Ukraine - Russia Conflict

There are lot of learnings from ukraine war for India. Replace pakistan with ukraine minus nukes , we are in the same situation. Any govt in India which releases pressure on pakistan due to push from west will pay a big price.

That's what I call a patsy. For India, it's Pakistan. For China, it's Vietnam. For Russia, it's Ukraine. For America, it's Iran. Make the patsy behave in a certain way, and you get the target country to behave in the way you want.
India is levitating over all your heads.
It only thinks it's levitating, really its drowning.
Like Trump?
The US Constitution prevents individuals standing for office if they have incited, supported or participated in insurrection.

How is what Trump did any different?

(Aside from the fact he was a serving President and much older, but those are the opposite of mitigating factors.)
Not having all that land was better for them.
Pretending to not have all the land was better for him.
All Russia's fault. This is the clearest case of black and white you will ever see in global politics. The fact you don't see it that way just makes me want to ignore you.
Nope. The West has no choice but to depend on India no matter what.
What use is India, a country that sides with our enemies at every possible opportunity? We already have Iran and North Korea for that. You're redundant.
I've always considered him an idiot who got played. Who the fvk is idiotic enough to trust the West in this day and age?
Yeah, no you haven't. You go from 4-D chess master to poor sap at will, depending on the argument.
Talking to people who do not want to talk. He should have invaded and annexed Donbas and Kharkiv in 2014 itself.
West should have maintained a block on Western electronics going to Russia even after 1990 and fully sanctioned Russia in 2014.
The US and UK don't think so. Neither does Japan.
They do, but the diplomats will never say it out loud, otherwise they wouldn't be diplomats.
Nah. What the US was doing was a very serious security threat to Russia. War became practically guaranteed. Only the French and Germans were in denial, such a serious miscalculation from their side.
What were they doing exactly. Nuclear missiles based in Kharkiv or something I missed? Russia didn't get its way, its corruption failed, Yanukovych was removed by majority protest.
Zelensky was just a Western puppet. The bakra was Putin.
You're just a Russian puppet.
Now that the US has made full use of Zelensky, he's done. If the Russian victory is too big, Zelensky is either gonna get strung up from the nearest pole or will have to run away to the UK.
Russia isn't even close to winning, it's current offensive has achieved almost nothing by month 4.
Normally, we should have fought. But I suppose that wasn't an option for whatever reason. At least the Chinese were not interested in fighting India, so we seem to have gone along with that. India's biggest threat is internal after all. So yeah, strengthen the economy and military over time.

But we need to be prepared to take advantage when China is distracted elsewhere. They have done the same whenever we fought Pakistan. The US too will expect India to do something in case of a Taiwan war. But I doubt we will. Of course, China is now militarily prepared to fight a multi-front war, and set to become even stronger over the next few years, especially in the air.
You could just bend over and repeat everything they say, like with Russia.
There are lot of learnings from ukraine war for India. Replace pakistan with ukraine minus nukes , we are in the same situation. Any govt in India which releases pressure on pakistan due to push from west will pay a big price.
Don't talk shit. There was no incident of Ukraine ever invading territory beyond their borders prior to the war. The Donbass was never J&K, it was always Ukrainian. There was no Operation Searchlight equivalent. Your anologies as beyond stupid.
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It only thinks it's levitating, really its drowning.

The US Constitution prevents individuals standing for office if they have incited, supported or participated in insurrection.

How is what Trump did any different?

(Aside from the fact he was a serving President and much older, but those are the opposite of mitigating factors.)

He didn't incite anything.

All Russia's fault. This is the clearest case of black and white you will ever see in global politics. The fact you don't see it that way just makes me want to ignore you.

Sure. :rolleyes:

Putin never wanted talks, only the West did, even though Western leaders have openly said they were not interested in talks. Black and white must have a very different meaning where you come from. :rolleyes:

What use is India, a country that sides with our enemies at every possible opportunity? We already have Iran and North Korea for that. You're redundant.

You see it as "my way or the highway," we don't see it that way. And it's not our problem that you can't deal with your neighbors even with nobody interfering in the affairs of both sides. Basically, you guys are just fvck-ups who can't deal with difficult problems.

Yeah, no you haven't. You go from 4-D chess master to poor sap at will, depending on the argument.

You are reading too much Russian propaganda. I have always said from the beginning that the Russians were shafted. How's getting scammed 4-D chess? Is there where you get black and white from?

West should have maintained a block on Western electronics going to Russia even after 1990 and fully sanctioned Russia in 2014.

Wouldn't work. Would have in fact had the opposite effect. The Soviets had a very robust electronics copying industry back in the day.

They do, but the diplomats will never say it out loud, otherwise they wouldn't be diplomats.

See for yourself.
What were they doing exactly. Nuclear missiles based in Kharkiv or something I missed?

Reverse Cuba. It was the US that quit the INF Treaty. And today we know for a fact that the Russians do not have the missiles the US claimed the Russians did.

Russia didn't get its way, its corruption failed, Yanukovych was removed by majority protest.


You're just a Russian puppet.


Russia isn't even close to winning, it's current offensive has achieved almost nothing by month 4.


You could just bend over and repeat everything they say, like with Russia.

Sure. But we did not. We are the only country to have properly sanctioned China.

Here are the Chinis whining about it.

There's a lot more not mentioned in there, like infrastructure projects and FDI/FPI restrictions.
Don't talk shit. There was no incident of Ukraine ever invading territory beyond their borders prior to the war. The Donbass was never J&K, it was always Ukrainian. There was no Operation Searchlight equivalent. Your anologies as beyond stupid.

He's neither referring to Kashmir nor BD.
Don't talk shit. There was no incident of Ukraine ever invading territory beyond their borders prior to the war. The Donbass was never J&K, it was always Ukrainian. There was no Operation Searchlight equivalent. Your anologies as beyond stupid.
who said any thing abt kashmir? If you think India-pakistan conflicts is abt kashmir then your knowledge of history is poor or you are deliberately playing down the issue.

By the way if you dint know ukraine conducted airstrikes on luhuansk in 2014.
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who said any thing abt kashmir? If you think India-pakistan conflicts is abt kashmir then your knowledge of history is poor or you are deliberately playing down the issue.
Playing down what issue? Nobody ever knows WTF you are on about, even when they can actually understand what you're saying.
By the way if you dint know ukraine conducted airstrikes on luhuansk in 2014.
Luhansk is in f'cking Ukraine. Putin conducted airstrikes in Russia last year both deliberately and accidentally and conducted airstrikes in Russia for over a decade between 1990 and 2000, then in Georgia in 2008 and then in Ukraine for the last two years. Go f*ck yourself with your tired false equivalency.
He's neither referring to Kashmir nor BD.
So what is the point being made then?
Reverse Cuba. It was the US that quit the INF Treaty. And today we know for a fact that the Russians do not have the missiles the US claimed the Russians did.
Russia was already breaking it. Iskander-Ms have gone further than 500km several times during this war, as have R-500s. Even P-800s are capable of over 500km at altitude, you know this.
Fact, where was the counter protest? Why did he run to Russia and not EU. JFC, it's not like illegal immigrants are flocking in that direction out of the two choices.:ROFLMAO:
Sorry, I spelt 'muppet' wrong.
Has it achieved:

a) More than the 3 months Ukrainian offensive;

b) Less than the 3 months Ukrainian offensive; or

c) Much less than the 3 months Ukrainian offensive.
Sure. But we did not. We are the only country to have properly sanctioned China.

Here are the Chinis whining about it.

There's a lot more not mentioned in there, like infrastructure projects and FDI/FPI restrictions.
They won't even notice. It's like Mexico sanctioning the US.
He didn't incite anything.
"For years, Democrats have gotten away with election fraud"

"if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore,"

Sure. :rolleyes:

Putin never wanted talks, only the West did, even though Western leaders have openly said they were not interested in talks. Black and white must have a very different meaning where you come from. :rolleyes:
You don't invade and annex a country with an elected leader. Black and white.
You see it as "my way or the highway," we don't see it that way. And it's not our problem that you can't deal with your neighbors even with nobody interfering in the affairs of both sides. Basically, you guys are just fvck-ups who can't deal with difficult problems.
It black and white. Stop making excuses. Especially when you've never been at peace - even with your immediate neighbours - once during your entire existence.
You are reading too much Russian propaganda. I have always said from the beginning that the Russians were shafted. How's getting scammed 4-D chess? Is there where you get black and white from?
Only if your arguments are Russian propaganda, which they are.
Wouldn't work. Would have in fact had the opposite effect. The Soviets had a very robust electronics copying industry back in the day.
Which is why they were 20 years behind by 1990.....
See for yourself.
I think it's time for NATO to supply Ukraine with missiles to attack Russian defence production facilities in Russia with. If NK and Iran can do it for the Russia, then it's only fair we follow suit.



By the way,

I've always maintained that Russia is going to win this war** - unless they collapse from within owing to civil war or a coup. They simply have too many men & too much material. The Wagner rebellion was the closest the Russians came to capitulating in a manner not unlike their WW1 experience.

They've surprisingly gotten past that fiasco with little loss to morale of forces in the field (haven't seen the front collapsing or anything like that).

So, assuming they keep the war effort going - it simply comes down to who runs out of men & material first. And the answer was always going to be Ukraine. The West knows by now they can't turn the tide of the war simply by handing over leftover stocks & relatively small production batches (one could argue they always knew that, they just wanted to kill as many Russians as possible while they can), the Russian supplies & recruitment will always far outnumber anything the West can provide, because the Russians are running a war economy right now.

Western supplies CAN match or outnumber what the Russians are sending to the front if the US switches on its own war economy mode like in WW2 (nobody else in the West has the industrial base to match the Russians' output). But I doubt they want to run out of steam or endanger the economy by driving it into a post-war state where it's difficult to spin things back up while the Chinese threat is still yet to materialize. And the Chinese are theoretically capable of outproducing the US if they turn on their own war economy.

I think the US is preparing itself & its public to take this L. They know to cut losses when it's clear they're getting nowhere i.e. Vietnam. The Ukrainian government corruption, nazis within the ranks etc will be made the scapegoats.

** Defining winning as Russia ending up with more territory than it started with. In effect, meaning that they keep all the provinces they captured in the war. I doubt they can take all of Ukraine (or at least up till the Dnieper), we'll see.
So what is the point being made then?

About Pakistan being used against India.

So the best way for the West to stop India from overtaking it is by making Pakistan do something that forces India into a war with them. The war will damage India's economy to the extent that it will delay it. Hence a patsy. The same way Ukraine was used against Russia.

Afghanistan was used for the same purpose against the US after 9/11. A single person brought war to the US by merely using his propensity towards violence. In exchange the US received insurmountable levels of public debt. Similarly, the West used Ukraine's legislative powers to target Russia, alongside the clown called Zelensky.

Pakistan has plenty of Osamas and Zelenskys to make that happen against India.
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