Turkish lawmakers switch parties in challenge to Erdogan

Sure they do. They love tapeworm in their gut from having to use human faeces as fertiliser and that soldier who was shot defecting was laughing for joy throughout.
They use human fertilizer good for them, you talk as if nobody gets infected or diseased in your country.
Wait a minute are you supporting Immigrants or refugees like the Soldier who ran to South Korea? that's quite a change in your stance, then you would have no trouble embracing and welcoming Refugees from middle east.
The US went to protect West Pakistan. How many times did the US help you against the Chinese and how many times did the Soviets not?
Not Once did US help us against Chinese, instead it plotted with Chinese to move on us, while UK,USA were busy sending carrier fleets to bomb us, thank god for the soviets. That was the reason for India not liking western powers for a long time.
We did most of the work in Africa, made a comeback from a single airbase in Iraq.
Yeah you made a comeback, when Erwin Rommell and AfrikaKorps were kicking your backs, Dear Monty (Montogomery) was scurrying for a place to hide, when Nazis forces were transferred to bolster Panzer core in Kursk along with Erwin Rommell, that is when you made some comeback if it may be called as such.
Yeah right, the press always says what they government wants here. When has Russian press ever criticised Putin or asked him when he's going to resign? How's the weather up there. UK press coverage only recently forced the Home Secretary to resign here, when does that ever happen in Russia?
Must be the fallout of Internal politics to force your Home Secretary to resign, who knows.
Why are you comparing Russia with you, are you Russia or is Russia, part of UK? that you keep bitching about why their Democracy is not like yours, You are not a russian to decide what their country needs, stop the "White Man's Burden" Bullsh*t people had it enough.

The Monarchy doesn't interfere with politics one iota.
Yeah, right! So you are not a total democracy, let's say 40% Democracy and you keep complaining about other countries like Russia, North Korea, Syria about not having total Democracy?
Should i laugh or cry at the absurdity of it!
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They use human fertilizer good for them, you talk as if nobody gets infected or diseased in your country.
Wait a minute are you supporting Immigrants or refugees like the Soldier who ran to South Korea? that's quite a change in your stance, then you would have no trouble embracing and welcoming Refugees from middle east.

Not Once did US help us against Chinese, instead it plotted with Chinese to move on us, while UK,USA were busy sending carrier fleets to bomb us, thank god for the soviets. That was the reason for India not liking western powers for a long time.

Yeah you made a comeback, when Erwin Rommell and AfrikaKorps were kicking your backs, Dear Monty (Montogomery) was scurrying for a place to hide, when Nazis forces were transferred to bolster Panzer core in Kursk along with Erwin Rommell, that is when you made some comeback if it may be called as such.

Must be the fallout of Internal politics to force your Home Secretary to resign, who knows.
Why are you comparing Russia with you, are you Russia or is Russia, part of UK? that you keep bitching about why their Democracy is not like yours, You are not a russian to decide what their country needs, stop the "White Man's Burden" Bullsh*t people had it enough.

Yeah, right! So you are not a total democracy, let's say 40% Democracy and you keep complaining about other countries like Russia, North Korea, Syria about not having total Democracy?
Should i laugh or cry at the absurdity of it!
Diseased from fertiliser? That's because it doesn't happen here. Nor have over 1 million people being offed by the government in the last 60 years. I think the idea is to remove the cause of the immigration. People like Assad cause the immigration, therefore it becomes our concern.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
The United States and the United Kingdom supported India's response.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
Zhou had first given the ceasefire announcement to Indian chargé d'affaires on 19 November (before India's request for United States air support), but New Delhi did not receive it until 24 hours later. The aircraft carrier was ordered back after the ceasefire, and thus, American intervention on India's side in the war was avoided. Retreating Indian troops, who hadn't come into contact with anyone knowing of the ceasefire, and Chinese troops in NEFA and Aksai Chin, were involved in some minor battles,[11] but for the most part, the ceasefire signalled an end to the fighting. The United States Air Force flew in supplies to India in November 1962, but neither side wished to continue hostilities.

Oh BS. The Soviets were pinned back to Stalingrad without our efforts. The North African campaign was over before Kursk was. They didn't even join the war for 2 years.

North African Campaign - Wikipedia
10 June 1940 – 13 May 1943
Battle of Kursk - Wikipedia
Date 5 July 1943 – 16 July 1943 (German offensive: 1 week and 4 days)
12 July 1943 – 23 August 1943 (Soviet offensive: 1 month, 1 week and 4 days)

It was because she set deportation targets for illegal immigrants and civil service incompetence combined with the incompetence of the previous Labour government led to legal Windrush migrants being deported. Meanwhile the Shadow Home Secretary can't even count and she gets to stay because she's black.

Yes we are a total democracy.
Diseased from fertiliser? That's because it doesn't happen here. Nor have over 1 million people being offed by the government in the last 60 years. I think the idea is to remove the cause of the immigration. People like Assad cause the immigration, therefore it becomes our concern.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
It doesn't happen? , ok so send them a extra pair of gloves, if you are so concerned.There are Many nations which need your aid, who happen to be Demorcatic puppets of foreign powers, do send it to them, why focus on specific countries?
Why interfere in their country affairs? when ask you to get lost from their country or stop meddling in its affairs? why do you have a itch in the butt to interfere in others affairs?
You don't like Refugees in your country, but you support Soldiers seeking refuge in South Korea? take a stand, don't be a hypocrite.
Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
The same USA,UK , Nato threatened us with war , during Annexation of Goa in our country.
You helped how?
Annexation of Goa - Wikipedia
The American response was to warn India that if and when India's armed action in Goa was brought to the UN security council, it could expect no support from the US delegation.[31]
On 18 December, a Portuguese request was made to the UN Security Council for a debate on the conflict in Goa. The request was approved when the bare minimum of seven members supported the request (the US, UK, France, Turkey, Chile, Ecuador, and Nationalist China), two opposed (the Soviet Union and Ceylon), and two abstained (the United Arab Republic and Liberia).[56]
After the defeat of the Afro-Asian resolution, a resolution was presented by the France, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States which: (1) Called for the immediate cessation of hostilities; (2) Called upon India to withdraw her forces immediately to "the positions prevailing before 17 Dec 1961." (3)
This resolution received seven votes in favour (the four sponsors and Chile, Ecuador, and Nationalist China) and four against (the Soviet Union, Ceylon, Liberia, and the United Arab Republic). It was thus defeated by the Soviet veto. In a statement after the vote, Mr. Stevenson said that the "fateful" Goa debate could have been be "the first act of a drama" which could hae ended in the death of the United Nations.[56]

So, you never supported us, look who supported the request in Security Council along with China and who vetoed it.
The reason India was suspicious of you post Independence was due to your continuous acts of malice towards us, you behaved like a Dumped girl,who was yet to get over your breakup and was always stalking, trying to get back all the time.

Oh BS. The Soviets were pinned back to Stalingrad without our efforts. The North African campaign was over before Kursk was. They didn't even join the war for 2 years.

North African Campaign - Wikipedia
Afrika korps and Erwin Rommell were transferred to Eastern front to stop the soviet advance, till then you retreated and was restricted to a single airfield.
When the offensive on east faltered, troops were sent from Africa to bolster Ukraine front, that is when you got breathing space.
Too much MI6, BBC propaganda does that to you, make you feel you were winning.
It was because she set deportation targets for illegal immigrants and civil service incompetence combined with the incompetence of the previous Labour government led to legal Windrush migrants being deported. Meanwhile the Shadow Home Secretary can't even count and she gets to stay because she's black.
Do i care, what you do with your Home Secretary?Why do you think i would even be remotely interested in your Small Island affairs or Politics? How does it matter , she is of what color to me?

Yes we are a total democracy.
Biggest joke, Why the Monarchy then? Where is your President?
Why do you take oaths in name of the Monarch queen, or how does the queen get rights to bestow knighthood or titles to people in a Democracy?
You are at best 40% Democracy and a sham to fool your people, the real power lies in Your Monarch.
And you are complaining about others being not proper Democracies?:LOL::LOL::LOL:
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  • Informative
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An extra pair of gloves? The disease comes from eating the vegetables grown in human shit.

Because Koreans are Koreans - one people, separated by one idiot. This is another situation caused by the Soviets and their sphere of influence after WWII.

You invaded someone else's territory. What did you expect?

The entire North African campaign ended 2 months before the Battle of Kursk began, so wrong.

Because in Russia the press would never be free to criticise Putin. They would have a strange accident if they did.

Tourist attraction. Why have the Eiffel tower or the Taj Mahal? probably cost a small fortune to upkeep. Not ever nation with no monarchy has a president either.

I think you're thinking of Iran, where the real power lies with the Ayatollah.
An extra pair of gloves? The disease comes from eating the vegetables grown in human shit.
Organic farming is all the rage in West, guess what do they use as fertilizer for organic farming?
Ever heard of the concept of washing? before you eat?
Tape worms don't infest vegetables,they infest living organisms and are found mostly in cows and pigs. Boil food and eat, no need to alarm WHO over it.
Because Koreans are Koreans - one people, separated by one idiot. This is another situation caused by the Soviets and their sphere of influence after WWII.
So , what if they are separated? are you some Messiah to join people?
Why are you so interested in them? You want a cause back at home, help Scotland gain Independence from UK.
The entire North African campaign ended 2 months before the Battle of Kursk began, so wrong.
Too much MI6,BBC addles your brain again.
Because in Russia the press would never be free to criticise Putin. They would have a strange accident if they did.
Tell me how does it concern you what happens anywhere in Russia, You did not inherit Russia to be worried about it.

Tourist attraction. Why have the Eiffel tower or the Taj Mahal? probably cost a small fortune to upkeep. Not ever nation with no monarchy has a president either.
Tourist attraction? is that what you delude yourself to being ruled by Monarchy, while lecturing others on Democracy, Taj Mahal or Eiffel Tower are not living entities, who get "God save the Queen" as a national Anthem.
Hypocrites, first get a total democracy at your home and then worry about others.
The very name Monarchy suggests, the King is the head of the state.
I think you're thinking of Iran, where the real power lies with the Ayatollah.
Once again, tell me how Iran concerns me or you?
They don't use human faeces. And I think you need to ask the second question to the Kim regime.

Actually this type of worm is mostly found in dogs.
What parasitic worms in defector reveal about health conditions in North Korea - CNN

Korea should be one democracy. Scotland are on the same island, therefore one people.

Have you heard of causality? That which started after cannot affect that which has finished before.

Just pointing out how it is, in case you try and delude yourself that they are some kind of peace-loving democracy.

They still cost money to maintain, as do your politicians, some of whom do very little.

It is a total democracy, the Queen doesn't tell the government what to do in the slightest. The royal family doesn't even let their opinions on key issues be known in case they sway the vote.

You try suggest the Queen is some kind of supreme dictator, then when someone gives you an example of an actual supreme dictator, you ask how it concerns me? Typical Muslim.
They don't use human faeces. And I think you need to ask the second question to the Kim regime.

Actually this type of worm is mostly found in dogs.
What parasitic worms in defector reveal about health conditions in North Korea - CNN
Actually Animal faeces carry tape worm, Man is just a accidental Intermediate host in the life cycle of Tape worm,the real host is always the animal which feeds on grass and dirt, what do you use for Organic farming if not shit.
Taenia Solium(Tape Worm) is most commonly found in pigs and cattle which feeds on grass not dogs.
There is another type of tape worm called Diphyllobothrium or Fish Tape worm, found in fishes. You don't know Zoology properly.
Let me educate you on life cycle of Tape worm.
tape worm 1.gif

Dogs don't eat Vegetation.
Unless you fancy eating raw dog meat(as dog is rarely infested with tape worms) as cold cuts ,salamis of Pork and beef .You can rest assured you won't get tape worms from eating dog and the dogs that are prepared a fully burnt alive first then cooked properly for hours to make it, all this process of cooking destroys tape worms or its eggs. While Pork,Beef products are eaten raw or undercooked.
Till, 20th Century females in West and Europe were ingesting Tape worm eggs out of own volition, to stay slim as the tape worms used to suck out all the nutrients and the female would stay pale,thin and Anorexic.

The Horrifying Legacy of the Victorian Tapeworm Diet
A beauty fad that continues to haunt us.
The Horrifying Legacy of the Victorian Tapeworm Diet

So please tell me, how exactly are you a proponent of health for North Koreans? You haven't answered why are you so worried about them?
Korea should be one democracy. Scotland are on the same island, therefore one people.
Who are you to decide that, Korea should be one Democracy, by that logic, Whole or Asia should be Communist as they share the same Landmass with China.
Apparently, Scotland thinks they are not a part of UK, that is why they had Wars with you.
Have you heard of causality? That which started after cannot affect that which has finished before.

Just pointing out how it is, in case you try and delude yourself that they are some kind of peace-loving democracy.
So, spare me the talk of USA always supported India sob story, when i categorically proved West never supported us.
We are peace-loving Democracy,just not the kind as per your liking as a stooge.
They still cost money to maintain, as do your politicians, some of whom do very little.
Let us worry about our politicians, we don't need a Irish readhead, telling us how to run our country.
It is a total democracy, the Queen doesn't tell the government what to do in the slightest. The royal family doesn't even let their opinions on key issues be known in case they sway the vote.
Yeah right it is a Total democracy, without a President and the ruler is a Monarch, the PM is just a glorified Minister of Queen's court.
Do you understand the words Monarchy? let me describe the dictionary definition for you.

Monarchy, political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person. The term applies to states in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch, an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and who achieves his position through heredity. Succession usually passes from father to son or follows other arrangements within the family or the monarchical dynasty.

Map of Monarchies of the world presently.


Map of European Monarchies.
You try suggest the Queen is some kind of supreme dictator, then when someone gives you an example of an actual supreme dictator, you ask how it concerns me? Typical Muslim.
Yes, she is the Sovereign head of the state, read your history first.
I said, how does it concern me what a country its rulers do or what the people do.
You must be the Uneducated to be not able to differentiate between Hindu and Muslim and to call me a "Typical Muslim". People here would laugh at that word.The joke is on you.
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Actually Animal faeces carry tape worm, Man is just a accidental Intermediate host in the life cycle of Tape worm,the real host is always the animal which feeds on grass and dirt, what do you use for Organic farming if not shit.
Taenia Solium(Tape Worm) is most commonly found in pigs and cattle which feeds on grass not dogs.
There is another type of tape worm called Diphyllobothrium or Fish Tape worm, found in fishes. You don't know Zoology properly.
Let me educate you on life cycle of Tape worm.
View attachment 2560
Dogs don't eat Vegetation.
Unless you fancy eating raw dog meat(as dog is rarely infested with tape worms) as cold cuts ,salamis of Pork and beef .You can rest assured you won't get tape worms from eating dog and the dogs that are prepared a fully burnt alive first then cooked properly for hours to make it, all this process of cooking destroys tape worms or its eggs. While Pork,Beef products are eaten raw or undercooked.
Till, 20th Century females in West and Europe were ingesting Tape worm eggs out of own volition, to stay slim as the tape worms used to suck out all the nutrients and the female would stay pale,thin and Anorexic.

The Horrifying Legacy of the Victorian Tapeworm Diet
A beauty fad that continues to haunt us.
The Horrifying Legacy of the Victorian Tapeworm Diet

So please tell me, how exactly are you a proponent of health for North Koreans? You haven't answered why are you so worried about them?

Who are you to decide that, Korea should be one Democracy, by that logic, Whole or Asia should be Communist as they share the same Landmass with China.
Apparently, Scotland thinks they are not a part of UK, that is why they had Wars with you.

So, spare me the talk of USA always supported India sob story, when i categorically proved West never supported us.
We are peace-loving Democracy,just not the kind as per your liking as a stooge.

Let us worry about our politicians, we don't need a Irish readhead, telling us how to run our country.

Yeah right it is a Total democracy, without a President and the ruler is a Monarch, the PM is just a glorified Minister of Queen's court.
Do you understand the words Monarchy? let me describe the dictionary definition for you.

Monarchy, political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person. The term applies to states in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch, an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and who achieves his position through heredity. Succession usually passes from father to son or follows other arrangements within the family or the monarchical dynasty.
View attachment 2561
Map of Monarchies of the world presently.

View attachment 2562
Map of European Monarchies.

Yes, she is the Sovereign head of the state, read your history first.
I said, how does it concern me what a country its rulers do or what the people do.
You must be the Uneducated to be not able to differentiate between Hindu and Muslim and to call me a "Typical Muslim". People here would laugh at that word.The joke is on you.
Before you proceed any further be warned he's a Brit citizen of Irish extraction . While he may present you with posts that appear logical , at the core of it is something uniquely Irish. Instead you could bang your head against a wall and hope for a favourable outcome .

Why , you ask ? Simple . It took the Irish 7 centuries to figure out the English & get rid of them . And that too partially . Something we achieved in less than a 100/200 years depending on what you believe to be the starting point of Brit colonialism over the whole of the sub continent.
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I used tapeworm as a general term, it was another type of worm found in dogs. They were eating dogs because they couldn't find proper food..

Asia has many different countries, Korea is one country. Although I think you inadvertently stated China's long term ambitions - taking over Asia.

Err yes, the US supported India against China.

I was talking about North Korea and Russia. They are not democracies.

What's a 'readhead'?

Figurehead monarchs, you don't understand the difference. And Russia a democracy LOL?

Read the constitution. Parliament has full sovereignty Akbar.
I used tapeworm as a general term, it was another type of worm found in dogs. They were eating dogs because they couldn't find proper food..
Are you dumb? despite giving you the Zoology lesson, you say dog tape worm is different, the only tape worm that is different is Diphyllobotrum Latum Also known as Fish Tapeworm and it is one of the largest tapeworms, much larger than Taenia Solium found, in pigs, cattle,other animals.
Koreans,Chinese,East Asians eat dog meat regularly, not because they couldn't find food to eat.
They consider Dog and Cat meat a delicacy.
I guess you never stepped foot out of your little island, that is why you don't know other countries and its people or their food habits.
Asia has many different countries, Korea is one country. Although I think you inadvertently stated China's long term ambitions - taking over Asia.
How do you say Many countries? when you Dismissed Scotland as same country, just because you share the same small Island.
Then apply that logic to China sharing the same Asian Tectonic plate with others, technically,they should be same land.
Err yes, the US supported India against China.
Oh.. i give up, it is not my problem if you can't read at the facts i posted, USA never supported India against China, go through all the posts of USA Declassified records i posted. They only Support India now because,China has become too big for them to do anything.
What's a 'readhead'?
I thought the Irish Red heads were a bit smarter, Typical Autocorrect of mistake.
Figurehead monarchs, you don't understand the difference. And Russia a democracy LOL?
Figurehead Monarchs? LOL
Russia has a President, PM it has no Monarchs, You do and you call yourselves a Democracy it is a sham.
Read the constitution. Parliament has full sovereignty Akbar.
Why do you sing "God save the queen" then? Sinead 'o'Connor!
You seem to be an expert on worms, but I guess they're more common in your neck of the woods.

Ah so the Daily Mail headline about Kim was true. "He's round, he's fat, he'll eat your dog and cat."

Sam island, same people. Asia is a continent.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
The United States and the United Kingdom supported India's response.

More help would have been given were it not for the Cuban Missile Crisis, which oddly took precedence.

Irish are mainly not red heads, and neither are Scots to be honest, although they are more renowned for it.

Russia is an oligarchy.

because it's the national anthem and has been for a long time. Why do you worship cows?
You seem to be an expert on worms, but I guess they're more common in your neck of the woods.

Ah so the Daily Mail headline about Kim was true. "He's round, he's fat, he'll eat your dog and cat."

Sam island, same people. Asia is a continent.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
I am a expert ,because i happen to be a Surgeon. There are no neck worms in humans. Patrick,stop watching too much of Star gate or the Goau'uld in that series.
Ah so the Daily Mail headline about Kim was true. "He's round, he's fat, he'll eat your dog and cat."
What are you naive all South Koreans eat dog and cat. You reason like a typical Irish drunk.
Sam island, same people. Asia is a continent.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
"Sam Island" ? what is that? Same people? Your Irish ancestors and Scotland folks think you were not same people.
If you consider your Tectonic Papule of your Island to be same. why can't others do the same. Continent.? its all about Tectonic plate shifts.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia
You did jack shit. your Declassified records say it.
More help would have been given were it not for the Cuban Missile Crisis, which oddly took precedence.
Yeah, always the excuse.
Irish are mainly not red heads, and neither are Scots to be honest, although they are more renowned for it.
Yes you are, even that carpet of your girls is red.{Donno if girls deliberately dye it red, seen a lot)
Nowhere, did i say Scots were Redheads!

Russia is an oligarchy.
That is a fancy term you created for Russia,which was your enemy and you delude yourselves into thinking Monarchy is real Democracy. When you don't have a real Democracy.
It is like a Lame guy taunting a real sprinter to sprint 100 meters.
because it's the national anthem and has been for a long time. Why do you worship cows?
It is a national anthem for past 400-500 years. because you live under a Monarchy.
Cows are a source of sustenance, giving milk, tilling fields and other innumerable things till it dies, so we respect it. Even though it is a Animal.
Does your Queen or King, Princes or Princesses Give milk to you to feed? Why do you worship them as "His Majesty or Her Majesty"
Your Queen must have long udders to feed you all.
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I am a expert ,because i happen to be a Surgeon.
An *censored* surgeon.

What are you naive all South Koreans eat dog and cat.
Whereas you just bum them.

"Sam Island" ? what is that?
Have you seen the South China Sea lately.

Same people? Your Irish ancestors and Scotland folks think you were not same people.
Scotland folks don't think.

If you consider your Tectonic Papule of your Island to be same. why can't others do the same. Continent.? its all about Tectonic plate shifts.
Is that China's latest argument? Next up, it's all one planet

You did jack shit. your Declassified records say it.

Yeah, always the excuse.
Preventing WWIII is quite a good excuse though.

Yes you are, even that carpet of your girls is red.{Donno if girls deliberately dye it red, seen a lot)
Nowhere, did i say Scots were Redheads!
No, I'm afraid that's a ginger cat you've been shagging.

That is a fancy term you created for Russia,which was your enemy and you delude yourselves into thinking Monarchy is real Democracy. When you don't have a real Democracy.
It is like a Lame guy taunting a real sprinter to sprint 100 meters.
Nope, it's because it's a corrupt establishment, hence why Medvedev fired 100 officials to try clean it up but then Putin took over again.

It is a national anthem for past 400-500 years. because you live under a Monarchy.
We have a queen but we hold a vote to determine the government that rules, or whether we stay in a bloc of idiots.

Cows are a source of sustenance, giving milk, tilling fields and other innumerable things till it dies, so we respect it. Even though it is a Animal.
They also go great with pasta.

Does your Queen or King, Princes or Princesses Give milk to you to feed? Why do you worship them as "His Majesty or Her Majesty"
Your Queen must have long udders to feed you all.
I think you've milked too many bulls.
An *censored* surgeon.
i see many cuckols like you and i take out their spleen,guts,liver,stomach,testicles,Pancreas,Breasts, Thyroid glands,your Salivary glands,Intestines and remodel peoples Anus,too. So....i would keep it low if i were you.
Whereas you just bum them.
We don't concern ourselves with what South Korea does, its you Idiots, sitting in a small Island think you need to be the Guardian of Planet Earth.
Have you seen the South China Sea lately.
I don't see no "SAM ISLAND"lately.
Scotland folks don't think.
Are you Irish or Scottish first make your Ancestory clear.
Is that China's latest argument? Next up, it's all one planet
That is what you said when Europeans Genocided natives of Americas and Australia.
Can't help a Selectively blind person can i?
Preventing WWIII is quite a good excuse though.
Who prevented it? ask your self.
No, I'm afraid that's a ginger cat you've been shagging.
Well Ginger cat or not, i see people who typical redheads in Ireland.
Nope, it's because it's a corrupt establishment, hence why Medvedev fired 100 officials to try clean it up but then Putin took over again.
Corrupt according to you as you get no benefits,cuts,profits from it.
While, Russians are happy.
We have a queen but we hold a vote to determine the government that rules, or whether we stay in a bloc of idiots.
Your Monarchy grants people Knighthood. Ever seen it in a Democracy?
They also go great with pasta.
Which explains why you were under British Rule for 700 years and still could not figure out if Brits wanted you or not.
I think you've milked too many bulls.
Do you say that from experience of milking a bull like you do, or is your Queen a Queer Masquerading as a cow?
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You remodel anuses? Is that what they call it these days?

It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.

You'll find non-Europeans had empires which did the same.

But you can help remodel anuses.


India owes reparations for the countries it invaded too (Cholas). With 1000 years interest that could be very high. And between aid and remittances, I'd say reparations have been paid.

And in India.


Corrupt because they took money from businesses in exchange for policies and exemptions.
Corruption in Russia - Wikipedia

Knighthood are just a cool quirk. You don't actually get to ride around on a horse with a lance.

Don't see what the British Empire has to do with minced beef and pasta.

You're just jealous because your ruler is a hobbit.
You remodel anuses? Is that what they call it these days?

It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.
Yep its called Colon cancer or Carcinoma of Anus.
You wouldn't like it.
There when your Anus is denerved and sutured shut totally, while shit keeps collecting in a colostomy bag attached outside your abdomen. Many patients just die with depression in that scenario.
You'll find non-Europeans had empires which did the same.
No they did not
But you can help remodel anuses.
General Surgery is all about Guts and cancers, You get paid very well for it, it also tells you what the person been upto in their lives.
Yeah Kennedy, what did he do in his short stint?
India owes reparations for the countries it invaded too (Cholas). With 1000 years interest that could be very high. And between aid and remittances, I'd say reparations have been paid.
Nope we don't,if we invaded them, why do the people still have names as Indians or pray to our gods?
And in India.
That guy used a Henna to dye his hair which was turning grey.
While you get Red hair from birth not to forget the freckles.
Corrupt because they took money from businesses in exchange for policies and exemptions.
Corruption in Russia - Wikipedia
They can do whatever they want in their country, it does not matter me.
Knighthood are just a cool quirk. You don't actually get to ride around on a horse with a lance.
Democracies don't grant Knighthoods or bestow titles as "Sir".
It only Monarchies which do it.
Don't see what the British Empire has to do with minced beef and pasta.

You're just jealous because your ruler is a hobbit.
Yeah that is why your PM came running to make deals with our PM.
He is better than most of your rulers.who happen to be Prophet Mohammeds Lineage
Is the Queen really a descendant of Prophet Mohammed?
Researchers claim Her Majesty’s lineage can be traced back to founder of Islam
Is the Queen really a descendant of Prophet Mohammed?

so you been ruled all along by Islam. Patrick "o"Connor
So you fiddle with anuses?

Yes they did. Russians, Mongols, Persians, Ottoman etc.

So you not only fiddle with butts but you can tell a person's fortune from them? You're a butt reader?

Prevented WWIII.

Same reason half of Africa is Christian.

I don't know, it looks natural. Or do you aspire to have red hair?

You seem awfully bothered by tourist attractions.

Big deal, you don't get any special privileges for it.

He thought he had the ring.

A Moroccan newspaper? Hell, I'm convinced.:LOL:
So you fiddle with anuses?

Yes they did. Russians, Mongols, Persians, Ottoman etc.

So you not only fiddle with butts but you can tell a person's fortune from them? You're a butt reader?

Prevented WWIII.

Same reason half of Africa is Christian.

I don't know, it looks natural. Or do you aspire to have red hair?

You seem awfully bothered by tourist attractions.

Big deal, you don't get any special privileges for it.

He thought he had the ring.

A Moroccan newspaper? Hell, I'm convinced.:LOL:
Go to sleep , twit. Don't be more Irish than is good for comfort .
So you fiddle with anuses?
I play with guts and seal shut anuses with endoscope.
Yes they did. Russians, Mongols, Persians, Ottoman etc.

So you not only fiddle with butts but you can tell a person's fortune from them? You're a butt reader?
Most of the cancers have a history,to know it, you would have to be a Doctor or a Graduate of Pathology.
You can pretty much tell everything of a person with just a sample of tissue,hair etc.
Hope you don't get colon cancer and tell your Surgeon 'that he is a butt reader' he will really do a number of you, that you would eat from your ar--se se* and shit from mouth.:LOL: and then he would make it sound like that procedure was required to heal you. :devilish::ROFLMAO:
Prevented WWIII.
Same reason half of Africa is Christian.
Not everyone is a genocider,People do it voluntarily unlike the semitic faiths, who are bent upon violence.
I don't know, it looks natural. Or do you aspire to have red hair?
Why would i aspire to have red hair "Seamus" . Stop seeing the world from Irisih POV.
You seem awfully bothered by tourist attractions.
Your queen is head of the state, i don't know why you treat her like a building or tourist attraction.
Big deal, you don't get any special privileges for it.
Yes you do get privileges, You get membership in the privy club and access to select few groupings that discuss and impact affairs of your country. You had to learn this from me, how your country works. Ever heard of House of Lords? Do you know who gets access to it?
He thought he had the ring.
Who thought what?
A Moroccan newspaper? Hell, I'm convinced.:LOL:
Is the Queen really a descendant of Prophet Mohammed?
is a UK newspaper, i will give you more
Is the Queen related to Prophet Muhammad? | Daily Mail Online
Is the Queen related to Prophet Muhammad? Historians believe Elizabeth II is a descendant of the founder of Islam after tracing her family tree back 43 generations
  • Queen Elizabeth's lineage can be traced back 43 generations to the founder of Islam, according to historians
  • Claim first surfaced in 1986 after Burke's Peerage, a British authority of royal pedigrees, discovered the link
  • Although disputed by some historians, genealogical records of early medieval Spain also support the claim

Read more: Is the Queen related to Prophet Muhammad? | Daily Mail Online
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Queen family tree.jpg

Hope you don't find DailyMail.co.uk and the Week.co.uk, the Economist as Moroccan newspapers.
Is the caliph a queen?Muslims consider Queen Elizabeth’s ties to the Prophet Muhammad
Muslims consider Queen Elizabeth’s ties to the Prophet Muhammad

so "Seamus Callahan" You were ruled by Islam all the time, your Queen is the Caliph,that explains why your country was supporting ISIS over Assad.