Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Proletarsky, Rostov Oil Depot Fire continues to burn​

Not bad for damage due to falling debris.

@RASALGHUL, @randomradio, @A Person
"The first war in Europe after WWII was the US bombing of Belgrade..."

Hmmm... Sachs seems to have forgotten the invasion of Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968) and the pseudo-annexation of Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the early '90s....

On February 22nd 2014, the Ukrianian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych, including members of his own party. Yanukovych had fled shortly after signing the agreement with the EU and opposition the previous day. 5 days later, Russia invaded Crimea.
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Interesting tit-bit of info - UAF Su-24s used UK Tornado pylons for launching Storm Shadow missiles, which had been removed prior to disposal.

20 reservoirs caught fire at Proletarsk.

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russian priests attempt prayer, God's answer is less than subtle but the russians still didn't understand it:

russians got wrecked, again:

another hero of russia is now roaming free to do hero of russia things in russia itself:

do you really think the russian economy can last until 2028?