Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Taking a lot of russian prisoners is a humanitarian priority, as exchanges will allow to free Ukrainian heroes from russian torture:

Probably because of this, russia has advanced its calendar on blocking Youtube; it was supposed to happen in September but there's no way they'd wait this long now that what's happening in Kursk is on all Youtube channels.

Ukraine has apparently progressed quite a lot, according to reports.

The russian ministry of bullshit has announced that the Ukrainians have lost 660 men in this operation. While losses are inevitable, this number should be assumed to be exaggerated at least tenfold, judging by usual russian standards. Furthermore, this can be compared with russian losses to achieve the same area of conquest: it'd have taken them three months and over 100 000 casualties.
As usual, russians believe they hear Polish. This is because russians believe the Ukrainian language is just russian with a funny accent. When in fact, Ukrainian is much closer to Polish than to russian. This is the disconnect that led to the "bavovna" meme. Compare Ukrainian бавовна (bavovna) with Polish bawełna and russian хло́пок (khlópok).

Apparently some russians are still active in Sudzha for now. They should just surrender, but if they prefer to die, that's okay too.

Meanwhile, russians are afraid that Bilhorod will be liberated too:

I wonder how far the Ukrainians are planning to go. If they could take a sizable bridgehead in the Kursk and Belgorod oblast, and then start moving south towards Rostov, they could cut from their logistics over 600 000 russian combatants. I doubt they could actually pull this off, but it'd be absolutely hilarious.
russian people reaction:
A few theories:
  • Vodka.
  • This is what happens to people under a brutally repressive regime, at some point if they stop being afraid, they snap.
  • He figured this was the best way not to get conscripted.

Anyways. Ukrainians have entered Korenevo, Malaya Lokna, and Kromskie Byki:

And progressed further in pretty much every direction on the Kursk front.

The Ukrainians themselves maintain radio silence quite well. So all we have to go is the report from russians. They're not really reliable; but they're too proud to say they're getting humiliated if it isn't somewhat true.


The Ukrainian advance in so-called russia remains the funniest thing to happen in this war.
The russians don't seem to really have the means to stop it, despite the group of Ukrainian forces being rather small overall. Biggest estimate I've heard was something like 4000 men? Ridiculously low number. Even if it were ten times that, it'd still be less than what the russians needed to mass in order to achieve one tenth of what the Ukrainians have achieved so far.

How can the russians be so terribly bad? I suppose it's a combination of two factors. The first is surprise; they were convinced the Ukrainians would never attempt something like this, just at most small-scale raids on the border areas. So why prepare for what's not going to happen? This shows that russia really relies on being protected by... NATO. Yep, the guys who keep telling Ukrainians not to attack this or that, not to use weapons against the territory of russia. The russian regime did feel extremely safe and secure from armed incursions on its territory because it knew that NATO would never attack it.
Unfortunately for the russians, Ukraine is not in NATO.

The second factor is greed. The russian regime wanted to go as fast as possible, to grab as much Ukrainian territory as it possibly can by constantly attacking. In doing so, they have massed all of their forces inside occupied Ukrainian territory. And they made a mistake: they tried to create their so-called "sanitary zone" in Kharkiv. As a result, they missed the signs of the Ukrainian concentration of forces in Sumy, thinking of it as the Ukrainians fortifying their border, not as the Ukrainians preparing to strike.

The russian reserves are mostly regular conscripts -- kids who turned 18 and do their military service, and by law are supposed to only be used within russian territory proper. They're poorly trained and they don't have much willingness to fight, so they're pretty bad in a fight. That's how you got scenes like just four Ukrainian soldiers taking prisoners 30+ russian conscripts. If russia wants to stop the Ukrainians, they need to bring in better troops -- that means those that are actually on Ukrainian territory, trying to advance in Donbas, Zaporizhzhia or Kherson. Or to bring back their mercenaries from Africa, which they apparently have already started, especially after getting humiliated by the Tuaregs over there.
Ukrainian Kursk offensive after 2 days vs Russian Kharkiv offensive after 101 days.

Please watch this video and count the armored vehicles sent into combat. :sneaky:

The russians must be very happy and not at all bitter about allying themselves with Iran and the Houthis, it is benefiting their economy so much.

The russians have found a way to solve their money transfers problems: they're just not going to use money anymore.

The russians are hopeless creatures. As much as people may joke on the Internet about liberating Kursk and Bilhorod, the reality is, you can't free people who have put their prison into their own mind.

Akhmat being particularly ridiculous today:
Do they really think this would fool even someone who's never seen a firefight? Standing in the middle of a railroad with no cover, emptying a charger into the ground and then talking calmly to the camera; yeah, sure, that's what being in a war zone looks like, right?
Those Su-30SMs/SM2s, Su-35S & MIG-31 BMs should be licking their chops waiting for those F-16s to show up in aerial battle. Very soon all those F-16s are going to become cannon-fodder to the mighty R-37M. And the same fate will happen to M-2000s that are due in near future.
Those Su-30SMs/SM2s, Su-35S & MIG-31 BMs should be licking their chops waiting for those F-16s to show up in aerial battle.
It's their wounds they're licking.

Lots of orcs getting eliminated very quickly:
Remember the column where I told you to count the armored vehicles? (Spoiler: there were none.) I wonder if it's that one that got wrecked. A lot of trucks and vans, in close proximity, utterly defenseless against any sort of strike.