UK Royal Navy: News & Discussions

Dude, voting doesn't happen amongst occupiers. The same legality which voids any voting in PoJK- the natives have been displaced by state enforced displacement policy of the Pakistanis; Chagos too is similar.

Only the Chagossians will vote, not the Brits( or their American bosses) who made a brand new colony by dismembering it's former colony Mauritius after independence.

Chagossians can exercise their Right to Return. And u know whos gon win d vote, right?

UK should end Chagos Islands control - UN
That's garbage, they were paid money. You can't take the money, spend it and then say you want your item back. Nobody listens to the UN these days anyway. Too many dictatorships voting in it. The people on the Chagos Islands were never of Mauritius anyway.

Chagos Archipelago - Wikipedia

This is their best claim to it prior to colonisation.

According to Southern Maldivian oral tradition, local traders and fishermen were occasionally lost at sea and became stranded in one of the islands of the Chagos. Eventually they were rescued and brought back home.[9] However, these islands were judged to be too far away from the Maldives to be settled permanently by Maldivians. Thus for many centuries the Chagos were ignored by their northern neighbours.

Folk lore basically.


On 31 August 1903 the Chagos Archipelago was administratively separated from the Seychelles and attached to Mauritius.[18]

I.e. it was the British who administratively attached the islands to Mauritius in the first place. So really their claim is based on complaining about colonisation whilst also relying on a change made by colonisation as grounds for the complaint. If their position is that they denounce colonisation, then the islands don't belong to them anyway.
That's garbage, they were paid money. You can't take the money, spend it and then say you want your item back. Nobody listens to the UN these days anyway. Too many dictatorships voting in it. The people on the Chagos Islands were never of Mauritius anyway.

Chagos Archipelago - Wikipedia

This is their best claim to it prior to colonisation.

Folk lore basically.


I.e. it was the British who administratively attached the islands to Mauritius in the first place. So really their claim is based on complaining about colonisation whilst also relying on a change made by colonisation as grounds for the complaint. If their position is that they denounce colonisation, then the islands don't belong to them anyway.
The UN has spoken on it, Paddy & so has the ICJ. Soon UNCLOS too will do the same. Can you imagine the irony? One of the founding members of the UN & a liberal parliamentary democracy at that plus a leading voice for Human Rights standing against all that it stood for. Right in the company of rogue states like DPRK PRC Iran, Syria, etc. UK wouldn't be able to live down this one. It's going to be an allbatross round you're miserable neck , Paddy. Congratulations.
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. Nobody listens to the UN these days anyway.

That didn't make the all-aware Briton to quit UNSC, did it?

Folk lore basically

Half the world was (it certainly remains so) colonised by force, the rest is all folklore?

I.e. it was the British who administratively attached the islands to Mauritius in the first place.

So did they at many other places in Asia.

So really their claim is based on complaining about colonisation whilst also relying on a change made by colonisation as grounds for the complaint.

Well, they see their territorial integrity in the territory administered by the Brits till the moment they achieved their independence.

If their position is that they denounce colonisation, then the islands don't belong to them anyway.

India too denounced Colonisation, and it demanded the territory ruled by Brits as crown colony, in it's entirety ,at the dawn of freedom.
Partition was another issue. This is akin to the stupid British claims made initially to continue their colonisation of Andaman and Nicobar archipelago whilst giving independence to India. Remember, we said 'Screw urself, ur Majesty'. Why can't the Mauritians say the same?

Brits have no right to dismember a nation based on their own fantasies and nutty rants. Did they ask you to colonise and administer their native lands? It is your itchmite, so u did join many islands and made it a colony, sir.

Nationalistic Opinion within the former colonies has direct reference to the unsurmountable odds they faced while being colonised. U made a nation, u leave it as it is- in full.
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@nair @Ashwin @_Anonymous_
The UN has spoken on it, Paddy & so has the ICJ. Soon UNCLOS too will do the same. Can you imagine the irony? One of the founding members of the UN & a liberal parliamentary democracy at that plus a leading voice for Human Rights standing against all that it stood for. Right in the company of rogue states like DPRK PRC Iran, Syria, etc. UK wouldn't be able to live down this one. It's going to be an allbatross round you're miserable neck , Paddy. Congratulations.
I can imagine it easily. The UN includes members who are not democracies who get a vote, like the DPRK, China and the other shitholes you mention, it also gives shitty little islands the same voting rights as large population countries, it gives the EU 27 votes but the US, with 50 states, only 1 vote. I think it is the UN that is more likely to change as a result of this shambles, not ownership of the islands. More and more it doesn't really stand for anything worth supporting. The countries you mention are the exact reason that the UN is wrong, because it lets them vote. Same reason the WTO is wrong. It's a bit like letting Kashmiri rebels into a Hindu temple and expecting that temple to work normally.

Suppose at the fall of the USSR Russia paid Ukraine for Crimea, having allocated it to Ukraine themselves anyway in 1956. And then 50 years after receiving the money Ukraine asked for Crimea back. That is what we're talking about here.
@BMD with India you will get a constitutionally guaranteed special status that will protect your culture and democratic traditions. Pakistan will not give that.
That didn't make the all-aware Briton to quit UNSC, did it?

Half the world was (it certainly remains so) colonised by force, the rest is all folklore?

So did they at many other places in Asia.

Well, they see their territorial integrity in the territory administered by the Brits till the moment they achieved their independence.

India too denounced Colonisation, and it demanded the territory ruled by Brits as crown colony, in it's entirety ,at the dawn of freedom.
Partition was another issue. This is akin to the stupid British claims made initially to continue their colonisation of Andaman and Nicobar archipelago whilst giving independence to India. Remember, we said 'Screw urself, ur Majesty'. Why can't the Mauritians say the same?

Brits have no right to dismember a nation based on their own fantasies and nutty rants. Did they ask you to colonise and administer their native lands? It is your itchmite, so u did join many islands and made it a colony, sir.

Nationalistic Opinion within the former colonies has direct reference to the unsurmountable odds they faced while being colonised. U made a nation, u leave it as it is- in full.
Read the links. It was that colonisation that attributed the damn islands to Mauritius in the first place. It was only colonisation that even placed local people there in the first place. So when you talk of the original population, you are really talking about sea turtles and monkeys and I frankly wouldn't be surprised to see them having a vote in the UN too.

The people in the Chagos Islands want it to remain as is.
@BMD with India you will get a constitutionally guaranteed special status that will protect your culture and democratic traditions. Pakistan will not give that.
Please, feel free to take Birmingham and Bradford, as long as you build one of those border fences.
I can imagine it easily. The UN includes members who are not democracies who get a vote, like the DPRK, China and the other shitholes you mention, it also gives shitty little islands the same voting rights as large population countries, it gives the EU 27 votes but the US, with 50 states, only 1 vote. I think it is the UN that is more likely to change as a result of this shambles, not ownership of the islands. More and more it doesn't really stand for anything worth supporting. The countries you mention are the exact reason that the UN is wrong, because it lets them vote. Same reason the WTO is wrong. It's a bit like letting Kashmiri rebels into a Hindu temple and expecting that temple to work normally.

Suppose at the fall of the USSR Russia paid Ukraine for Crimea, having allocated it to Ukraine themselves anyway in 1956. And then 50 years after receiving the money Ukraine asked for Crimea back. That is what we're talking about here.
As a member here posted, if you aren't satisfied with the UN & think it's a toothless organization why are you a member of the UN or even WTO? Get out of it like Brexit. Surrender your P5 status too & don't let the door hit you on your way out.

The rest of your rant ought to printed on toilet paper and framed opposite a commode. Should help you blow off steam when you're constipated. Which given your posts here is probably everyday.
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As a member here posted, if you aren't satisfied with the UN & think it's a toothless organization why are you a member of the UN or even WTO? Get out of it like Brexit. Surrender your P5 status too & don't let the door hit you on your way out.

The rest of your rant ought to printed on toilet paper and framed opposite a commode. Should help you blow off steam when you're constipated. Which given your posts here is probably everyday.

why are youso hostile towards a person who has offered the territories of Birmingham and Bradford to India?
As a member here posted, if you aren't satisfied with the UN & think it's a toothless organization why are you a member of the UN or even WTO? Get out of it like Brexit. Surrender your P5 status too & don't let the door hit you on your way out.

The rest of your rant ought to printed on toilet paper and framed opposite a commode. Should help you blow off steam when you're constipated. Which given your posts here is probably everyday.
Same reason China and Russia are. They also ignore the UN, they just do it even when the UN is being reasonable.

How can they determine that an uninhabited island, discovered by colonists, should belong to random people who live in a country 1,500 miles away, just because one of those colonists put them under joint administration. It's basically just the Argentine Falklands claim rehashed, except in this case we paid them for the islands. Russia may as well claim back Alaska under the same premise. What if the UN told you to hand parts of J&K or Tibet over? Would a simple majority vote from a random accumulation of dickheads persuade you to hand them over?
why are youso hostile towards a person who has offered the territories of Birmingham and Bradford to India?
This is why we need to keep the Chagos Islands. We need somewhere to evacuate to after the issues in London, Birmingham and Bradford have spread. We will seal up the hive to protect humanity and then leave.
Russia may as well claim back Alaska under the same premise.

Russia wasn't coerced back then, Mauritius was.

What if the UN told you to hand parts of J&K or Tibet over?

Again, wrong analogy mate. J&K has continuous,direct relation with Indian civilisation for millennia.
Trika Siddhanta was born in Kashmir. Also, Kashmir has been the educational hub of Indian subcontinent. Whereas, Britain has nothing to do with anything in Asia.
Russia wasn't coerced back then, Mauritius was.
Russia sold Alaska at a basement bargain price because it was scared Britain was going to take it anyway. And if you are coerced, you don't spend the goddamn money and then come back in 50 years.

Again, wrong analogy mate. J&K has continuous,direct relation with Indian civilisation for millennia.
Trika Siddhanta was born in Kashmir. Also, Kashmir has been the educational hub of Indian subcontinent. Whereas, Britain has nothing to do with anything in Asia.
That wouldn't stop a random UN vote from coming up with a majority in favour of you handing it over based on no written law whatsoever. Mauritius never owned the Chagos Islands, not ever. It was only the British who put the two under the same administration in the first place. They are separated by over 1,500 miles. India is roughly the same distance away as Mauritius FFS.
New American supercarrier Christened
With more than 20,000 attendees, President John F. Kennedy’s daughter Caroline Bouvier Kennedy officially christened the new carrier John F. Kennedy.

“I’m so proud to be the sponsor of this ship and bring her to life,” said Kennedy.

“The CVN 79 crew is fortunate to have such distinguished leaders, this is your day, and our chance to say thank you.”

Kennedy reflected on the first ship to bear her father’s name and how the second Ford-class aircraft carrier will continue to represent her father proudly.


“Having a chance to get to know the people who served on the USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67), really gave me insight into who he was, and what kind of leader he was in a way that I wouldn’t have had any other way. And, I know that’s going to be just as true now with a whole new generation,” said Kennedy.

The John F. Kennedy is the second Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carrier being built for the United States Navy. The ship is under construction and planned to be commissioned in 2022.

On the 1st of October 2019, the ship’s crew was activated for the first time as Pre-Commissioning Unit John F. Kennedy at a ceremony aboard the vessel at Newport News Shipbuilding.
New American supercarrier Christened
Britsh Navy commissioning day for HMS Prince of Wales

Britsh Navy commissioning day for HMS Prince of Wales
December 2019 News Naval Navy Maritime Defense IndustryPOSTED ON WEDNESDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2019 11:31
HMS Prince of Wales (R09) is the second Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier and was officially commissioned into the Royal Navy Fleet on Tuesday 10 December 2019 at Victory Jetty, HMNB Portsmouth. This is the largest warship ever built for the nation.

HMS Queen Elizabeth alongside HMS Prince of Wales Royal Navy in Portsmouth for the first time (Picture source: British Royal Navy)

The commissioning date of HMS Prince of Wales (R09) also marked the 78th anniversary of the sinking of her predecessor which was lost in action alongside HMS Repulse in 1941. She is the seventh Royal Navy ship to have the name HMS Prince of Wales. Construction of the ship began in 2011 at Rosyth Dockyard and ended with the launch on 21 December 2017. She was handed over to the Royal Navy in 2019 and will be fully ready for front-line duties around the globe from 2023.

Unlike most large aircraft carriers, Prince of Wales is not fitted with catapults and arrestor wires, and is instead designed to operate V/STOL aircraft; the ship is currently planned to carry up to 40 F-35B Lightning II stealth multirole fighters and Merlin helicopters for airborne early warning and anti-submarine warfare, although in surge conditions the class is capable of supporting 70+ F-35B. The design emphasises flexibility, with accommodation for 250 Royal Marines and the ability to support them with attack helicopters and troop transports up to and larger than Chinook size.

Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier has a displacement of 65,000 tonnes, a total length of 284 meters with an overall beam of 73 meters. The aircraft carrier can reach the top speed of 25 knots with a maximum range of 10,000 nautical miles and is equipped with Phalanx CIWS 30 mm multiple barrels rotating cannon to counter asymmetric threats.

The carrier is powered by four diesel engines and two gas turbines, run by the 170-strong marine engineering department. They are part of a core ship’s company of about 700 which can swell to more than double that with the addition of personnel from Naval Air Squadrons and Royal Marines.

The ship was initially planned to be either sold or mothballed due to budget cuts, but the government later decided to bring it into service. Prince of Wales was formally named in September 2017. Her first seagoing commanding officer will be Captain Stephen Moorhouse. As of July 2019, her ship captain is Captain Darren Houston.

More than 10,000 people across the UK have contributed to the delivery of the ship as part of the Aircraft Carrier Alliance, building on the experience they gained in constructing and operating HMS Queen Elizabeth.

The completed Prince of Wales began sea trials in September 2019 and first arrived at her new home base of HMNB Portsmouth in November 2019. The ship was formally commissioned into the Royal Navy at a ceremony in Portsmouth on 10 December 2019.
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