Ukraine - Russia Conflict

russia doesnt have many missiles. said the washing machine laundry boys :ROFLMAO:

They've been stockpiling since summer and finally yesterday was the day they used 150+ missiles and drones of which 75% were shot down... they won't be doing that again near future or they'll start to run low. US used 250 tomahawks first night of Operation Desert Fox in 1998 and 400+ tomahawks alone in the 3 day strike. vadniks could never sustain such weapons use.
The Kh-101 EW upgrade was done back in 2018. It carries an RWR and CMDS.

The Kh-50 came in 2023, and that's probably the missile in the video. It also comes with RWR and CMDS. It's been in use for quite some time now. To date nobody has seen a close-up image of the missile.
The Kh-101 EW upgrade was done back in 2018. It carries an RWR and CMDS.

The Kh-50 came in 2023, and that's probably the missile in the video. It also comes with RWR and CMDS. It's been in use for quite some time now. To date nobody has seen a close-up image of the missile.
Welcome to the 80's russia!

Yet they keep getting shot down while storm shadows don't have countermeasures yet they sunk a ship with a s400 battery 2kms from the ship. Modern US and NATO SAM radar-seekers are not going to get fooled by chaff like russian seekers do.

US for decades has been using target drone cruise missiles with ECM and chaff so russian cruise missiles crapping out tin is no problem... now it may be a problemfor Ukraine s300 and Buks but not US/NATO SAMs.
BQM-167 and the modern-ish BQM-177A target cruise missile drones.

LRASM has a type of EW and its JASSM cousin likely has the same capability and so will the new Tomahawk cruise missiles.
Welcome to the 80's russia!

Yet they keep getting shot down while storm shadows don't have countermeasures yet they sunk a ship with a s400 battery 2kms from the ship. Modern US and NATO SAM radar-seekers are not going to get fooled by chaff like russian seekers do.

US for decades has been using target drone cruise missiles with ECM and chaff so russian cruise missiles crapping out tin is no problem... now it may be a problemfor Ukraine s300 and Buks but not US/NATO SAMs.
BQM-167 and the modern-ish BQM-177A target cruise missile drones.

LRASM has a type of EW and its JASSM cousin likely has the same capability and so will the new Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Don't think the JASSM family and Tomahawk have chaff dispensers.

And target drones are used to simulate aircraft, so their requirements are different.
They've been stockpiling since summer and finally yesterday was the day they used 150+ missiles and drones of which 75% were shot down... they won't be doing that again near future or they'll start to run low.
wasnt the western press indulging in loose talk that russia had run out of missiles and they were stealing washing machine? either they have missiles or no missiles, the notion that west had spread that russia couldnt make missiles after sanctions has been pretty much laid to rest in ruins of ukranian buildings.
US used 250 tomahawks first night of Operation Desert Fox in 1998 and 400+ tomahawks alone in the 3 day strike. vadniks could never sustain such weapons use
yeah , but do they really need to do ? it depends on their objective if they can do with 100 missiles why fire 1000 ? They need to have viable targets. US dint care abt civilian causalities but thats not the case here. Take a look at number of deaths in 2 months of israeli campaign vs russian campaign, deaths in ukraine war is far more lower compared to period of fighting.
Don't think the JASSM family and Tomahawk have chaff dispensers.

Because that is old tech. US went with electronic spoofing on their cruise missiles.
And target drones are used to simulate aircraft, so their requirements are different.

BQM-74E-74F-167-177A simulates subsonic cruise missiles and those carry chaff and ECM.

This pic is the BQM-74E circa 1991.
wasnt the western press indulging in loose talk that russia had run out of missiles and they were stealing washing machine? either they have missiles or no missiles, the notion that west had spread that russia couldnt make missiles after sanctions has been pretty much laid to rest in ruins of ukranian buildings.

Dude there was a lull in cruise missile use for months because they ran low and were replenishing their stock and now they lose 5 flankers last weekend and a warship a few days ago so they lashed out targeting civilian buildings and hospitals. Btw 150+ were not all cruise missiles there were also drones. Oh and those cruise missiles were the old soviet KH/65 series. 150+ missiles which half were drones aint a lot.
yeah , but do they really need to do ? it depends on their objective if they can do with 100 missiles why fire 1000 ? They need to have viable targets.

You do know 75% of drones/missiles used were shot down with the rest hitting civilian buildings.
US dint care abt civilian causalities but thats not the case here. Take a look at number of deaths in 2 months of israeli campaign vs russian campaign, deaths in ukraine war is far more lower compared to period of fighting.

If not the case why bring it up? Whose sources are you using when counting the bodies in gaza? And you do know that gaza is a 20km strip of land with millions of people in it where hamus and islamic jihad hide among, right? Ukraine is huge with population spread all over with vast majority of military targets are far away-ish from people yet russians always seem to find them. Israel has no choice anymore if there's hamus underneath civilian buildings that building is coming down. Palesti.... gaza arabs brought destruction upon themselves they took a poll in gaza early this month asking them even after the destruction 57% of gazalians supported the Oct 7th attack which means before Israel launched its reckoning support for the attacks were likely in the 90%. Overall 72% of "palestinians" polled support the attack and that is after 3 months of carnage.
Because that is old tech. US went with electronic spoofing on their cruise missiles.

Need chaff anyway. Even the F-35 has it. Electronic spoofing is also quite old for long range missiles.

But CMDS works, hence the upgrade. Otoh, spoofing becomes weaker as it gets closer to the target, and at one point it stops working entirely, and that's where missiles go to die.

BQM-74E-74F-167-177A simulates subsonic cruise missiles and those carry chaff and ECM.
View attachment 31504
This pic is the BQM-74E circa 1991.

It does both. Target drones simulate both aircraft and missiles as necessary. Even aircraft fly such low profiles, especially over water.

When you test SAMs and AAMs, you can't shoot down a whole aircraft after all, although some very old aircraft have been converted to drones for that purpose.
Dude there was a lull in cruise missile use for months because they ran low and were replenishing their stock and now they lose 5 flankers last weekend and a warship a few days ago so they lashed out targeting civilian buildings and hospitals. Btw 150+ were not all cruise missiles there were also drones. Oh and those cruise missiles were the old soviet KH/65 series. 150+ missiles which half were drones aint a lot.

You do know 75% of drones/missiles used were shot down with the rest hitting civilian buildings.

If not the case why bring it up? Whose sources are you using when counting the bodies in gaza? And you do know that gaza is a 20km strip of land with millions of people in it where hamus and islamic jihad hide among, right? Ukraine is huge with population spread all over with vast majority of military targets are far away-ish from people yet russians always seem to find them. Israel has no choice anymore if there's hamus underneath civilian buildings that building is coming down. Palesti.... gaza arabs brought destruction upon themselves they took a poll in gaza early this month asking them even after the destruction 57% of gazalians supported the Oct 7th attack which means before Israel launched its reckoning support for the attacks were likely in the 90%. Overall 72% of "palestinians" polled support the attack and that is after 3 months of carnage.

Lot of fake news coming out of Ukraine. We don't have the full picture.

For example, no Storm Shadow attacks yet on Kerch Bridge, although they have the range for it. They must have tried and failed, 'cause there have been attempts to take the bridge out using missiles.


Let's see how things go once the F-16s come in.

Otoh, Ukraine's air force has admitted that they are incapable of shooting down Russian supersonic CMs like Oniks and Kh-22.

"None were downed at all," Ignat said, answering a question if Ukrainian forces were able to intercept at least one such missile.

"The Kh-22 missile travels at a speed of 4,000 km/h, it approaches its target mainly via ballistic trajectory. […] Special means are necessary to intercept it," he explained...

During the night, the Russians forced their missiles and drones to maneuver desperately in order to bypass the Ukrainian air defense system during the attack on Odessa. This information was provided by Yuri Ignat, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, during a telethon.

"In fact, when approaching from the eastern regions to the center of the country, they (missiles and drones) turned around and returned to Odessa along the Moldovan border. The enemy uses various means of aerial attack to divert the attention of the air defense and inflict maximum damage, targeting specific objects," explained Ignat.

Despite the damage caused in Odessa during the night, Ignat overall assessed the performance of the Ukrainian air defense as "perfect." He noted that Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners managed to destroy all 19 kamikaze drones launched by the aggressor and 11 out of 12 Kalibr cruise missiles. The only missiles that could not be intercepted were the Oniks missiles flying over the sea.

"Oniks missiles are difficult to intercept. It's possible to counteract them, but anti-missile systems do not work against them. These missiles are supersonic and fly very low. Therefore, it is impossible to shoot down these missiles with the existing means of air defense," Ignat stated.

Quite literally means Patriot, SAMP/T and NASAMS have failed to intercept such missiles.

And before you go on about Russia's CM arsenal, they haven't even used a lot of their existing capabilities. Russia has launched 7400 BMs and CMs to date on Ukraine, they have a lot more than that. Meaning, they have kept the bulk of their missile inventory aside to deal with NATO. The Russians have a lot more ammo than people assume.
@Picdelamirand-oil @A Person

Ukraine Ambassador Chalyi (to the US) saying Putin wanted peace in April 2022 and an agreement had been reached but eventually junked.

So a peace deal was possible, and all Ukraine had to do was announce its neutrality.

And it appears Gerhard Schroeder's says the peace deal was killed by the Americans.

The article mentions the West (I guess Europe) had no intention of allowing Russia to cozy up with China.
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article mentions the West (I guess Europe) had no intention of allowing Russia to cozy up with China.
There has long been a narrative in China ,USA and Europe will unite with Russia to contain China because Putin himself came a liberal, pro-Western Russian.
There has long been a narrative in China ,USA and Europe will unite with Russia to contain China because Putin himself came a liberal, pro-Western Russian.

USA does not trust Russia. Europe has no interest in containing China, both France and Germany are not interested in such competition. France has openly said they have no intention of becoming enemies with China, and the rest of NATO is pretty useless.

China's Western bloc enemies are the US+UK, Japan and Taiwan. And the US can at best drag in Australia, Canada and the Philippines in a war with China. China's only non-Western bloc enemy is India, since 2020.

Russia is currently in a no-choice friendship with China for now but is a long term enemy. Pretty soon they will achieve Western Europe levels of development. As that happens, their economy will shift from reliance on oil exports to reliance on advanced manufacturing. This will make them an economic competitor to China. Politically too, they will start favoring Indian companies over Chinese, for electronics and automobiles in particular. So Russia and China are not natural allies.

I'd actually argue that, even though it's not visible today, Russia and India will become natural partners against China. India is going to enter a construction frenzy, and Russia's natural resources are necessary.

Putin is not a liberal or pro-West, he's a moderate communist who supports capitalism with some conservative leaning. He wants Russians to make money, allows people to practice religion and own property, but does not care about things like LGBTQ, but allows abortions. Putin also does not like racism or any sort of discrimination, the opposite of China. He is very lenient towards Muslims, completely opposite of China. But of course, like any communist country, he wants to control the military and all strategic sectors, so he's also a socialist when it comes to maintaining political power, which is similar to China. Russia has a more liberal version of communism than China because of Putin.
Russia is currently in a no-choice friendship with China for now but is a long term enemy.
They backed, if not organised the coup that put the CCP in power in the first place.
I'd actually argue that, even though it's not visible today, Russia and India will become natural partners against China. India is going to enter a construction frenzy, and Russia's natural resources are necessary.
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