Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Those Su-30SMs/SM2s, Su-35S & MIG-31 BMs should be licking their chops waiting for those F-16s to show up in aerial battle. Very soon all those F-16s are going to become cannon-fodder to the mighty R-37M. And the same fate will happen to M-2000s that are due in near future.
The flankers and MiGs will get taken out by drones while on the ground, see above.
Oh wow, if this is what happens when the russians know they're going to get attacked and have weeks to prepare, I'd be curious to see what happens when they're completely taken by surprise.

Although the russians are getting humiliated severely in Kursk oblast, their military leaders refuse to change their strategy. The absolute priority for them is destroying Ukrainian civilian targets that will have no impact on Ukrainian military capabilities. Why waste a missile on the army invading your territory when you could instead strike a supermarket or a school just for the joy of being a war criminal?

The russian regime authorities are treating the crisis with all the attention it deserves:

According to figures from the official orc ministry of total bull, only 55 Ukrainian soldiers remain on russian territory.
We'll see tomorrow how many more square kilometers these 55 Ukrainians will have been able to capture today.
The russian army retreats victoriously; Ukrainian forces pursue in panic!

Also meanwhile in Ukraine, russians have been pushed out slightly from Niu York, undoing their last advance (they're still in the town though) and have not progressed further on any front, including in the Pokrovsk direction where they were the most successful before. Maybe they've stopped receiving constant reinforcement for their meatwave attacks? I don't know, we'll see if tomorrow they resume moving or if the Kursk Inkursion has completely stopped their efforts.

Tactics of the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region of Russia. Mikhail Zvinchuk, the author of the project "Rybar", published a video of the tactics of the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region of Russia. According to him, Ukrainian troops entered in small groups of three to six armored vehicles. Tactics of action, a third of the group pins down a Russian stronghold, others bypass it, entering nearby settlements and organizing ambushes on the roads, mining them.
Russian reinforcements are attacked, after which the Ukrainian group leaves the village. Thus, it seems that many villages are controlled by the Ukrainian army. Which can lead to panic and misinterpretation of the military situation on the ground.
Let me remind you that the Ukrainian army, numbering up to a thousand people, attacked the border area of the Kursk region of Russia on August 6 at 5:30 am. Military operations in the Kursk region continue, the Russian army is pulling in reserves.

The russian counterattacks have failed today. Ukrainian forces continue to expand their area of control. Which is all the more impressive since the russian ministry of nonsense keeps telling the Ukrainians have been stopped and pushed back.

Another batch of russian made prisoners.

Lipetsk air base looking a lot like Morozovsk air base.

The latest conspiracy theory has just been published, all the tankies and useful idiots are asked to update their talking points:

Now Belgorod region is being invaded.

Andrew Perpetua finally published the list of documented, confirmed and geolocated losses from the start of the Kursk operation. It's huge.
That's just for the first day.

The Ukrainians have become quite proficient at hunting down the russian spy drones. Used to be a big weakness for them, letting these drones fly deep into Ukrainian-held territory and locate juicy targets for Iskanders; I'm glad that the Ukrainians are remedying this.

Also this is another effective way to combat spy drones:

The shelling of the russian column may have killed nearly half a thousand russian troops. That's pretty huge.