Syrian Civil War - News & Discussions

You would have to argue that the deaths of Putin's opponents are somewhat of a massive coincidence. And when coincidence reach that extent, the onus shifts to proving the contrary or providing other culprits.

No evidence just allegations. Just random acts of crimes mostly.

Yes, people should stop bitching about the use of nerve agent on their soil shouldn't they? Dumbest statement ever.

Yes, you should stop bitching. Stop harboring and protecting criminals from foreign countries and no one will get poisoned in your country. But once you harbour foreign citizens who committed crimes in foreign countries, you are the one who created the situation. It's more like Taliban complaining about airstrikes after harboring Al-queida.

Take up France's intelligence with some of our French members. There was a very good explanation over on providing the proof as to why Assad's forces perpetrated the 2013 strikes. Contaminated shells were of a type only used by Assad at the time. The direction of fire was from territory controlled by Assad into opposition territory.

No concrete evidence whatsoever ever, just statements.Syrian goverment demanded an international investigation and it never happened since the accusers failed to produce any evidence. OPCW already certified that they destroyed the chemical weapon stockpile of Assad, however they also said in their report that they didn't destroyed or inspected chemical facilities under the control of Militants since they refused to give access for OPCW to the facilities under their controll.

All dictators are terrorists. What the hell constitutes lawful? By his own law? IS was the lawful government of IS under their own law. Terror and fear is no legitimate mandate to rule.

UN accepted regimes are considered as legitimate goverment in the view of international law. That is why Assad's goverment have the voting right in UN. UN never accepted ISIS goverment or Taliban goverment for example.
Assad is a hero who is protecting his country from being overrun by salafist Islamist militants

Kings and Queens don't rule in Europe anymore.
Theoretically, yes. Many of European countries are monarchs who sucking up to a historically dominant family in that country.

Anyway, does that mean Europeans are going to tear down all statues and rename stuffs named after past Kings since they are terrorists?

There'll be a protracted period of asymmetric warfare whatever the result,

Depends on how good Assad is in wiping the slate clean.

but a democratic solution would face a shorter period of the aforementioned.

Ohh yeah, we see that shorter period of insurgency very well in Iraq, Libya and Afganistan even after establishing democratic goverments. Do you even think about anything you say?

Let me tell you something. Islamists do not fight for democracy. They are fighting for an Islamist theocratic state.T hey are gonna keep fighting until they get it. Islamists are not South Koreans, they fight for God, not for earthly affaires.[/QUOTE]
Russia says a military aircraft vanishes near Syria during Israeli, French strikes
Russia's defence ministry said on Tuesday that one if its military aircraft with 14 people on board disappeared from radar screens over Syria.
By: Reuters | Moscow | Published: September 18, 2018 7:48:28 am

Russia’s defense ministry said on Tuesday that one if its military aircraft with 14 people on board disappeared from radar screens over Syria at the same time that Israeli and French forces were mounting aerial attacks on targets in Syria.

A US official said Washington believed the aircraft, which is an Il-20 turbo-prop plane used for electronic reconnaissance, was inadvertently shot down by anti-aircraft artillery operated by Moscow’s ally, the Syrian government.


An Il-20M ELINT Plane. Image credit: FAF

Around the time the plane disappeared, the Syrian coastal city of Latakia — near a Russian airbase to which the Il-20 was returning — came under attack from “enemy missiles” and missile defense batteries responded, Syrian state media reported.

The defense ministry in Moscow said the aircraft was returning to the Russian-run Hmeymim airbase in Latakia province when, at about 11:00 p.m. Moscow time (20:00 GMT), it disappeared from radar screens.

The plane was over the Mediterranean Sea about 35 km (20 miles) from the Syrian coastline, Russia’s TASS news agency quoted the ministry as saying in a statement.

“The trace of the Il-20 on flight control radars disappeared during an attack by four Israeli F-16 jets on Syrian facilities in Latakia province,” the statement was quoted as saying.

“At the same time Russian air control radar systems detected rocket launches from the French frigate Auvergne which was located in that region.” The fate of the 14 people on board the missing plane is unknown, and a rescue operation has been organized out of the Hmeymim base, the ministry said.

Source: The Indian Express


Interesting development... French and Israeli strikes on Syria right after a Russian-Turkey "peace" agreement. Followed by a Russian plane disappearing. The Il-20 is something similar to the E-3 in role correct? The Western media is reporting that the SAA shot it down with anti-air artillery while TASS and other pro-Russia media outlets have insinuated (but not directly claimed) the plane's disappearance was the result of the French/Israeli strikes that took place earlier.
Syria accidentally shot down a Russian military plane
By Barbara Starr, Ryan Browne and Nathan Hodge, CNN
Updated 4:43 AM EDT, Tue September 18, 2018


(CNN)A Russian maritime patrol aircraft with multiple personnel on board was inadvertently shot down by Syrian regime anti-aircraft artillery on Monday after the Syrians came under attack by Israeli missiles, Moscow has confirmed.

The Russian military said Tuesday that while Syrian air defenses shot down the aircraft, Israel was to blame for putting it in the line of fire, Russian state news agency RIA-Novosti reported.

"As a result of the irresponsible actions of the Israeli military, 15 Russian servicemen were killed, which is absolutely not in keeping with the spirit of Russian-Israeli partnership," said Russian Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, spokesperson for the Russian military, according to RIA-Novosti.

A US official with knowledge of the incident said Monday that the Syrians were trying to stop a barrage of Israeli missiles when the Russian aircraft was hit. A second official confirmed that Israel was responsible for the missile strikes on Syria.
An Israel Defense Forces spokesman declined to comment on the reports.

Anti-aircraft system 'sold to Syria by Russians'
Russian state news agency TASS reported that a Russian IL-20 military aircraft disappeared over the Mediterranean on Monday. TASS, citing the Russian defense ministry, said the aircraft went off the radars during an attack by four Israeli F-16 aircraft on Syrian targets in the province of Latakia, where Russia has based much of its military presence, including aircraft.

The Russian military said Israel notified the Russian side about the planned operation only a minute in advance, and that Israeli controllers would have seen the Russian plane, which was coming in to land, RIA reported.

The US found out about the incident because Syrian forces broadcast an emergency search and rescue radio call on an international frequency. The US then got a direct message from another country about the type of aircraft and circumstances of the incident.

The US official with knowledge of the incident would not identify that country, but it is likely that Russia is the only nation that would know exactly what type of aircraft was shot down.

A spokesman for the Pentagon told CNN that the missiles were not fired by the US military but would not speak as to who was behind the strikes.
The aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft system the Russians sold to the Syrians several years ago, the US official said. The Syrian air defense network in western Syria is very densely populated with anti-aircraft missile and radar systems.

In February, the two-man crew of an Israeli F-16 ejected from their aircraft when a missile exploded near them, damaging their aircraft as they finished conducting a mission against Syrian forces.

An Israeli defense official told CNN earlier this month that Israel has struck Syria 200 times in the past 18 months to prevent the deployment of Iranian weapons in the region.
The West did start the war for IRAQI FREEDOM, and that has lead to this point, and when the Americans could not control, they simply want to run away citiing that Iraqis should themselves build their country.

The alleged killings and lies of Putin is negligibly small (no proofs either) compared to the western lies and killing spree like story of weapons of mass destruction.

Ohh.. stop it already... Brits need to stop bitching about that poisoning of that guy in Britain. Your country gave refugee fo a person who is a traitor to Russian federation and expected the Russians to suck it up. Guess what, they are not going to. Stop protecting criminals from foreign nations and no one is going to get poisoned in your Street.

No proofs what's so ever. Just some politically motivated statements. No investigation, just Statements.

Also, according to OPCW report, Assad only controllers 8 out of 11 Syrian chemical weapons facilities. The rest is controlled militants including Al-queida when they captured huge parts of Syria. So it's also kind of a blurry situation.

He is not a terrorist by international law. He is the lawful president of Syria who's goverment is recognized by UN and they also hold a seat in UN. Funny, not long ago, he used to get invited to your Queens palace and France also gave him the highest award "Legion d’honneur"

Hipocracy have no limits isn't it? He is as terrorist as most of your Kings and Queens.

Assad winning do helps a lot. He will never tolerate al-queida and ISIS. Anyway, it will be far better than the other solution, which is western supported moderate be headers winning and country pushed to endless war Just like Libya and Afganistan.
The West did start the war for IRAQI FREEDOM, and that has lead to this point, and when the Americans could not control, they simply want to run away citiing that Iraqis should themselves build their country.
Sooner or later the Iraqis had to take over defence unless the NATO was to become a permanent occupying force. Also, FWIW, the Iraqi government asked them to begin withdrawal.
No evidence just allegations. Just random acts of crimes mostly.

Yes, you should stop bitching. Stop harboring and protecting criminals from foreign countries and no one will get poisoned in your country. But once you harbour foreign citizens who committed crimes in foreign countries, you are the one who created the situation. It's more like Taliban complaining about airstrikes after harboring Al-queida.

No concrete evidence whatsoever ever, just statements.Syrian goverment demanded an international investigation and it never happened since the accusers failed to produce any evidence. OPCW already certified that they destroyed the chemical weapon stockpile of Assad, however they also said in their report that they didn't destroyed or inspected chemical facilities under the control of Militants since they refused to give access for OPCW to the facilities under their controll.

UN accepted regimes are considered as legitimate goverment in the view of international law. That is why Assad's goverment have the voting right in UN. UN never accepted ISIS goverment or Taliban goverment for example.
Assad is a hero who is protecting his country from being overrun by salafist Islamist militants

Theoretically, yes. Many of European countries are monarchs who sucking up to a historically dominant family in that country.

Anyway, does that mean Europeans are going to tear down all statues and rename stuffs named after past Kings since they are terrorists?

Depends on how good Assad is in wiping the slate clean.

Ohh yeah, we see that shorter period of insurgency very well in Iraq, Libya and Afganistan even after establishing democratic goverments. Do you even think about anything you say?

Let me tell you something. Islamists do not fight for democracy. They are fighting for an Islamist theocratic state.T hey are gonna keep fighting until they get it. Islamists are not South Koreans, they fight for God, not for earthly affaires.
You delude yourself. All Putin's opponents die strange deaths with nobody found culpable. Either their police are terrible or they're government sanctioned actions.

Skirpal was an asylum seeker fleeing the tyranny of Putin.

Nope, I'm afraid the evidence was very concrete.

They destroyed all known chemical weapons but there were secret stockpiles. The shells were Syrian and came from Syrian territory.

The UN has very low standards. No dictator is ever legitimate. They are just well organised, successful terrorists.

The monarchs have no political, judicial or legislative power anymore.

No, because it's history, and charts to move to democracy.

Look at the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan. He'll commit lots more crimes and still have problems. Why? Because he rules without consent.

Some are some aren't. Iraq and Afghanistan now have democracies, so there's hope for Syria.
Israel AF is known to use the air space over Mediterranean sea to launch attacks in Syria. Very high possibility that they shot down this aircraft.
You delude yourself. All Putin's opponents die strange deaths with nobody found culpable. Either their police are terrible or they're government sanctioned actions.

lesss than 10 peoples killed by criminals thats it. Its no where close to the western crimes in Syria or Lybia or Iraq.

Skirpal was an asylum seeker fleeing the tyranny of Putin.

Skirpal is a traitor to Russia who took oath to serve Russia and then worked for its enemies. Skirpal betrayed Russia long before Putin become the president of Russia. Your country tried to protect a Russian criminal and Russia retaliated. Now, stop bitching about it.

Nope, I'm afraid the evidence was very concrete.

Nope, there is absolutely no evidence at all. Just allegations.

They destroyed all known chemical weapons but there were secret stockpiles. The shells were Syrian and came from Syrian territory..

No evidence of shells being fired from SAA positions. It is just politicaly motivated statement by some countries who have a history of lying about weapons of mass destruction to justify their illegal invasions. There was no international investigation into the issue.

OPCW certified that SAA do not have chemical weapons, whereas it doesn't even got access to the chemical facilities controlled by Terrorists.

use of chemical weapons is only give advantage to terrorists, so logically, they have lots of reasons to set up one.

The UN has very low standards. No dictator is ever legitimate. They are just well organized, successful terrorists.

UN charter is the basis of international law. Everything else is just individual opinions and have no value in international law.

The monarchs have no political, judicial or legislative power anymore.
No, because it's history, and charts to move to democracy.

Why continuing to suck up to the sons and daughters of those terrorists ?

Look at the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan. He'll commit lots more crimes and still have problems. Why? Because he rules without consent.

Some are some aren't. Iraq and Afghanistan now have democracies, so there's hope for Syria.

As always you have difficulty in following a a logical sequence. You claimed that Assad winning the war won't stop insurgency and only solution to stop insurgency is democracy. I pointed out the plight of so called democracies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya west created to show you how void that statement is.
lesss than 10 peoples killed by criminals thats it. Its no where close to the western crimes in Syria or Lybia or Iraq.

Skirpal is a traitor to Russia who took oath to serve Russia and then worked for its enemies. Skirpal betrayed Russia long before Putin become the president of Russia. Your country tried to protect a Russian criminal and Russia retaliated. Now, stop bitching about it.

Nope, there is absolutely no evidence at all. Just allegations.

No evidence of shells being fired from SAA positions. It is just politicaly motivated statement by some countries who have a history of lying about weapons of mass destruction to justify their illegal invasions. There was no international investigation into the issue.

OPCW certified that SAA do not have chemical weapons, whereas it doesn't even got access to the chemical facilities controlled by Terrorists.

use of chemical weapons is only give advantage to terrorists, so logically, they have lots of reasons to set up one.

UN charter is the basis of international law. Everything else is just individual opinions and have no value in international law.

Why continuing to suck up to the sons and daughters of those terrorists ?

As always you have difficulty in following a a logical sequence. You claimed that Assad winning the war won't stop insurgency and only solution to stop insurgency is democracy. I pointed out the plight of so called democracies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya west created to show you how void that statement is.
10 people who just happened to be opponents of Putin.

So that's a justification for the use of nerve gas in a foreign country?

Yes, the OPCW concluded they came from government positions.

New Study Refines View of Sarin Attack in Syria

An examination of the territory to the northwest of the cluster of reported impact strikes shows many positions that have been firmly under military control throughout 2013, including factories and a bus station complex that are part of Mr. Assad’s defense around his seat of government.

Eliot Higgins, a blogger who has collected and analyzed many online videos related to the attack, the munitions and the Syrian government’s military positions in Damascus, said the new analysis of the rockets’ range aligned with assertions that the government was culpable.

“A range of beyond 2.5 kilometers would put potential launch sites in an area between Jobar and Qaboun, to the north and northwest of the impact locations, that has been a hive of government activity for months,” Mr. Higgins wrote in an email on Friday.

The UN is duplicitous, it allows these dictators to talk as legitimate leaders whilst at the same time expecting the US, EU, Canada and Australia to provide asylum for refugees fleeing their regimes. Either there is a problem with them as leaders and their position on asylum is justified, or there isn't and they quit forcing people to accept refugees from their countries. You can't have it both ways. But yes, no dictator will ever be a legitimate leader, just a successful terrorist.

Historical reasons. Tourist attraction. Money maker.

There is an end in sight for Iraq and Afghanistan though. The majority has spoken, the minorities just need to learn to accept it. In Syria, the majority has been silenced with tanks and air power.
10 people who just happened to be opponents of Putin.

lost of peoples who support Putin is also killed by criminals. You are just focusing on this 10 peoples from a country of 150 millions. Again no evidence to prove anything.

So that's a justification for the use of nerve gas in a foreign country?

Yeah, it was a surgical use to kill a criminal. Stop harboring criminals and no one will get nerve gas in your territory.

Yes, the OPCW concluded they came from government positions.

New Study Refines View of Sarin Attack in Syria

An examination of the territory to the northwest of the cluster of reported impact strikes shows many positions that have been firmly under military control throughout 2013, including factories and a bus station complex that are part of Mr. Assad’s defense around his seat of government.

Eliot Higgins, a blogger who has collected and analyzed many online videos related to the attack, the munitions and the Syrian government’s military positions in Damascus, said the new analysis of the rockets’ range aligned with assertions that the government was culpable.

“A range of beyond 2.5 kilometers would put potential launch sites in an area between Jobar and Qaboun, to the north and northwest of the impact locations, that has been a hive of government activity for months,” Mr. Higgins wrote in an email on Friday.

Lol, its not a report from OPCW. this link is quoting `Theodore A. Postol` a guy from an American collage, Richard M. Lloyd, an American military contractor, Eliot Higgins a fvcking blogger. Its not an OPCW report.

Furthermore, UN already launched an investigation on alleged 2013 chemical attack and failed to find a culprit. They never found SAA responsible.
Furthermore, UN investigation found that chemical weapons are used against soldiers in many cases.

A/68/663 - E

The UN is duplicitous, it allows these dictators to talk as legitimate leaders whilst at the same time expecting the US, EU, Canada and Australia to provide asylum for refugees fleeing their regimes. Either there is a problem with them as leaders and their position on asylum is justified, or there isn't and they quit forcing people to accept refugees from their countries. You can't have it both ways. But yes, no dictator will ever be a legitimate leader, just a successful terrorist..

No one was fleeing any of those countries before west started its regime change war against those countries. Syrian refugees started coming after west flooded Syrian terrorist fractions with weapons. Same goes for Iraq and Libya.

Historical reasons. Tourist attraction. Money maker.

Lo.. so you are sucking up to the sons and daughters of those terrorists, call them "your majesty", take oath in their name and suck up to them for Tourist attraction? Where is your dignity? :eek:

There is an end in sight for Iraq and Afghanistan though. The majority has spoken, the minorities just need to learn to accept it. In Syria, the majority has been silenced with tanks and air power.

Syria was fine before western regime change war. its almost 2 decades and Iraq and Afghanistan are still bleeding with no end in sight for violence after west imposed regime change in those countries.Millions died, their economy crushed and peace destroyed. Last time I checked, Taliban is gaining ground in Afghanistan.
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Israel used Russia aircraft as a cover to launch missile of Syaria. Syria fi9red s200s and it shot down Russian aircraft.

According to Russian defense ministry, 4 Israeli aircraft approched Syria through sea and used Russian Aircraft as cover to fire missiles at Latakia. SAA s200 missiles shot down some missiles and one s200 shot down Russian aircraft.

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lost of peoples who support Putin is also killed by criminals. You are just focusing on this 10 peoples from a country of 150 millions. Again no evidence to prove anything.

Yeah, it was a surgical use to kill a criminal. Stop harboring criminals and no one will get nerve gas in your territory.

Lol, its not a report from OPCW. this link is quoting `Theodore A. Postol` a guy from an American collage, Richard M. Lloyd, an American military contractor, Eliot Higgins a fvcking blogger. Its not an OPCW report.

Furthermore, UN already launched an investigation on alleged 2013 chemical attack and failed to find a culprit. They never found SAA responsible.
Furthermore, UN investigation found that chemical weapons are used against soldiers in many cases.

A/68/663 - E

No one was fleeing any of those countries before west started its regime change war against those countries. Syrian refugees started coming after west flooded Syrian terrorist fractions with weapons. Same goes for Iraq and Libya.

Lo.. so you are sucking up to the sons and daughters of those terrorists, call them "your majesty", take oath in their name and suck up to them for Tourist attraction? Where is your dignity? :eek:

Syria was fine before western regime change war. its almost 2 decades and Iraq and Afghanistan are still bleeding with no end in sight for violence after west imposed regime change in those countries.Millions died, their economy crushed and peace destroyed. Last time I checked, Taliban is gaining ground in Afghanistan.
There are many in his own country. Then you have Skirpal, Litvinenko, Yuschenko. When Ukraine were moving away from Russian alignment in the noughties, the candidate was poisoned by Russia.

It wasn't surgical at all, two other people died and a policeman was taken ill. And he wasn't a criminal, he was a defector.

Sorry, BS, Assad did it.
Syria crisis: UN inspectors submit chemical weapons report - live updates

Once upon a time all leaders were dictators, then things changed. This is now the 21st century.

No it wasn't. Whilst NATO intervened, the Syrian Civil War started by itself. There was never peace in Iraq, or Afghanistan for that matter, just varying degrees of violence. The vote is the only possible solution for long-term peace. The Taliban and IS are repressive throw-backs who are against educating women and for child marriage. These are the people you're supporting when you say with glee that they're gaining ground. Maybe harsher measures will be required to stop them, but they should be taken by an accountable, democratically elected leader, not a despot.

The road to democracy is rarely bump-free, you should know this from your own history but that doesn't mean that the prior dictator was the right solution.
List of massacres in India - Wikipedia
S-200s don't have a good record as regards accidentally targeting Russian planes. Siberian Flight 1812 also fell victim. The S-200 system likes to guess and it is not good at it.
Iran arms terrorists again.

Hezbollah defies Israel, says has 'precision missiles'

Hezbollah defies Israel, says has 'precision missiles'

Beirut (AFP) - Lebanon's Hezbollah said Thursday it had acquired "precision missiles" despite extensive efforts by neighbour and foe Israel to prevent the Shiite movement developing this capability.

"It has been done. The resistance now owns precision missiles" as part of its weaponry, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised address during the key Shiite commemoration of Ashura.

Israel this month acknowledged carrying out more than 200 strikes over the past 18 months in war-torn Syria, where Hezbollah fights alongside Israel's arch-foe and Shiite powerhouse Iran in support of the Damascus regime.

Israel has said it is working to stop Iran from entrenching itself military there and to keep Hezbollah from acquiring sophisticated arms.

"Attempts in Syria to block the way towards this (missile) capability" have failed, Nasrallah said.
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There are many in his own country. Then you have Skirpal, Litvinenko, Yuschenko. When Ukraine were moving away from Russian alignment in the noughties, the candidate was poisoned by Russia.

It wasn't surgical at all, two other people died and a policeman was taken ill. And he wasn't a criminal, he was a defector.

Defection/betrayal is a crime. The two other peoples died in a different location and have nothing to do with Russia. policeman got poisoned due to inadequate training and SOP. He did touched poison in a poisoning situation.

BS from Gradian. There was no mention of Assad conducting chemical strike. UN report just confirmed chemical attack, but didn't hold anyone responsible. I just posted the report in the previous reply. As always western media started propaganda.

Once upon a time all leaders were dictators, then things changed. This is now the 21st century.

Still that didn't stopped you continuing to suck up to the children of those terrorists.

No it wasn't. Whilst NATO intervened, the Syrian Civil War started by itself. There was never peace in Iraq, or Afghanistan for that matter, just varying degrees of violence. The vote is the only possible solution for long-term peace. The Taliban and IS are repressive throw-backs who are against educating women and for child marriage. These are the people you're supporting when you say with glee that they're gaining ground. Maybe harsher measures will be required to stop them, but they should be taken by an accountable, democratically elected leader, not a despot.

The day Syrian protests started, west started pumping weapons top Islamist groups to destabilize the regime just like they did in Afghanistan in the last century. ISIS and Taliban are not good. But there was no ISIS in Iraq before US_UK invasion and there was no Taliban before US-UK started training and arming them for their political objective.
Here is one of the pillar of Taliban Jalaluddin Haqqani speaking from whitehouse in the 80s

The road to democracy is rarely bump-free, you should know this from your own history but that doesn't mean that the prior dictator was the right solution.
List of massacres in India - Wikipedia

None of the wars in middle east is for democracy. 90% of middle eastern dictators are western allies and west even started a lot of wars for them. The only dictators that got overthrown are pro Russian dictators who are comparatively more liberal and more religiously tolerant than other US supported salafist dictators in middle east. Who are you kidding?
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Defection/betrayal is a crime. The two other peoples died in a different location and have nothing to do with Russia. policeman got poisoned due to inadequate training and SOP. He did touched poison in a poisoning situation.

BS from Gradian. There was no mention of Assad conducting chemical strike. UN report just confirmed chemical attack, but didn't hold anyone responsible. I just posted the report in the previous reply. As always western media started propaganda.

Still that didn't stopped you continuing to suck up to the children of those terrorists.

The day Syrian protests started, west started pumping weapons top Islamist groups to destabilize the regime just like they did in Afghanistan in the last century. ISIS and Taliban are not good. But there was no ISIS in Iraq before US_UK invasion and there was no Taliban before US-UK started training and arming them for their political objective.
Here is one of the pillar of Taliban Jalaluddin Haqqani speaking from whitehouse in the 80s
View attachment 3203

None of the wars in middle east is for democracy. 90% of middle eastern dictators are western allies and west even started a lot of wars for them. The only dictators that got overthrown are pro Russian dictators who are comparatively more liberal and more religiously tolerant than other US supported salafist dictators in middle east. Who are you kidding?
The other two were poisoned by the same poison. Also, are you suggesting that if we catch a Russian committing espionage, which is also a crime, that we can nerve gas them.

The UN never point fingers, but the trajectories they released prove it could only have been the Assad regime.

Who sucks up to them. The press hounds them everywhere and they make money for the taxpayer via tourism. A bit like the Kardashians only much less annoying.

Iran supported Al-Quaeda in Iraq. When the Bin Laden raid cut off the head, they went scurrying everywhere and joined up with others in IS. Iran also support Hezbollah in Syria however, who is an enemy of IS, so recently Iran got its first taste of what it helped create.

It was right to support resistance to Soviet expansionism. The outcome of idiocy is unfortunate but nobody regrets stopping the Soviets for one second. No one will ever miss a dictatorship because they are just well organised terrorists and most can trace their roots back to terrorist uprisings too. Saddam Hussein, Assad, the CCP, the Soviets. All of them started as terrorists at some point within the last 100 years.

The Middle East is complicated because there's oil there. There said it. But 90% of global dictatorships are Russian or Chinese allies. What does that tell you? Is there a single democracy that's aligned to Russia or China in the same way that Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea, ROC, Australia and New Zealand are aligned with the US? Saudi Arabia is very much an exception to the rule globally.
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