Ukraine - Russia Conflict

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The second army of the world needs to persuade China to give it weapons
What Russia really wants is definitely not something from China that looks similar
WhAt they reAlly wanted was KJ 500 AWACS to make up for the loss of the A 50, And A large number of precision shells and bombs were needed to make the attack more efficient


The second army of the world needs to persuade China to give it weapons.

And russia still can't raise enough money from bonds.

And the NWF keeps getting depleted.

Agriculture is also *censored*ed.
Russia is bankrupt, their official numbers are garbage at this stage.
The quality of russian equipment:

The quality of russian army:

The quality of russian economy:

The quality of russian propaganda:
Footage of the combat work of the Russian T-72B3M tank west of Avdeevka. The modernized T-72B3M tanks appeared in 2022, technical information about it is on the channel. The tank is reported to be firing a 125mm cannon with high-explosive fragmentation shells at a distance of 800 meters, supporting an infantry advance on a Ukrainian army stronghold. Judging by the video, an unknown electronic warfare system is installed on the tank, since Ukrainian FPV drones attacking it do not fire at the tank; this usually rarely happens in combat operations. The video has been shortened.


Remember: everything that russia accuses Ukraine and/or the West of, are things that russia is doing.

For example, look at this absolute trash heap of a clown:
Here he admits, in the coded russian language where they accuse other people of being russians, that russia is an irresponsible country (due to invading neighbors) as well as an extremely primitive one (toilets and washing machines do not exist in russia outside of Moscow and Saint Petersburg). This primitivism and irresponsibility is because russia has never left the 19th century.