Ukraine - Russia Conflict


Hmm! Look like Germany don't want to cut support for fellow Neo Nazi

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Because they Nazis waited until 2.5 years after they were invaded to start invading other places? Oh wait, no they didn't.

This is merely Sun Tsu's Art of War - Attack they enemy where they are not, which ironically in this case was in their own country defending their own border.
Preemptive strike against Ukrainian Neo Nazi was a must or millions would have died.....rejuvenated by Western support Ukrainian Nazi now think it's operation Barbarossa all over again.... But we all know how it turn out in the end. Same thing will happen here.

Denazification of Ukraine is a must.
LOL at people still desperately trying to claim that the real Nazis are the Ukrainians, and not the fascist genocidal invaders from russia.

It's the orcs who behave like Daesh jihadists. It's the orcs who torture prisoners of wars and civilians, even children, and even their own. For every Neo-Nazi fighting for Ukraine, you'll find two thousands fighting for the orcs. Why are all the far-right parties in Europe and North America funded by the Kremlin?
The thing is that russia has decided to redefine "nazism" as being "resistance to russian aggression", so they get to call everyone else nazi, and then the most dimwitted morons on the world, those who have less than two neurons in working order, believe russian propaganda and parrot their ridiculous insults.
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Preemptive strike against Ukrainian Neo Nazi was a must or millions would have died.....
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: JFC, you're going straight to ignore for that comment. You don't even believe what you're posting, you know it to be a lie. Difference of opinion I have time for, deliberate lying I don't. A million people are probably going to die as a result of Putin's War. That's far more likely to be a fact. Russian dead and seriously wounded alone currently stand at 600k.
