Terror Attack in Sri Lanka

My god, the latest reports from Srilanka show gun battles between terrorists and security forces. How deep have they penetrated in Srilankan society? And that too completely undetected.
Do you think they haven't penetrated into our society. Fact is Muslim Terrorist groups rae much deep rooted in India. Kerala, Kashmir valley and Bengal are gone case. Modi government at least tried to call spade a spade and dealt with iron fist. If Modi government returns well and good if not and if KHANgress comes to power then repurcussion will be huge. People should vote judiciously else our nation too will bleed like Sri Lanka....
From a Sri Lankan member on another forum about the intelligence failure

For those wondering what the heck is going on, there is currently a breakdown of communication between two factions in the Sri Lankan government. Their President and Prime Minister are bitter enemies. Last year, the President tried to fire the Prime Minister, but was blocked by the Supreme Court.

India keeps tabs on terrorist activity in the Indian subcontinent. Earlier this year they captured and interrogated an ISIS jihadi, who told them about a plot to bomb churches in Sri Lanka. Indian authorities followed this lead and discovered a plot organized by a man named Mohammed Zahran and his associates, from the National Thowheeth Jama’ath, an Islamist organization in Sri Lanka. They obtained very specific details, including the names of the leaders, the exact churches they were planning to attack, and the date of the attack.

On April 4, India passed this information on to the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defense, which is in charge of police as well as the military. However, the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defense is currently in the hands of the President of Sri Lanka, who also holds the portfolio of Minister of Defense. The President was out of the country at the time, so the Indian information was passed to the Sri Lankan Chief of Police.

The Chief of Police is a political appointee, who owes loyalty to the President. He apparently follows the philosophy that his boss’s enemies are his enemies too, and since his boss hates the Prime Minister, the Chief of Police also hates the Prime Minister. Therefore, he did not pass the Indian information on to the Prime Minister’s Office, he sat on it and waited for his boss to return to the country.

Meanwhile, India sent a second memo with additional information they had collected on April 12, and then the third memo on April 20, one day before the bombing. All of these memos were ignored by Sri Lanka’s Defense Ministry. None were shared with the Prime Minister’s Office.

So now after the bombing, this feud between the President and Prime Minister is causing a shitstorm in Sri Lanka. The blame clearly lies with the Ministry of Defense, which was given the information but sat on it. The Ministry of Defense belongs to the President, so he’s come under fire. He responded by blaming his underlings and firing the Chief of Police and the Defense Secretary.

But the fact is, the Chief of Police and Defense Secretary did not act alone. The reason why they sat on the information and didn’t share it with the Prime Minister’s Office is that they are the President’s appointees, and the President hates the Prime Minister. They thought they were fulfilling their boss's wishes.

Nah it was the usual bs so skipped it. :cautious:
Nah man, this is the first time I've seen Sri Lankan and some other nationals supportive of India, that too in Reddit. This never happens. Some Pakistanis got their comments deleted, picking a fight with some French poster. It was bloody hilarious.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Sri Lanka mistook Indian alert as bid to create rift with Islamabad

Sri Lanka mistook Indian alert as bid to create rift with Islamabad

New Delhi: Sri Lanka had refused to pay heed to India’s alert on possible suicide attacks and the involvement of extremists based on its belief that New Delhi is trying to pit Colombo against Pakistan by pointing fingers at the island's Muslim community.

Senior Lankan officials (defence secretary and police chief who have now been sacked) had claimed that India is trying to instigate Colombo against Islamabad by proposing counter-terror operations among the minority community in the island nation, sources told ETfrom Colombo on the condition of anonymity.


As much as I find this attack deplorable, being an Indian the feeling of schadenfreude is simply too hard to suppress. I so want Modi to tell Rajapakshe "Told ya so, biatch!".

Sri Lankans are like that over-smart classmate who thinks that they can play all the teachers against one and another and purposefully gets involved with the wrong crowd thinking they are the only smart one. Well, it does not works out well. India should extract her pound of flesh out of these Lankan "Smarties". Too bad "Gibb" from PDF is not on this forum. I would so love to rub salt on him.

Surely this can't be true! Are their establishments filled with morons?
India, Morocco prevent further terror strikes in Sri Lanka
Additional information was provided by Morocco to Sri Lanka that helped to preempt other terror attacks that ISIS was planning to orchestrate, according to persons familiar with the developments.
Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury


A security officer stands guard outside St. Anthony's Shrine, days after a string of suicide bomb attacks on churches and luxury hotels across the island on Easter Sunday, in Colombo, Sri Lanka April 26, 2019.

NEW DELHI: India and its key partner in North Africa, Morocco, have collaborated to prevent further terror strikes in Sri Lanka after the Sunday Easter bombings in what can be described as a major success in counter-terror operations in the subcontinent in recent times.

Morocco, which maintains a substantial information bank on ISIS and its network provided leads to Sri Lanka in collaboration with India that led to an operation in Colombo to eliminate terrorists who were planning second
round of attacks after Easter Sunday bombings, ET has learnt.

Besides additional information was provided by Morocco to Sri Lanka that helped to preempt other terror attacks that ISIS was planning to orchestrate, according to persons familiar with the developments.

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From the above.

NEW DELHI: A former head of Sri Lanka’s military intelligence and close aide of the Rajapaksa family is allegedly trying to hinder probes by various countries into the deaths of their citizens in the recent terror attacks at China’s behest.
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I've long suspected that China has been behind a lot of Islamist activity around the world, where it's aligned with their philosophy of creating problems for the US/NATO.