Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Ukrainian pilots destroyed a bridge in the Kursk region with high-precision strikes

Ukraine order evacuation of Pokrovsk as Russian troops are moving at blitzkrieg speed towards the city.
Blitzkrieg speed being what? 10metres/day?
Yep, that whole area south of the river is now undefendable for Russia.


You can take the russian out of russia, but you can't take russia out of the russian:

russia doesn't care about pushing Ukraine out of Kursk and only sends in untrained, nearly unpaid troops in there.
2/ According to the Russian news outlets ASTRA and 'Beware, News', conscripts serving with the 80th Motorised Rifle Division based near Murmansk are being prepared for a "business trip" to the Kursk region.​
3/ A similar "trip" is reportedly being organised in the Irkutsk region. Conscripts who were drafted in the spring of 2024 have told relatives that they will be sent to the Kursk and Belgorod regions to defend the border. They will replace conscripts who are already there.​
4/ The conscripts are being moved urgently due to the situation in Kursk. One man from Ufa was called up for military service in early June, but is being sent to Kursk without finishing his training. Another has served for only a month but is being sent to Belgorod soon.​
5/ According to their relatives, the Russian army is stonewalling enquiries. "There was no opportunity to talk to the higher command of the unit, they refuse to communicate with the parents. The phone [numbers] are hidden and are not given to the parents."​
6/ Parents are demanding that their sons not be sent to the Kursk region, where fighting is ongoing. However, although Russian law prohibits sending conscripts abroad, they are not prohibited from participating in conflict within Russia's territory, as at Kursk.​
7/ "Officially, everything is legal," says Marina, the mother of one conscript. "The only thing is that there is a special operation on the territory of the Russian Federation now, and maybe the guys won't be sent there."​
8/ "After all, the president himself always says that conscripts won't serve in the Special Military Operation zone. We're praying."However, conscripts who are already serving in the Kursk region are not only engaged in fighting but are being forced to go back into battle.​
9/ After some conscripts who were serving in Kursk were taken to a "safe place" by commanders after Ukrainian forces invaded, they are reportedly being threatened with long prison sentences if they do not sign contracts transferring them to the regular army.​
10/ According to Tatyana, the mother of one conscript from Perm, "they took my son's phone, he called yesterday from someone else's number. He says they are forcing him to go back [to the front line] or go to a punishment battalion for 7 years."​
11/ Another conscript's mother, Darya from Tobolsk, says: "Our commanders tell us this: 'Since they took the oath, they must defend the Motherland.' But what kind of warriors are they at 18-19 years old?!"​
12/ "They don't understand the seriousness of it, they don't realize that they have to kill there and they themselves can die!"​
13/ A third mother, Yuliya, says that "the military prosecutor's office forced them to return to their positions, but the boys flatly refused. Now they are in Kursk, in a military unit."​
14/ "They want to send them to the third echelon of defence behind the assault groups in the Kursk region.""My son called, they were told: you'll go anyway", says Elena, another of the mothers. "But now we'll pay you combat pay."​
15/ "We'll prepare you a little and you'll go after the stormtroopers. And if you don't agree, you'll either go to court or you'll go [to fight] anyway, you won't get away from it."​
16/ She says that the army is "trying to put moral pressure on them, they're trying to brainwash them and send our children to that hole."​
17/ Marina says that conscripts "are being persuaded because [the army] needs to gather a certain number of people to bring them back."They say you will be members of the Special Military Operation, they are persuading you. My son told me about this half an hour ago.​
18/ "He says that there are about 150 conscripts there now – those who are selected, who succeed, are coming. Namely, children who were in the Kursk region."​
19/ She criticises the army for failing to give them any combat training. "If you wanted them to defend the borders, then why didn't you prepare them? Why did he then carry shells for six months, and then dig trenches for six months?"​
20/ "Conscripts are not entitled to anything for injuries or, God forbid, death. Contract soldiers are entitled to payments. But we don't need any money, as long as the guys are safe," says Marina.​
21/ She says that they are paid only 2,000 rubles a month ($22.70, or $0.75 a day), "even if they shoot down drones on the border with machine guns." Conscripts who serve in safe regions receive the same payments.​
22/ Around 9,000 people have signed a petition asking Putin to withdraw their sons from guarding the border in Kursk. It was started by Oksana Deeva, whose son is fighting in Korenevo – said to be facing a Ukrainian encirclement. Writing on, she says:​
23/ "We, the mothers of conscripts, ask you to remove the conscripts from the areas of military action. They have no experience in fighting back, no weapons. A full-scale offensive is underway on our territory today.​
24/ "Save the lives of soldiers who are not prepared for military action. You promised your parents that they would not participate in military action!!!! We believe in you. We ask you to take a serious look at the current situation. We are Patriots!!!​
25/ "Our sons and each of their lives will still be useful for creating a strong state. But there is enough strength from more experienced military personnel. We ask you to save the lives of the boys. We trust you. Every mother who sent her son to the border will sign my words.​
26/ "Hear us!!!! See the conscripts, please!!!!!"Like other "appeals to the Tsar" during this war, it's unlikely that this petition will have any effect. /end​
I don't understand why people still root for russia, when this is what russia does to people who support them:
2/ On 8 April 2024, Bentley was kidnapped by DPR soldiers outside the administration building of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. He was driven away in an unknown direction. On 19 April, his former unit, the Vostok Battalion, confirmed his death. His body has not been found.​
3/ ASTRA reports that he was electrocuted during torture by men from the DPR's 5th Motorised Rifle Brigade, in the abandoned Petrovskogo mine. The Russian security services use the Soviet TA-57 field telephone as a torture device, using a hand crank to generate up to 80V.​
4/ This was recently demonstrated in leaked pictures showing one of the attackers in the March 2024 Crocus City Hall attack being tortured (probably by the FSB) using a TA-57 attached to his genitals. It's likely that Bentley was given similar treatment and died as a result.​
7/ A former 5th Brigade soldier and deputy platoon commander, Daniil, says that "they bring soldiers there with bags over their heads. They don't feed them. If you want to go to the toilet, they give you a bag and you go [in it]."​
8/ "When they locked me up, they hung us up by the arms and legs from the ceiling with chains."He says that he and his subordinates were imprisoned there for refusing to take part in an assault. The 'refuseniks' were tortured and murdered:​
9/ "They practically killed all my boys there. They cut one down, shot the other in the face. ... I'll just tell you what everyone says here. Killing here in Donetsk is the norm, you know?"​
10/ "And wherever people write, cursing and the like, you know, what kind of answers do they get? My ex, when she came to the Donetsk military prosecutor's office and started telling them about this lawlessness.​
11/ "They called her to the head of the prosecutor's office and said: 'If you want to live, shut your mouth.'"Daniil is now missing after speaking to ASTRA. He has reportedly been taken into custody by the military commandant.​
12/ Men from the DPR's 110th Guards Motorised Rifle Brigade are also reported to have been tortured at the mine. An official complaint describes what happened to a soldier from the brigade, called Alexander:​
13/ "At the end of December, he was seriously wounded. A torn elbow joint. He was in the hospital. On the third day after his operation, soldiers from the unit came to the hospital with weapons, took away his salary card, and threatened that if Alexander did not…​
14/ …return to the unit, they would shoot him. The command tortured Alexander in order to force him to take part in military operations. A soldier with the call sign Chip hung him up by his handcuffs and stabbed him in the arm with a knife."​
15/ "This was done after Alexander tried to call his wife to tell her about himself. His further fate is unknown."​
16/ Another man, Vladimir Frolov, was ordered to go back to the front lines despite suffering a severe wound, a kidney tumour, astigmatism and needing crutches to walk. He was arrested in March 2024 and sent to the Petrovskaya mine for 'remotivation'.​
17/ His situation was not unusual. According to another 5th Brigade soldier, Andrey, "the wounded with category "D" [commanders] take away crutches and send them to storm the battlefield. You can only leave the 5th Brigade feet first." This was indeed Frolov's fate.​
18/ His body was sent back to his family in April in such bad condition that they were not allowed to see it. His wife Anna says: "They simply tortured him. They killed him and then came to his funeral. Our own are worse than strangers. They won't get into trouble for this."​
19/ The murder of Russell Bentley may be an exception; the wide publicity it caused after a campaign by his widow led to the arrest of Andrey Iordan, commander of the 5th Brigade's tank company, and his subordinates Vladimir Bazhin and Vladislav Agaltsev.​
20/ Relatives of other victims, however, say that justice is being systematically denied by the 121st Military Investigative Department (121st VSO) of the Investigative Committee, which is refusing to do anything about complaints.​
21/ According to Elena Popova, coordinator of the "Movement of Conscientious Objectors", the 121st VSO has "entered into a criminal conspiracy with the command of individual military units with the aim of sending citizens suspected of leaving their units without permission to…​
22/ …the war zone and on this basis to terminate criminal cases. At the same time, the 121st VSO covers up the violent actions by which the command of military units tries to obtain the consent of servicemen to go to the front lines." /end​