Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Near Chernihiv, a small reconnaissance group, with skillful actions, created the appearance of a large-scale attack on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainians fled in a panic, leaving behind guarded objects. Captured an artillery ammunition depot:

Explosive Video: The hidden position of the 203 mm self-propelled artillery system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was discovered by UAV operators, after which high-precision missile weapons were struck at the indicated coordinates.

As a result of an accurate hit, the self-propelled artillery mount and the portable ammunition for it were destroyed:

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Explosive Video: The hidden position of the 203 mm self-propelled artillery system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was discovered by UAV operators, after which high-precision missile weapons were struck at the indicated coordinates.

As a result of an accurate hit, the self-propelled artillery mount and the portable ammunition for it were destroyed:

What say Paddy ? This looks like the real McCoy as opposed to the propaganda you dish out here from girlie magazine like The Sun or defunct websites like Yahoo - all relics from your youth . @BMD
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Ukrainian forces showed off three tanks they captured after retaking control of Lukyanivka, a village 60 kilometers east of Kyiv, from the Russian Army. RFE/RL journalists visited the village on March 27, three days after what a resident said was fierce fighting.

What say Paddy ? This looks like the real McCoy as opposed to the propaganda you dish out here from girlie magazine like The Sun or defunct websites like Yahoo - all relics from your youth .

Kadyrov arrived in Mariupol and met General Mordvichev, "LONG KILLED" by Ukraine:

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Video: The Russian Armed Forces destroyed the disguised crews of the Ukrainian MLRS with high-precision weapons.


You can pretty much stop reading that Twitter garble after the first tweet. If Russia wiped out all Ukraine's ground radars in the first 24 hours, then why is it still using highly expensive long-range cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles to hit targets instead of just flying an aircraft over them and dropping a guided bomb?
Please excuse mein chocolate hunny bunny she doesn't know her place and speaks about things she is too dumb to speak of. She's there to be looked at and not heard... well many of the non-blind species would disagree with the "looked at part" but I can't leave her she knows how to clean a toilet and clip my toenails. Can't leave a "woman" like that.

Anyways... As we know it is MUCH cheaper to use fighters with PGM when having air supremacy over enemy airspace. One fighter can carry several PGM hitting different targets while a cruise missile cost over $1 million per target. This tells me Russians either have a capability problem or a MCR problem and a severe one at that. As the war drags on more advanced SAM systems will be delivered to Ukraine making it even more dangerous for the Russian air force.

Again please excuse mein darling for speaking out of place.
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Please excuse mein chocolate hunny bunny she doesn't know her place and speaks about things she is too dumb to speak of. She's there to be looked at and not heard... well many of the non-blind species would disagree with the "looked at part" but I can't leave her she knows how to clean a toilet and clip my toenails. Can't leave a "woman" like that.

Snorted or chased baby milk powder in your mom's basement, sweetie?
Anyways... As we know it is MUCH cheaper to use fighters with PGM when having air supremacy over enemy airspace. One fighter can carry several PGM hitting different targets while a cruise missile cost over $1 million per target. This tells me Russians either have a capability problem or a MCR problem and a severe one at that. As the war drags on more advanced SAM systems will be delivered to Ukraine making it even more dangerous for the Russian air force.

Again please excuse mein darling for speaking out of place.
We're referring to Russia here where with the PPP being what it is, 1million USD for a CM is overkill. Have you checked out the rate at which a dollar is trading for roubles? Pls don't embarass us any further & do check it out since we both know you're not embarrassed about your ignorance any longer but ppl reading this website would wonder about the quality of the posts here.

Moreover, if RuAF hasn't used PGMs in any significant numbers since the start of the war, isn't it obvious numskull that they either lack it in any great numbers or most probably are keeping it in anticipation of something bigger, more likely against NATO if it chooses to intervene.

As the war drags on there'd be less & less of Ukraine left or the Russians could announce an unilateral ceasefire having achieved it's objectives. But of course that wouldn't suit western & in particular US & UK objectives which'd prefer to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. Hence the constant barrage of provocative statements, constant bombardment of propaganda mainstream news & social media & the drip irrigation of weapons supplied.

What happened to those MiG-29s that Biden had now approved for transfer by Poland to Ukraine ?
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To replace US Dollar, you need a country both ABLE and WILLING to maintain MASSIVE TRADE DEFICITS. Nobody can do that, either now or twenty years from now.

You are referring to a full replacement. I am not.

De-dollarisation is not about replacing the dollar as a reserve currency, it is simply about replacing the dollar for strategic needs. It's very specific and localised. Like defence trade between India and Russia has been de-dollarised since 2018, to escape CAATSA. Right now, Russia OG trade has not been sanctioned, but once it is, de-dollarisation can happen there are as well. Other sanctioned sectors will also be de-dollarised.

Similarly, India, China etc want to create an alternative to SWIFT, which will result in further de-dollarisation for participant countries.

Basically there are strategic sectors where we don't mind taking greater currency risks in exchange for stability of the political and business relationships.

We are very likely to see dedollarisation of trade with Russia, EAEU, China and Iran.

So stop looking at the world as black and white. Pretty much all of it is grey.
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It won't be able to ensure any stability because whilst any part of Ukraine is under Russian control sanctions will remain. That's why Biden said, "Putin cannot remain in power," too. Any process of normalising relations do not include Putin as the Russian president. Russia cannot maintain a war criminal as president and expect to trade. Their GDP will be halved, or more, which means any debt ratio will double.

Nothing to do with what I said. Economies adjust after shock. I'm talking about when their economy stabilises after absorbing the shock. Investments will pour in when Russia is at its lowest in order to benefit from its rise.

As for normal trade with Russia, the US doesn't care, but the EU will lose in the long term.
Chinese growth has remained at 6-8% over the last 10 years. That is well in excess of developed country level and they have much less oil to replace. Russia has no cards against China whatsoever.

It's fake and debt-driven. It will come home to bite. The real growth that adds value is far lesser.

3.6 million bpd isn't "less oil".

The Russia wants the Donbass, that is legally recognised as part of Ukraine, they will not retain control of that without occupation. Occupation = sanctions. Putin as president = sanctions. And frankly the entire EU policy surrounding Russian gas has changed now. They do not want to have to rely on it anymore, so that bridge is already burnt thanks to Putin.

If it was in a position to it probably would. Let's not pretend for one second they didn't help the Taliban and shelter Bin Laden. That's pretty much the same thing.

Nah, some of the sanctions that benefit the EU will be lifted. Russia only wanted a puppet regime in Ukraine at worst, not conquer it.