Terror Attack in Sri Lanka

did you read the story where tthe mother blew up a bomb killing her own two children when the police tried to raid the place.WHO ARE THESE LUNATICS?
Yes, I did and also read that she herself was pregnant with the third child. God save Srilanka. The amount of ammo their security forces are finding within Colombo was not caught even during the height of LTTE movement. Now I am hearing about gun battles with terrorists in SriLanka. Seems they too turned secular like India and now reaping rewards of being a secular nation.
Yes, I did and also read that she herself was pregnant with the third child. God save Srilanka. The amount of ammo their security forces are finding within Colombo was not caught even during the height of LTTE movement. Now I am hearing about gun battles with terrorists in SriLanka. Seems they too turned secular like India and now reaping rewards of being a secular nation.

there were explosions during the search process I believe.

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I know I am going to sound insensitive to religious sentiments. But there is another method to discourage or eliminate Islamic terrorism world over. And its answer comes from basic question for all Islamic driven terrorism across world.
What do these Jihadist want? to fight in the name of god, kill the infidels(non believers in Islam) & resultantly go to heaven - 72 virgins bonus.
What is the means of that transfer to heaven - burial must
If India & world decide, that they will deny that options to people who done terrorism act in name of Islam, then the purpose of terrorist attacks fails itself.
Just burn every terrorist after death. There whole purpose fails to reach heaven by killing infidels(non believers) & so does Islamic terrorism finish too world over

I bet no terrorist will attack, if they know they will get burnt. Its a religious driven war, the solution lies in understanding the process & hijacking them.
Just like no Islamic country will ever do a decent & courageous tank battle in their history - they don't want to burn inside on getting hit
But this has to be a Global agreed, anti terrorism
policy, for it to work.
There are so many "Schools" in modern day Islam that some mullah will find a way out. Remember, you are talking about fanatics Islamists. If their favorite mullah says that X is what takes you to Jannat they will believe it. This entire 'thing' was once discussed in Islamic circles. The generally accepted "opinion" is that it does not matter. It is simply this : some of these folks believe that they are doing God's work. Evil, vicious and stupid as they are, these things will not stop them. The best attack against them is to find the signs early and act on it.
This is beginning to look more like a concerted takeover attempt.
This is beginning to look more like a concerted takeover attempt.
Even I think so. I am really shocked to see the amount of explosives that have been recovered and the amount of guns caught. They really planned to take over SriLanka and make it another ISIS country.
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So Sri Lanka has woken up, Myanmar has woken up. Now we have Nepal to wake up. Bhutan doesn't allow anyone in so they are safe. Now I gueess Islamists threats reamin from Pak, Bengladesh and our internal only.
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So Sri Lanka has woken up, Myanmar has woken up. Now we have Nepal to wake up. Bhutan doesn't allow anyone in so they are safe. Now I gueess Islamists threats reamin from Pak, Bengladesh and our internal only.
The amount of Pakistani refugees in SL and employed on the chinese run port have a direct connection to the explosives brought into SL. It seems a clear conspiracy of Chinese and Pakistanis to destabilise SL.
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Even I think so. I am really shocked to see the amount of explosives that have been recovered and the amount of guns caught. They really planned to take over SriLanka and make it another ISIS country.

They tried a similar stunt in a Muslim-dominated Phillipines island. Maldives could be another soft target,much easier take over compared to SL
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Even I think so. I am really shocked to see the amount of explosives that have been recovered and the amount of guns caught. They really planned to take over SriLanka and make it another ISIS country.
So much for the 'revenge for NZ' explanation. They probably put that out to throw the authorities off the scent.
So much for the 'revenge for NZ' explanation. They probably put that out to throw the authorities off the scent.
If it was a revenge for NZ attack? Why did they start planning for it months before NZ attack? Only idiots will buy this theory of revenge for NZ attacks.
So much for the 'revenge for NZ' explanation. They probably put that out to throw the authorities off the scent.

Its have nothing to do with NZ issue. In January Sri Lankan police accidentally run into a training center of this same outfit NJT and they found more than 100 KG of high explosives.( They were investigating the destruction of a Buddhist statue or something by Alleged Islamist belong to NJT)

They were stockpiling weapons long before NZ attack happened and planning for an attack.
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