Ukraine - Russia Conflict

You can tell that is fake from THREE reasons.​
Reason one:​
Whoever idiot made this document forgot to black out the correct side. The right side is the detailed information of the seller, suggested Bugatti Paris.​
Their banking information SHOULD be public information, as "everyone" sends money there who does business with them.​
Reason two:​
The bank contact of "Bugatti Paris" is missing "IBAN/BIC", but has a BSB No.​
Apparently, whoever did this did not know that the BSB (Bank-State-Branch) is a six-digit number that identifies banks and branches across Australia. It is not used anywhere outside of Australia. Europe uses IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and BIC (Bank Identifier Code).​
Reason three:​
It does not contain any legal details of the buyer, which is very very unusual, as any company would have a point of contact for written communication to their customers on this confirmation.​
I have never bought a car and recieved an invoice without my details on it.​

If anybody was not convinced just by the fact russia tried this exact same bullcrap before countless times and that it was as ridiculously fake each time, then as always you can have some technical explanation for why this is a sloppy fake that will only convince the idiots who want to believe russian propaganda.
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Kanye West makes no sense as a person. First he complains everything is racist, then he supports Donald Trump and the most racist country on the entire planet. See the way the presenters smirked when Kanye West was mentioned? It's the same smirk a 5 year-old gives when taking about poo.
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They also fail to notice that large portions of Russia are non-white, due to the fact they took over vast amounts of land all the way to East Asia.

So russia wants to "create the institutions for an alternative model"; good luck with that. They had it in the form of the Soviet Union. It lasted for about 70 years before crumbling under its own corruption and contradictions. What makes them think they could do it again? And especially they wouldn't be in a leadership role anymore, not now that they're subservient to China and even North Korea.

Footage of an attack by two Ukrainian naval drones, presumably MAGURA, on Russian ships in the Black Sea near the city of Novorossiysk. Perhaps the attack was aimed at the Russian patrol ship “Ladny” of Project 1135 and a large landing ship of Project 775. Judging by the video, the ships did not repel the attack of sea drones; the fire was fired from the shore or from other ships not included in the video. As a result of the battle, both sea drones were destroyed.

Attack on the Yuzhmash defense plant of Ukraine on July 3. Powerful explosions occurred at the Yuzhmash plant in the Dnepropetrovsk region. According to Ukrainian media, a combined attack on the largest defense enterprise in eastern Ukraine, the Yuzhmash plant, was carried out by the Russian army.
The attack used Iskander-M, Iskander-K and Kh-59 missiles, as well as kamikaze drones Geran and Orlan-10. According to Ukrainian media, the air defense shot down everything except two Iskander-K missiles.