Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Oh yes, the whole "if USA stop supporting Ukraine, Ukraine will be forced to capitulate". Funny, the USA stopped supporting Ukraine for months and Ukraine did not surrender. True, russia did manage to get Avdiivka and then a few surrounding little villages, at tremendous cost. But Ukraine never stopped fighting, the war wasn't forced to end.

Meanwhile, EU weapon production is getting into gear, and russian economy is crumbling. Ukraine doesn't need the USA to win anymore -- obviously, help from the USA is very useful and will allow to limit Ukrainian losses and make Ukrainian victory happen faster; but a Trump victory will not mean a russian victory. Regardless of who gets into the White House next year, russia will no longer have the means to sustain the same pace that they still can.
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Save your opinions on Ukraine war. It is almost certain that Biden will be out of the presidential race. After that the war will be forced to end.
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in the last 30 days or so they said they are recruiting 30 K a month... they are not, closer to 20-25K, and every month a little less.​
they are losing about 30+k a month. they are not making new units now and units are now being disbanded due to lack of troops.​
they are begging africa, mid east (gaza), trying to get syrian troops again, north korean, and now are rushing women to the front. a country that has plenty of men does not do this. none of this is working... africans are refusing to work, indians are going home, and the mid east experiment has failed.​
its backfired so bad that many countries are barring people from going to russia in fear of them being drafted.​
im seeing death notice after death notice of russians killed at the front... that were born pre 1963!!!!!! YES 61+ year old combat storm Z privates!!!!​
on the other hand ukraine...​
for about 9 months last year the recruiting of troops was halted to be able to take in, train, and equip its troops.. so yes they were dealing with a shortage at the front recently.. due to halted recruiting.​
NOW with the new law they have IDed 1.3 million new troops. filling old units is ongoing, and building 18+ new brigades is nearly finished (150-159th BDEs, 4 ranger rgts, 144th, and others).​
and no one in ukraine is being drafted between the ages of 18-24, conscription starts at 25.. so if needed thats another million+ that they could tap if needed.​
due to the new draft law for the first time you can join the unit of choice, you can pick a job, and other things that in the US you can do. people are joining the ukr army again without a major call up....​
remember that ukraine today has over 1.5 million troops, russia has a total of under 700k in the ukraine war..​
and during WWII ukraine fielded a 5 million man army by itself in the USSR armed forces...​
so please chill​

Top 10 failed wonderweapons?
  1. T-14 Armata. Never worked, never actually used, production stopped.
  2. Su-57 Felon. Claimed to have been used once or twice. Got destroyed on the ground.
  3. Kinzhal. Supposedly unstoppable. Was stopped by handed-down Patriot systems.
  4. T-90 "best tank in the world", "no analogue", they explode just like every other russian tank, complete with volunteering their turrets to the Kerbal Space Program.
  5. S-500. With just two missiles per launcher, the easiest air defense system to saturate and destroy.
  6. S-400. Second on the list of most easily saturable air defense systems.
  7. Pantsir. Have those ever even worked at all?
  8. Shaheed drones. Had some impact originally, but Ukrainian defense adapted quickly and they've been ineffective for a while now.
  9. The Blyatbarn. Turns out that when they don't cram a dozen different EW systems on it, it's not actually effective against FPV drones. Heck, even when they do stuff it full of EW systems it's still not effective against FPV drones.
  10. Desertcross. The Chinese Golf Carts that russia now uses for mechanized assaults. Doesn't work.

So russia's gigantic manpower advantage is so huge and infinite that they're sending wounded people to fight with shrapnel in their lungs and stomachs. This is pretty much a "we don't have the resources to treat you in hospitals, so please just go die already so we can forget about you" move.

In other news, russia is hoping to get tens of thousands of North Korean troops. Probably because they don't have any sort of manpower shortage. Probably because they don't suffer crippling losses. Probably because the russian troops aren't literally zombies. (Not the "living dead" zombies, the old fashioned drugged slave zombies. Though if you add in enough wounds, they do start to look like Hollywood zombies, too.)

Meanwhile, the russia is still trying to get tourists into occupied Crimea. There can only be two motives for that. The first is to get civilian casualties so they can blame Ukraine; the second is to try to prop up Crimea's economy a bit because it is a complete drain on russia's finances. Remember that since russia destroyed the Khakovka Dam, the canal that brought fresh water to Crimea is dry -- uselessly standing several meters above the water level. And the main sources of income for Crimea were agriculture and tourism.
Russia has begun to study Ukrainian American-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles. Three laser ring gyroscopes are being studied that help the guidance system keep the ATACMS missile on a given ballistic trajectory and a GPS antenna that provides correction in the initial and final phases of the missile's flight.
According to the technical specialist, “We can analyze the operation of rocket systems throughout the entire flight path. The correction base, how much it can be adjusted.” Details in the video.

What's fun is that all of russia's "friends" know that russia is absolutely, utterly, completely desperate and so they are all gleefully attempting to screw russia over with unequal exchanges.

And everyone should join in the fun of screwing russia over. After all, there's only a limited window of opportunity to do that -- gotta extract money from russia before it collapses! Which could happen in just a couple of years...

Now if you forgot why russia is desperate, it's mostly because they keep doing this: