Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Nazi orcs getting wrecked during their suicidal meatwave attacks.

Remember that the entire russian strategy is to keep sending troops to their death until the Ukrainians run out of ammunition. It's what works for them. But that also means they don't have much troops to guard their borders...

Since russia is suffering from a lot of surrendering in the Kursk area, they have decided to settle on the genius idea to replenish their forces with refuseniks. I'm sure those guys won't surrender immediately!
Zelenski continues to prove why he is the biggest clown of them all. Getting all these innocent Ukrainians killed for NATO's cause is downright pathetic. Russia should now seriously consider know what;)
Zelenski continues to prove why he is the biggest clown of them all. Getting all these innocent Ukrainians killed for NATO's cause is downright pathetic. Russia should now seriously consider know what;)
Russians have gain massively in South lately on all fronts so whole western & Ukrainian propaganda brigade are doing Media stunt in kursk to divert attention. Kursk offensive southern flank has collapsed & Ukrainian have been kicked out from there but Western & Ukrainian bots won't tell you this..... Rest of the lines won't hold for much longer either. Ukrainians have no option other than to retreat. This is basically the same last year counter offensive hype by Ukraine which failed miserably.
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Zelenski continues to prove why he is the biggest clown of them all. Getting all these innocent Ukrainians killed for NATO's cause is downright pathetic. Russia should now seriously consider know what;)
Ukrainians are fighting because they want to live free and not under a genocidal dictatorship whose first priority in any occupied town is to open torture chambers.

They're not fighting for NATO's cause. You really need to stop smoking russian copium.

Ukrainians have a choice between dying on the battlefield to push russian nazis out; or dying in torture chambers if they failed to push russians out. There is no other alternative.

The biggest clowns are those who believe anything of what russia says.

And using "you know what" would be downright pathetic of russia; the ultimate proof of their failure and incompetence. It would also not be unanswered.

Russians have gain massively in South lately on all fronts so whole western & Ukrainian propaganda brigade are doing Media stunt in kursk to divert attention. Kursk offensive southern flank has collapsed & Ukrainian have been kicked out from there but Western & Ukrainian bots won't tell you this..... Rest of the lines won't hold for much longer either. Ukrainians have no option other than to retreat. This is basically the same last year counter offensive hype by Ukraine which failed miserably.
Last year's counteroffensive failed because Ukraine was pressured into attacking russia where it was the most fortified. There, they attack russia where it thought itself safe.

As for the "massive gains" of russia in Donbass area, they're not particularly massive, no. Yes, they still advance a bit, taking over towns after completely destroying them, suffering immense losses in the process. But they've stopped trying to advance in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson areas.

In total, russian advance in Ukraine is less than Ukrainian advance in russia.

And the russian economy is still screwed.
Keep watching the facts.

Keeps growing.
