Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Remember: everything that russia accuses Ukraine and/or the West of, are things that russia is doing.
How does this even work on anyone? They come to the party over a week late with this video and claim the opposite of what it shows.

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Footage of the Russian kamikaze drone Lancet-51 hitting the Ukrainian Tunguska air defense missile system, near the village of Peschanoye. The 2S6 Tunguska anti-aircraft gun and missile system was developed in the USSR in 1982; now it is quite rare in the Ukrainian and Russian armies. ZRPK "Tunguska" has two 2A38 guns with a caliber of 30 mm and missile weapons. The range of hitting targets with missiles is up to 8 km, and the height is up to 3.5 km. As a result of the Lancet drone strike, a fire started in the Tunguska air defense missile system.


russia is fighting desperately for its prisoners (aka russian population) not to have access to the truth, which is that russia is a terrorist state that nobody takes seriously anymore, and that will inevitably lose the war and collapse.

So I guess the way for russia to have a children's playground is to loot it from Ukraine? Unfortunately, they bombed it, because children's playgrounds are priority #2 for russian missile command (priority #1 being hospitals, priority #3 being schools).
Good news for russia's brothers in the Global South, russia has reestablished slavery.

The Russians shared shocking stories of how they got into slavery in Moscow​

In the suburbs, volunteers rescued four men from slavery​
In the suburbs, four men were kidnapped right on the street and taken to slavery. They were rescued by volunteers, to whom one of the victims could reach. The details of the shocking story are published by​
The man called the address in the village of Shmelenki in the Ramensky district. Policemen came to the work house together with the volunteers. At this time, three more men were asked for help.​
A man named Dmitry, who first contacted the volunteers, said that he was kidnapped in the literal sense from the street on June 8. He returned from work and decided to stay in Lyubertsy.​
Dmitry slept his station and left the next one. Three young guys approached him and asked him to go with them. He refused, but one of them suddenly sprayed him in the face with pepper spray. Then he was beaten, put in a car and taken to the Moscow region. There he was taken away his passport and phone and forced him to work for two weeks at the facility.​
The men worked all day long as handymen, engaged in the dismantling of the Ramen college. They were brought to work in groups, under supervision, and returned and returned. They were not paid the salary, and the exit to the street could end with threats of beatings.​
Another victim came from Izhevsk. In Ramenki, he wanted a job, but he was robbed. A man approached him with an offer to work in a workhouse. Ravil agreed at first, and then he couldn't get out.​
Alexander came to Moscow to earn money from Donetsk. The man was waiting for the train when unknown people approached him. They insisted that it was better for Alexander to go with them, after which they put him in a car and drove him to the work house. The man says that he did not understand when he had time to agree.​
The fourth rescued from slavery, Pavel, returned at night from work and saw the men forcibly put in the car of the grandfather. Paul decided to come up, for which he got a blow to the jaw, and then ended up in the work house.​
It is reported that almost all the victims were in the workhouse for about a month. They were given time to recover and write statements to the police.​

The next episode, I predict, will be that the rescued slaves and the volunteers who freed them will be disappeared from the streets and sent to die in Ukraine. There's nothing more threatening to the Khuylo-in-Chief than people who want freedom.