of democracies allied to the US.

Yanukovych is the last and legitimate Ukraine president elected by all fractions of Ukrainian population. The current government is one of the most corrupted one and an illegal one for the matter of fact. This government is not elected by all fractions of the Ukrainian peoples as the eastern Ukrainian provinces where Yanukovych previously won boycotted the illegal regime. Its a coup government just like the Egyption one, spported and armed by west for political objectives.

Not with a motive for killing an ex-Russian agent though. They poisoned the random people to confuse people about the original attack before security footage confirmed the movements of their agents. Your arguments are extremely ridiculous. It is known that Russian agents poisoned the Skirpals but you claim there was a random attack with the exact same chemical agent against two other people by a third entity around the same time? JFC, you should really stop watching RT.

The entire situation is very dubious. There is no reason for russia to poison someone with rare poison if the objective is to keep a low profile. There are lot of commonly available poisons that can be used to poison a person. It is highly likely that British regime poisoned him after he decided to return to Russia and planted it on Russia.

People like her. .

Yeah, still sucking up to the children of terrorists.
It was a democratically elected government of Egypt and the only illegal thing that happened is a military coup, supported by west to acheive their political objective.

Yanukovych is the last and legitimate Ukraine president elected by all fractions of Ukrainian population. The current government is one of the most corrupted one and an illegal one for the matter of fact. This government is not elected by all fractions of the Ukrainian peoples as the eastern Ukrainian provinces where Yanukovych previously won boycotted the illegal regime. Its a coup government just like the Egyption one, spported and armed by west for political objectives.

The entire situation is very dubious. There is no reason for russia to poison someone with rare poison if the objective is to keep a low profile. There are lot of commonly available poisons that can be used to poison a person. It is highly likely that British regime poisoned him after he decided to return to Russia and planted it on Russia.

Yeah, still sucking up to the children of terrorists.
Nope. The government branch began imprisoning judges for dissent, which is illegal under the constitution. Research it.

Yanukovych was elected via voting fraud on a massive scale. He was also very corrupt and used his position to enrich himself.

Russia likes to let people know who did it and it also likes to inflict a painful death, just like with Litvinenko. You may not have noticed but both the UK and US have allowed several Russian spies to return home, never mind poisoning them.

Nope, just allowing a popular, money-making monarch to reside.
Nope. The government branch began imprisoning judges for dissent, which is illegal under the constitution. Research it.

Yanukovych was elected via voting fraud on a massive scale. He was also very corrupt and used his position to enrich himself.

Yanukovych was the democratically elected president of Ukraine. Most of the east Ukrainians voted for him and elected him democratically. whereas the west Ukranians voted against him. Ukrane was due for elections and the US and its slaves supported a coup aganist the democratic government with the help of Nio nazi groups in west Ukraine.

The east Ukrainians had no choice but to rebel against the illegitimate puppet government west installed after coup since their democratically elected government is overthrown by the western aggressors.

West is the aggressor in Ukraine and Russia and East Ukrainians are the defenders here.


File:Другий тур 2010 по округах-en.png - Wikipedia

Russia likes to let people know who did it and it also likes to inflict a painful death, just like with Litvinenko. You may not have noticed but both the UK and US have allowed several Russian spies to return home, never mind poisoning them.

UK-US allowed peoples who spied for Russia to return from custody in return of Russians allowing UK-UK spied to leave Russia.

Here the situation is different. The guy in question was spying for UK and he was suspected for planning to returning to Russia and probably UK killed him and planted it on Russia since he have inside

Nope, just allowing a popular, money-making monarch to reside.

She is the head of the state even though she is child of terrorist.
you peoples take you oath of citizenship in her name.
your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her all the time
she is the commander of the Army
she is the one who appoints your prime minister
your prime minister supposed to kiss her middle finger before becoming prime minister
you peoples are supposed to sing glory to that daughter of terrorists whenever you sing your national anthem like a bunch of slaves.

That is called sucking up to children of terrorists.
Yanukovych was the democratically elected president of Ukraine. Most of the east Ukrainians voted for him and elected him democratically. whereas the west Ukranians voted against him. Ukrane was due for elections and the US and its slaves supported a coup aganist the democratic government with the help of Nio nazi groups in west Ukraine.

The east Ukrainians had no choice but to rebel against the illegitimate puppet government west installed after coup since their democratically elected government is overthrown by the western aggressors.

West is the aggressor in Ukraine and Russia and East Ukrainians are the defenders here.

View attachment 3223

File:Другий тур 2010 по округах-en.png - Wikipedia

UK-US allowed peoples who spied for Russia to return from custody in return of Russians allowing UK-UK spied to leave Russia.

Here the situation is different. The guy in question was spying for UK and he was suspected for planning to returning to Russia and probably UK killed him and planted it on Russia since he have inside

She is the head of the state even though she is child of terrorist.
you peoples take you oath of citizenship in her name.
your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her all the time
she is the commander of the Army
she is the one who appoints your prime minister
your prime minister supposed to kiss her middle finger before becoming prime minister
you peoples are supposed to sing glory to that daughter of terrorists whenever you sing your national anthem like a bunch of slaves.

That is called sucking up to children of terrorists.
The voting was a fraud. It's well documented.

Very few people live in the East relative to the rest of Ukraine.

Russia supported an insurgency but democracy still prevailed.

Nobody has been poisoned by them though. That is a very Russian thing. The coward's approach to murder.

Russian agents were captured on CCTV all the way from the airport to the Skirpal's street.

She is no longer a dictator. The country is governed by a democratically elected government. She has no supreme powers unlike the Ayatollah in Iran - another of Russia's dictator allies.
The voting was a fraud. It's well documented.

Very few people live in the East relative to the rest of Ukraine.

Russia supported an insurgency but democracy still prevailed.

Nobody has been poisoned by them though. That is a very Russian thing. The coward's approach to murder.

Russian agents were captured on CCTV all the way from the airport to the Skirpal's street.

She is no longer a dictator. The country is governed by a democratically elected government. She has no supreme powers unlike the Ayatollah in Iran - another of Russia's dictator allies.

A lot of peoples live in east and it was enough to get him to power with majority.

The democracy in Ukraine died when west toppled the last democratically elected president of Ukraine elected to power in an election where all section of Ukrainian population participated. Just like Latin America.

The new government of anti-democratic revolters are not elected in an election where all section of Ukrainian population is participated.

East Ukrainians boycotted the illegal government and forced to fight against the illegal overthrow of their elected president.

Just random Russians walking down the street.

She is the child of terrorists and she had enough power to make your prime minister kiss her middle finger before being appointed as prime minister. She have enough power to make you sing glory to her whenever you sing national anthem like a slave praising his master. She his powerful enough to make all your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her. She is powerful enough to be the commander in cheif of armed forces. And she have millions of slave citizens who took auth in her name eventhough she is the child of terrorists.
A lot of peoples live in east and it was enough to get him to power with majority.

The democracy in Ukraine died when west toppled the last democratically elected president of Ukraine elected to power in an election where all section of Ukrainian population participated. Just like Latin America.

The new government of anti-democratic revolters are not elected in an election where all section of Ukrainian population is participated.

East Ukrainians boycotted the illegal government and forced to fight against the illegal overthrow of their elected president.

Just random Russians walking down the street.

She is the child of terrorists and she had enough power to make your prime minister kiss her middle finger before being appointed as prime minister. She have enough power to make you sing glory to her whenever you sing national anthem like a slave praising his master. She his powerful enough to make all your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her. She is powerful enough to be the commander in cheif of armed forces. And she have millions of slave citizens who took auth in her name eventhough she is the child of terrorists.
Only when they all voted 12 times each.

The democracy in Ukraine was fraudulent until they kick Yanukovych out. Actually all of Ukraine was free to vote in the election.

Just random Russians who were identified as agents and just happened to make their way from an airport to the street the Skirpal's were on just before they were poisoned. I swear to God, you must work for RT.

Tradition. She is unable to make or repeal any law or policy. And a child cannot be held guilty for the crimes of their ancestors anyway.
Only when they all voted 12 times each.

The democracy in Ukraine was fraudulent until they kick Yanukovych out. Actually all of Ukraine was free to vote in the election.

Democracy was fine in Ukraine untill democratically elected leader was overthrown and every countries accepted the election of Yanukovych as fair and free. Can you point out statement from some countries accusing the election of 2010 to be unfair?

East Ukranians makes about half of the entire population. Since it is the industrial heart land of Ukraine, it was always highly populated.

Just random Russians who were identified as agents and just happened to make their way from an airport to the street the Skirpal's were on just before they were poisoned. I swear to God, you must work for RT.

What is the basis of calling them agents? They were just two russians falsely accused of a crime. Where is the evidence that they are russian agents and not two random persons?

Tradition. She is unable to make or repeal any law or policy. And a child cannot be held guilty for the crimes of their ancestors anyway.

Child cannot be held guilty for the crimes of their ancestors, true. But she can be your commander in cheif just because of her bloodline, right? You sing glory to her becuase of her bloodline, bloodline of a terrorist. That's like singing glory to Bin laden's kids and bending neck infront of him isn't it?

She may be a good person, or may be a b!tch, desn't matter. The only point I am trying to make is that it is hypocritical for you to call every dictators and kings terrorists and them suck up to the daughter of your terrorist/king.
Democracy was fine in Ukraine untill democratically elected leader was overthrown and every countries accepted the election of Yanukovych as fair and free. Can you point out statement from some countries accusing the election of 2010 to be unfair?

East Ukranians makes about half of the entire population. Since it is the industrial heart land of Ukraine, it was always highly populated.

What is the basis of calling them agents? They were just two russians falsely accused of a crime. Where is the evidence that they are russian agents and not two random persons?

Child cannot be held guilty for the crimes of their ancestors, true. But she can be your commander in cheif just because of her bloodline, right? You sing glory to her becuase of her bloodline, bloodline of a terrorist. That's like singing glory to Bin laden's kids and bending neck infront of him isn't it?

She may be a good person, or may be a b!tch, desn't matter. The only point I am trying to make is that it is hypocritical for you to call every dictators and kings terrorists and them suck up to the daughter of your terrorist/king.
Nope, pro-Russian voters were being bussed around to different voting booths so they could vote several times.

Nope, it's only a small part and nobody is stopping them voting except themselves but they don't want to vote because they know they will lose an honest vote.

This is my basis for calling them agents:
Skripal 'hitman' unmasked as GRU colonel awarded Russia's highest military honour by Vladimir Putin
Case closed.

She commands exactly nothing. If history was traced back fully, I think many people would have the bloodline of terrorists.

It's not hypocritical though because your point fails on so many levels:
1) Queen does not rule politically;
2) Queen does not use fear or terror to achieve any political outcome; and
3) One's ancestry is irrelevant in determining personal guilt.
Nope, pro-Russian voters were being bussed around to different voting booths so they could vote several times.

Nope, it's only a small part and nobody is stopping them voting except themselves but they don't want to vote because they know they will lose an honest vote.

International community never doubted the fairness of 2010 elections and it was accepted by everyone.

Their president was illegally overthown and was forced out by revolters supported by west. The new regime of revolters banned the leaders of the legitimate government. The east Ukrainians had no choice but to fight for themselves aganist the agression supported by Neo nazis from the west.

Voting turnout from the 2014 illegal election by the revolter government.


The states that voted for former president Yanukovych in 2010 election represented in Blue color


As evident from the Graph, the east Ukranians who voted for Yanukovych largely boycotted the election by the revolter government. Yanukovych is the last president of Ukrain who is elected by all sections of country. The new one is just the president of west Ukraine.

I don't see any of them in any videos.

She commands exactly nothing. If history was traced back fully, I think many people would have the bloodline of terrorists.

It's not hypocritical though because your point fails on so many levels:
1) Queen does not rule politically;
2) Queen does not use fear or terror to achieve any political outcome; and
3) One's ancestry is irrelevant in determining personal guilt.

Lol.. She is your queen because of her bloodline, the bloodline of a terrorist by your own definition. You peoples are bending your neck infront of her because of her ancestry.

She is the head of the state even though she is the child of terrorist because of her ancestry.
you peoples take you oath of citizenship in her name because of her ancestry.
your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her all the time because of her ancestry.
she is the commander of the Army because of her ancestry.
she is the one who appoints your prime minister because of her ancestry.
your prime minister supposed to kiss her middle finger before becoming prime minister because of her ancestry.
you peoples are supposed to sing glory to that daughter of terrorists whenever you sing your national anthem like a bunch of slaves because of her ancestry.
International community never doubted the fairness of 2010 elections and it was accepted by everyone.

Their president was illegally overthown and was forced out by revolters supported by west. The new regime of revolters banned the leaders of the legitimate government. The east Ukrainians had no choice but to fight for themselves aganist the agression supported by Neo nazis from the west.

Voting turnout from the 2014 illegal election by the revolter government.

View attachment 3229

The states that voted for former president Yanukovych in 2010 election represented in Blue color

View attachment 3230

As evident from the Graph, the east Ukranians who voted for Yanukovych largely boycotted the election by the revolter government. Yanukovych is the last president of Ukrain who is elected by all sections of country. The new one is just the president of west Ukraine.

I don't see any of them in any videos.

Lol.. She is your queen because of her bloodline, the bloodline of a terrorist by your own definition. You peoples are bending your neck infront of her because of her ancestry.

She is the head of the state even though she is the child of terrorist because of her ancestry.
you peoples take you oath of citizenship in her name because of her ancestry.
your parliamentarians bend their neck in front of her all the time because of her ancestry.
she is the commander of the Army because of her ancestry.
she is the one who appoints your prime minister because of her ancestry.
your prime minister supposed to kiss her middle finger before becoming prime minister because of her ancestry.
you peoples are supposed to sing glory to that daughter of terrorists whenever you sing your national anthem like a bunch of slaves because of her ancestry.
Yes they did, there were news reports showing them bussing people between polling booths. It was a fraud.

Only illegal by the laws of a pseudo dictator who got in via election fraud.

They did have a choice, they could have formed their own political party and ran for election.

If you choose not to vote that's your own fault. Only an idiot boycotts their own opinion.

Dude it's case closed on the Skirpals. The Russian agents were seen travelling to his street at the time in question. One of them is a decorated agent. They changed their real names to aliases. What more evidence do you need exactly?

Tradition. Bloodline is irrelevant, every individual is an individual and can only be held accountable for their own actions.

She has no power to set policy or make laws, even the Queen's speech is written by parliament.
She is popular with the people.
She brings in revenue.
Yes they did, there were news reports showing them bussing people between polling booths. It was a fraud.

Only illegal by the laws of a pseudo dictator who got in via election fraud.

They did have a choice, they could have formed their own political party and ran for election.

If you choose not to vote that's your own fault. Only an idiot boycotts their own opinion.

Dude it's case closed on the Skirpals. The Russian agents were seen travelling to his street at the time in question. One of them is a decorated agent. They changed their real names to aliases. What more evidence do you need exactly?

Tradition. Bloodline is irrelevant, every individual is an individual and can only be held accountable for their own actions.

She has no power to set policy or make laws, even the Queen's speech is written by parliament.
She is popular with the people.
She brings in revenue.

The election itself is illegal and unconstitutional. The real election was supposed to be in 2015. The peoples choose to boycot the election which is unconstitutional organized by revolters.

Its unclear whether it is them or not.

She is your queen because of her bloodline. You server her and call her majesty because of her bloodline.
The election itself is illegal and unconstitutional. The real election was supposed to be in 2015. The peoples choose to boycot the election which is unconstitutional organized by revolters.

Its unclear whether it is them or not.

She is your queen because of her bloodline. You server her and call her majesty because of her bloodline.
There's no such thing. You go and vote (once), then the votes are counted. They knew they couldn't win an honest election, so they started a war instead.

It isn't remotely unclear, they have every single piece of the puzzle. If tried in court, they would be convicted successfully.

So what? Her bloodline extends democratic periods as well as totalitarian periods in our history. But all this is irrelevant because she controls absolutely nothing in terms of policy and law-making and she handed over about £20bn worth of assets to the taxpayer in the '90s. Now worth £100+bn. You're clutching at straws. She's not a dictator no matter how you twist it. Now back you go to defending Assad, Saddam Hussein, The Ayatollah and Gadaffi and their quasi-stable terrorist regimes.
The election itself is illegal and unconstitutional. The real election was supposed to be in 2015. The peoples choose to boycot the election which is unconstitutional organized by revolters.

Its unclear whether it is them or not.

She is your queen because of her bloodline. You server her and call her majesty because of her bloodline.
Just don't bring in all these here. Open a new thread and there you can chat the off topic posts. You can even go to chit chat thread
Iran fires missiles at militants in Syria in retaliation for parade attack

Updated yesterday at 11:45am

Video: Iranian state media releases video footage of missiles being launched (Photo: AP/Sepahnews) (ABC News)

Iran says it has launched ballistic missiles into eastern Syria targeting militants it blames for a recent attack on a military parade.

Key points:
  • The missiles were apparently fired to avenge an assault by gunmen on a military parade
  • It is the second time in just over a year that Iran has fired missiles into Syria
  • Iranian state media reported the missile launch but Syria has not acknowledged it

State television and the state-run IRNA news agency said the attacks "killed and wounded" militants in Syria "east of the Euphrates River", without elaborating. Syrian state media did not immediately acknowledge the strike.

Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard published images on its website showing what it described as the missile launch near a rocky outcropping in an undisclosed location.

The Guard has launched missiles from Iran's western provinces for such attacks in the past.

The attack adds to confusion over who carried out the assault on the military parade in Ahvaz on September 22 that killed at least 24 people and wounded over 60.

Iran initially blamed Arab separatists for the attack in which gunmen disguised as soldiers open fire on the crowd and officials watching the parade from a riser in the southwestern city.

Photo: Iranian armed forces members march in last month's military parade that was attacked by gunmen. (AP: Ebrahim Noroozi)

Arab separatists also immediately claimed the attack and offered details about one of the attackers that ultimately turned out to be true.

The Islamic State group also claimed responsibility for the assault, initially making factual incorrect claims about it but later releasing footage of several men that Iran ultimately identified as attackers, though the men in the footage never pledged allegiance to the extremist group.

This is the third time in recent months that Iran has fired its ballistic missiles in anger, and the second attack on Syria in over a year.

Last year, Iran fired ballistic missiles into Syria over a bloody Islamic State attack on Tehran targeting parliament and the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In September, Iran fired missiles into Iraq targeting a base of an Iranian Kurdish separatist group.

The separatists say that strike killed at least 11 people and wounded 50.

Iran fires missiles at militants in Syria over parade attack