Terror Attack in Sri Lanka

Our friends in pee dee eff have run a highly sophisticated propaganda campaign that has completely established that lanka attack is yindoo yahoodi saazish :(
Its have nothing to do with NZ issue. In January Sri Lankan police accidentally run into a training center of this same outfit NJT and they found more than 100 KG of high explosives.( They were investigating the destruction of a Buddhist statue or something by Alleged Islamist belong to NJT)

They were stockpiling weapons long before NZ attack happened and planning for an attack.

You are only saying that because you are yondoo baniya.
What our Chowkidar Levina does not know is that the political parties within SL are doing it with funds from China. Pakistan is the henchman like North Korea to further the games of China.

Are you saying these kinds of attacks where pushed from behind the scenes by China to takeover Sri Lanka (something like push Sri Lanka into destabilization, then let Chinese soldiers come in as day saviours to keep peace in Sri Lanka, effectively controlling China)??

If thats's the case, then looks like India checkmated the game by pushing in NSG into Sri Lanka at such an early stage itself.
Sri Lanka Easter blasts: Suspected mastermind Zahran Hashim spent time in south India, says top military source

I thought UP muslims were most indoctrinated and pro Pakistan/Jihad but recent trend shows a completely opposite picture, it's south that is continuously looking for 72 hoors, Kerala and TN, is it because of absence of Bajrang dal that they fear no repercussion for their actions?
If you think only in terms of North or south, you're sadly mistaken. It's all across the country. You must see the attendance at some of their Ijtemas conducted by the Tablighi Jamaat ( TJ) . It runs into lakhs and is hosted all over India. What's the coverage in the MSM? Nil.

Now TJ shares its ideology with the Deobandis. In fact they're synonymous with each other. These two in turn share much of their ideology with the Salafists / Wahhabis / Ahl e Hadees also derisively known as Ahl e Khabees by their opponents. The TJ functions as a primer. Those infested with greater religious fervour can always delve deeper.

Thanks to the unlimited flow of Gulf petro dollars, they've rapidly been building mosques, seminaries, charitable institutions, etc. Outstripping the institutions of the more popular Barelvi / Sufi sects out here. The same is true about the relationship between the Shias and Iran.

There's a strong element of competition between these sects ( Salafists vs Barelvis) and hostility too particularly visible on Eid e Milaad , Where the celebration of the Prophet's birthday is frowned upon by the Salafists to which the Barelvis cock a snook and organise even more lavish processions.

Let me even more categorical. If KSA & Iran get into a war or even if either of these countries get into a tangle with India, the hold these nations have over these sections far far outweighs the hold our state has over them.

What's the GoI including the incumbent one doing? Scratching their bxxxs, as usual. In more than 12 centuries of co existence with them, we know next to nothing about them. Not true about their information on us. This Ganga Jamuni tehzeeb that @Ranjeet can best describe, is more of a modus vivendi between two diametrically opposite people trying to co exist and have as much common with each other as two banks of a same river.
Sri Lanka Easter blasts: Suspected mastermind Zahran Hashim spent time in south India, says top military source

I thought UP muslims were most indoctrinated and pro Pakistan/Jihad but recent trend shows a completely opposite picture, it's south that is continuously looking for 72 hoors, Kerala and TN, is it because of absence of Bajrang dal that they fear no repercussion for their actions?

I don't know how they are in UP, but in Kerala there's plenty of radicalized educated groups. They are waiting for their chance. So far, media brainwashing and coverups has kept it out of news, that's why Kerala has not woken up yet.

Kerala has little bajrang Dal, but strong presence of RSS in South Kerala. North Kerala is in a bit of a sad situation.
If you think only in terms of North or south, you're sadly mistaken. It's all across the country. You must see the attendance at some of their Ijtemas conducted by the Tablighi Jamaat ( TJ) . It runs into lakhs and is hosted all over India. What's the coverage in the MSM? Nil.

Now TJ shares its ideology with the Deobandis. In fact they're synonymous with each other. These two in turn share much of their ideology with the Salafists / Wahhabis / Ahl e Hadees also derisively known as Ahl e Khabees by their opponents. The TJ functions as a primer. Those infested with greater religious fervour can always delve deeper.

Thanks to the unlimited flow of Gulf petro dollars, they've rapidly been building mosques, seminaries, charitable institutions, etc. Outstripping the institutions of the more popular Barelvi / Sufi sects out here. The same is true about the relationship between the Shias and Iran.

There's a strong element of competition between these sects ( Salafists vs Barelvis) and hostility too particularly visible on Eid e Milaad , Where the celebration of the Prophet's birthday is frowned upon by the Salafists to which the Barelvis cock a snook and organise even more lavish processions.

Let me even more categorical. If KSA & Iran get into a war or even if either of these countries get into a tangle with India, the hold these nations have over these sections far far outweighs the hold our state has over them.

What's the GoI including the incumbent one doing? Scratching their bxxxs, as usual. In more than 12 centuries of co existence with them, we know next to nothing about them. Not true about their information on us. This Ganga Jamuni tehzeeb that @Ranjeet can best describe, is more of a modus vivendi between two diametrically opposite people trying to co exist and have as much common with each other as two banks of a same river.

You need strength at center and also need to root out the traitors from within govt. Only then Modi can do anything. Untill then we're still a weak state. Like was mentioned in the other "Chinese perception of India" post, it is true that we have little control on activities in India due to having a weak state structure.

THis election, Modi will win. But we also need to win one more term to do significant things. By then I would say the govt will be in our hand.
I don't know how they are in UP, but in Kerala there's plenty of radicalized educated groups. They are waiting for their chance. So far, media brainwashing and coverups has kept it out of news, that's why Kerala has not woken up yet.

Kerala has little bajrang Dal, but strong presence of RSS in South Kerala. North Kerala is in a bit of a sad situation.

Yes. How sad Kerala has not woke up to the reality of terror attacks for the silly reason there have been bo terror attacks in Kerala. For some reason they keep saying illiterate people of bhajpa telling them about how to manage their terror from them is like Yogi asking them to learn how to run hospital from up.
Yes. How sad Kerala has not woke up to the reality of terror attacks for the silly reason there have been bo terror attacks in Kerala. For some reason they keep saying illiterate people of bhajpa telling them about how to manage their terror from them is like Yogi asking them to learn how to run hospital from up.
Why will Kerala have terror attacks when it's home to Jihadis joining ISIS to other radicals? Why will they blew up home when there is so much to blow up around the world and in India.
Why will Kerala have terror attacks when it's home to Jihadis joining ISIS to other radicals? Why will they blew up home when there is so much to blow up around the world and in India.

Yes. That's the explanation. Kerala which is hotbed for jihadi therefore no terrorist attacks. That's why Pakistan has no terrorist attacks. Fact all this is just BS propaganda. We in the south don't want your learnings from the north.
That's why Pakistan has no terrorist attacks.
I knew this will be presented as counter but only if you have thought it well. Do lashkar or Taliban attack Pakistan? Or Punjab? They attack kafirs, shias and other sects living outside Punjab. Plenty of Kafirs outside Kerala without killing pious brethren as collateral, don't you think?

And I forgot the religious wars in Syria, Yemen, who is going to take care of it if people start creating issues around house? How will that romantic crusade so great if you find blown up pieces of humans in home repelling the ripe target audience for recruitment? You have to maintain the image of brand, don't you?

Thinking it through may have prevented you from posting such a poor example but then how will you prove your southern Superior brain and enlighten us.

We in the south don't want your learnings from the north
Sure, this is how you were playing it all along! Whenever I meet a fool who think himself as superior because of being from Pakistan or EU or some other part of world I couldn't stop but laugh at such fool.

If only could geography make little fools superior :ROFLMAO: there was one more like you if I remember, that "cheers doc" fellow, where is he now, not seen from sometime. Attained Nirvana after reaching highest stage of superiority?
I knew this will be presented as counter but only if you have thought it well. Do lashkar or Taliban attack Pakistan? Or Punjab? They attack kafirs, shias and other sects living outside Punjab. Plenty of Kafirs outside Kerala without killing pious brethren as collateral, don't you think?

And I forgot the religious wars in Syria, Yemen, who is going to take care of it if people start creating issues around house? How will that romantic crusade so great if you find blown up pieces of humans in home repelling the ripe target audience for recruitment? You have to maintain the image of brand, don't you?

Thinking it through may have prevented you from posting such a poor example but then how will you prove your southern Superior brain and enlighten us.

Sure, this is how you were playing it all along! Whenever I meet a fool who think himself as superior because of being from Pakistan or EU or some other part of world I couldn't stop but laugh at such fool.

If only could geography make little fools superior :ROFLMAO: there was one more like you if I remember, that "cheers doc" fellow, where is he now, not seen from sometime. Attained Nirvana after reaching highest stage of superiority?
Insecurity. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts talking about UP Bihar now.
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Yes. How sad Kerala has not woke up to the reality of terror attacks for the silly reason there have been bo terror attacks in Kerala. For some reason they keep saying illiterate people of bhajpa telling them about how to manage their terror from them is like Yogi asking them to learn how to run hospital from up.

Finally showing your true face.

What was the hacking of the college professor hand?? What was the many beheadings done by PDF affilaites?? Why were they all hushed up in media?? What was Mapilla violance?? Where do those jihadis that get arrested in foreign lands from kerala come from?? What about the many terror nexus fundings busted recently in kerala??
Finally showing your true face.

What was the hacking of the college professor hand?? What was the many beheadings done by PDF affilaites?? Why were they all hushed up in media?? What was Mapilla violance?? Where do those jihadis that get arrested in foreign lands from kerala come from?? What about the many terror nexus fundings busted recently in kerala??

Yeah we’ll handle our hacking you handle your cows
I knew this will be presented as counter but only if you have thought it well. Do lashkar or Taliban attack Pakistan? Or Punjab? They attack kafirs, shias and other sects living outside Punjab. Plenty of Kafirs outside Kerala without killing pious brethren as collateral, don't you think?

And I forgot the religious wars in Syria, Yemen, who is going to take care of it if people start creating issues around house? How will that romantic crusade so great if you find blown up pieces of humans in home repelling the ripe target audience for recruitment? You have to maintain the image of brand, don't you?

Thinking it through may have prevented you from posting such a poor example but then how will you prove your southern Superior brain and enlighten us.

Sure, this is how you were playing it all along! Whenever I meet a fool who think himself as superior because of being from Pakistan or EU or some other part of world I couldn't stop but laugh at such fool.

If only could geography make little fools superior :ROFLMAO: there was one more like you if I remember, that "cheers doc" fellow, where is he now, not seen from sometime. Attained Nirvana after reaching highest stage of superiority?

Yeah...you stick to taking care of your problems your way we’ll do ours our way
Why diversionist North South Angle being played. Pak handlers frequently rake it up on internet to increase hate/division in India. Lets not be guilty of doing so here ourselves.
Any state problem is India's Problem & Wahhabi funded madrasa in Kerala are a problem & recruiting ground for 75% of ISIS recruits from India.

Lets instead ask Govt to block Wahhabi funding in madrasa in India. And formalize education, even in religious schools & having a vetted education books. And monitor sermon's of any/all religion preachers - to track for hate speech.

That will solve in long term future, any problems which might have crept up in India, which extremist in any religion can exploit to recruit.
Well it’s not the south’s fault that the north is filled with incompetent and illiterate people who can’t administer their own territories properly. The south will take care of its own problems without the incompetent input of north thank you. India’s National problems can be sorted out better if the south ruled all India.
I may be a Punjabi Sikh, but consider myself a Indian First always, and not indulge in rabbit hole petty games of region/state/caste etc & in my life time have seen many Punjabi/Bengali bickering fools.
When those idiots don't stop the state lvl or region lvl fights, I leave the morons to be themselves - that is being certified Morons.

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