Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Apparently, the company importing Indian ammo to Ukraine is called "Aresmaxima".

One their website they have reported that the ammo was loaded & inspected at the Nhava Sheva port. The items imported are:

1. 155MM HE ERFB BT shell:

2. Point detonation fuze & M191A2 primer:

3. Bi-Modular Charge System:

4: 120mm Mortar ammo:

Quantities are still unknown. Of course, this may not be the only company importing stuff.
You forget that he wasn't interested in going to war. Or he would have done it in 2014.
He was trying to get what he wanted by underhand methods whilst also trying to proof Russia against sanctions. He wanted Donbass as an East Germany and Crimea as an SSR.
He was trying to get what he wanted by underhand methods whilst also trying to proof Russia against sanctions. He wanted Donbass as an East Germany and Crimea as an SSR.

The West are champions of underhanded methods. So why is this a surprise? Putin's not a despot simply because he had the option of finishing off Ukraine in 2014 itself. He was in fact an idiot who got played. That's why the Russians are so angry. What happened in 2022 was inevitable, and the US bet on this happening in the first place.

Only the US has benefitted from all this crap, no one else. They got more members into NATO. They have pretty much cornered the entire defense market. Northern, Eastern and Southern Europe have fallen into their hands. Western Europe's power has dropped to the lowest point in history. Their relationship with Russia is dead, the US couldn't pull this off even during the Cold War. The Americans haven't experienced a single disadvantage. The crowing glory would have been if India had also surrendered to the sanctions. In fact, they would have bet on this. Can you imagine if India ended relations too?

The entire thing is a scam. Putin fell for it hook, line and sinker. This is what you get for doing the right thing when the rules aren't fair. India learned this lesson the hard way in 1948 (UNSC resolution on Kashmir), the experience prevented India from going against Russia this time. We were once again victims in 1974 (NSG) and then 1991 (BoP crisis). And Russia has just learned the same lesson for the first time in 2022.

Rules of the Jungle. The guy with the biggest stick wins.
The West are champions of underhanded methods.
Look who's talking.
So why is this a surprise? Putin's not a despot simply because he had the option of finishing off Ukraine in 2014 itself. He was in fact an idiot who got played. That's why the Russians are so angry. What happened in 2022 was inevitable, and the US bet on this happening in the first place.
Of course he's a despot. Russia isn't a democracy, so he's a despot by definition. He kills any political opponents or critics.
Only the US has benefitted from all this crap, no one else.
Russia has taken a lot of valuable land currently, I'm sure it wouldn't be fighting if it was of no benefit.
They got more members into NATO. They have pretty much cornered the entire defense market.
No one's fault but Russia's.
Northern, Eastern and Southern Europe have fallen into their hands. Western Europe's power has dropped to the lowest point in history.
Never had any post-WWII.
Their relationship with Russia is dead,
the US couldn't pull this off even during the Cold War. The Americans haven't experienced a single disadvantage.
The crowing glory would have been if India had also surrendered to the sanctions. In fact, they would have bet on this. Can you imagine if India ended relations too?
India has forever made itself a friend of our enemies and hence an enemy by default.
The entire thing is a scam. Putin fell for it hook, line and sinker.
One minute he's a 4-D chess master, and then....:ROFLMAO:
This is what you get for doing the right thing when the rules aren't fair.
Doing the right thing = Invading an annexing a country.:ROFLMAO:
India learned this lesson the hard way in 1948 (UNSC resolution on Kashmir), the experience prevented India from going against Russia this time. We were once again victims in 1974 (NSG) and then 1991 (BoP crisis). And Russia has just learned the same lesson for the first time in 2022.

Rules of the Jungle. The guy with the biggest stick wins.
Like I said, India has forever made itself a friend of our enemies and hence an enemy by default.
Look who's talking.

India is levitating over all your heads.

Of course he's a despot. Russia isn't a democracy, so he's a despot by definition. He kills any political opponents or critics.

Like Trump?

Russia has taken a lot of valuable land currently, I'm sure it wouldn't be fighting if it was of no benefit.

Not having all that land was better for them.

No one's fault but Russia's.


India has forever made itself a friend of our enemies and hence an enemy by default.

Nope. The West has no choice but to depend on India no matter what.

One minute he's a 4-D chess master, and then....:ROFLMAO:

I've always considered him an idiot who got played. Who the fvk is idiotic enough to trust the West in this day and age?

Doing the right thing = Invading an annexing a country.:ROFLMAO:

Talking to people who do not want to talk. He should have invaded and annexed Donbas and Kharkiv in 2014 itself.

Like I said, India has forever made itself a friend of our enemies and hence an enemy by default.

The US and UK don't think so. Neither does Japan.
Does the US desire an end to the war in Ukraine?

The primary objective of this conflict is not merely to bring about the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine and recover Ukrainian land occupied by Russia. Instead, it aims to weaken Russia through both military engagement and economic sanctions. Ukrainian forces contribute manpower, while the US and various European nations supply military equipment. Concealed motivations on the part of the West include testing new weapons, facilitating future marketing endeavors, and asserting geopolitical influence.

The financial toll on the US in prosecuting this war is estimated at $70 to $80 billion, with additional support from other European countries totaling around $40 billion. Tragically, the loss of approximately 200,000 Ukrainian young men and the destruction of civilian infrastructure may result in costs reaching $100 billion.

Russia is also paying a substantial price in terms of human lives and material resources, albeit with a comparatively smaller economy than the US and Europe. To sustain the conflict, Russia relies on selling oil and gas in the global market.

Can the US and Europe achieve their goals?

The prospect of Russia's defeat or surrender in this war appears highly unlikely. Although the ongoing conflict inflicts damage upon Russia, its large population and significant oil export customer base provide resilience. The war can persist as long as the West is willing. Countries such as the US and the UK, aligned in support, face upcoming elections where anti-war sentiments among voters may influence a reassessment of their stance.

The anticipation is that a subdued drone war will persist until the next US elections. The ultimate fate of the conflict will hinge on the policy decisions of the next occupant of the White House.

The West pretended to talk to Putin while arming Ukraine, to the point that they could put up some kind of a fight. They were completely insincere about it. Putin should have just taken Donbas along with Crimea when he could, 'cause the UAF wouldn't have had the ability to stop them in 2014. Could have saved the lives of a lot of Russian soldiers and an entire generation of Ukrainians in the process.

Or... the Minsk agreements had failed by 2015. So, by 2016 or so, Putin could have dealt with Donbas aggressively. Plus, Poroshenko was in power, a seasoned politician, he would have talked to the Russians.

You never talk when the other side lacks sincerity, especially when you are the more powerful party. Look at what China did along the LAC. They had no need to talk to India before that, just took pretty much everything they wanted. The current talks we are having are pretty much a sham.
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The West pretended to talk to Putin while arming Ukraine, to the point that they could put up some kind of a fight. They were completely insincere about it. Putin should have just taken Donbas along with Crimea when he could, 'cause the UAF wouldn't have had the ability to stop them in 2014. Could have saved the lives of a lot of Russian soldiers and an entire generation of Ukrainians in the process.
Russia shouldn't have invaded ukraine in first place ......
Or... the Minsk agreements had failed by 2015. So, by 2016 or so, Putin could have dealt with Donbas aggressively. Plus, Poroshenko was in power, a seasoned politician, he would have talked to the Russians.
IMO zelensky got played by both west & Russia.
You never talk when the other side lacks sincerity, especially when you are the more powerful party. Look at what China did along the LAC. They had no need to talk to India before that, just took pretty much everything they wanted. The current talks we are having are pretty much a sham.
Yup!!! Now, what can we do about it??
Strengthen economy & Military of our Country.......
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Footage of the strike of the Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Ukraine has been published. The rocket's speed is enormous, about 14,000 kilometers per hour. At the final stage of the flight, the missile reduces its speed, this is done so that it can work as an active radar homing head for the missile. Without reducing the speed, under conditions of plasma formation, it is impossible for the rocket to receive satellite navigation data. The impact of the Kinzhal missile is also shown in slow motion, otherwise it is difficult to see; the video was filmed by a resident of Kyiv.

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Russia shouldn't have invaded ukraine in first place ......

Nah. What the US was doing was a very serious security threat to Russia. War became practically guaranteed. Only the French and Germans were in denial, such a serious miscalculation from their side.

IMO zelensky got played by both west & Russia.

Zelensky was just a Western puppet. The bakra was Putin.

Now that the US has made full use of Zelensky, he's done. If the Russian victory is too big, Zelensky is either gonna get strung up from the nearest pole or will have to run away to the UK.

Yup!!! Now, what can we do about it??
Strengthen economy & Military of our Country.......

Normally, we should have fought. But I suppose that wasn't an option for whatever reason. At least the Chinese were not interested in fighting India, so we seem to have gone along with that. India's biggest threat is internal after all. So yeah, strengthen the economy and military over time.

But we need to be prepared to take advantage when China is distracted elsewhere. They have done the same whenever we fought Pakistan. The US too will expect India to do something in case of a Taiwan war. But I doubt we will. Of course, China is now militarily prepared to fight a multi-front war, and set to become even stronger over the next few years, especially in the air.
> Buy oil from the lowest bidder
> Sell weapons to the highest bidder
> Double dip profit


While sitting on a moral high-horse and passing judgment, so let's not forget paying one back in the same coin.

If BMD has something to say about it, then just let out a dismissive scoff while turning your head away, pointing your nose up and drooping your eyes.
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They were always the best equipped army even historically since WW2. They were more sophisticated too. Like T-64s had digital electronics even in the 60s. America tanks had gas turbines, European tanks had diesel engines while the Russians had both. And some of their current weapons are far more advanced even today. For example, the American M109 has a manual loader while a new Russian SPH is not only fully automated, but can be operated remotely too. Their overall armor (Armata) and infantry systems (Ratnik) are more advanced than what's operational in the West, quite a lot of it is automated. A lot of experimental technologies have also been put to use in Ukraine, like armed robotic vehicles.
The West pretended to talk to Putin while arming Ukraine, to the point that they could put up some kind of a fight. They were completely insincere about it. Putin should have just taken Donbas along with Crimea when he could, 'cause the UAF wouldn't have had the ability to stop them in 2014. Could have saved the lives of a lot of Russian soldiers and an entire generation of Ukrainians in the process.

Or... the Minsk agreements had failed by 2015. So, by 2016 or so, Putin could have dealt with Donbas aggressively. Plus, Poroshenko was in power, a seasoned politician, he would have talked to the Russians.

You never talk when the other side lacks sincerity, especially when you are the more powerful party. Look at what China did along the LAC. They had no need to talk to India before that, just took pretty much everything they wanted. The current talks we are having are pretty much a sham.
There are lot of learnings from ukraine war for India. Replace pakistan with ukraine minus nukes , we are in the same situation. Any govt in India which releases pressure on pakistan due to push from west will pay a big price.