Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Ignore that tweet, that Samuel guy is a part of NATO propaganda machine just parroting the usual western disinformation about this war.
I've a feeling Russia is buying time. Why? I've no clue but my gut instinct is the business end of the war will commence this week & for the whole of next month we'd be witness to the full might of the Russian war machine prosecute the war in Ukraine giving shape to it's political ends there .
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Progress map as of 27th March:

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Guys at least read the thread before posting things, same Financial Times propaganda is being posted by all the NATO propaganda accounts on twitter, no need of posting it many times.
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Video: Destruction of the checkpoint of the Armed Forces of Ukraine together with the dug-in BMP:


This is a wonderfully incisive look at what other countries ( read non western / non white countries) think about the Ukraine war & the lessons they're drawing from this sordid experience with an eye towards the future with an extensive focus on India , it's role, motivations , expectations, fears & policies .

The guest Cleo Paskal ( credentials enclosed in the description of the video) certainly seems to have done her homework unlike the usual firangi eggheads our media & twitterati patronize who in turn either have a condescending PoV of us & our concerns or indulge in sermonizing - all totally divorced from ground realities guided I suspect by the same water carriers / coolies - brown on the outside & white on the inside who're temporarily inconvenienced by an Indian passport, whose Qibla points west & who're equally clueless & feed the master what he likes hearing or worse does his bidding for 30 pieces of silver.

As further evidence let me inform you , just y'day there was an article carried by the NYT written by a desi who reported on the so called nationwide strike by bank employees, railway workers, government employees, etc called by CITU - a CPM backed union to protest rising unemployment, inflation, bank mergers, privatization, fuel price hike & reportedly US perfidy in Ukraine apart from sundry reasons , which was a success in where else but in soon to be Allah's own - Gerala.

Apparently the strikers were 250 million in number in the same manner as the farm protests. Oh yes, before I forget - the reporter in question is Sameer Yasir - a Kashmiri.

Coming back to the video in question, as the hosts ( all 3 of them) don't tire of informing us, this kind of detailed & nuanced analysis can't be expected from a CNN or a Fox News at all & for once they're right or as one of the hosts declares that with 4-5 business houses controlling the media, it suits them to have one franchise take a rightist position & one franchise to take a leftist position on the same topic with a simplified b&w analysis approach so that the lay people there don't have to tax their brains too much . By the looks of it, from what Paddy & sweetie have been posting here, they certainly know their audience.

In other words lady ( that's you sweetie) & gentlemen ( minus Paddy) , they're specifically referring to the Irishification of the media & it's audiences - a particularly infectious & deadly virus with no known antidote ( except a sound robust intellect which questions everything & accepts nothing at face value being sceptical of all available information) , much more so than the Wuhan virus , whose outbreak I've been warning about ever since the conflict began but which's still gone totally unnoticed by the western contingent here not so much by the desi contingent - or at least those who matter.

Note to Paddy & Sweetie - the in-house tweedledee & tweedledum pair. Observe the person on your extreme left out of the 3 hosts. He's the perfect example for you to emulate when you come face to face with something you're utterly clueless about but can't admit to being so live on air or at least in so many words.

I've no doubt sweetie would manage it somehow since he appears to be half a mick so what if he's a baby food junkie but OTOH, Paddy... 🙄. Let's not even go there.

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It's fake and debt-driven. It will come home to bite. The real growth that adds value is far lesser.

3.6 million bpd isn't "less oil".

Nah, some of the sanctions that benefit the EU will be lifted. Russia only wanted a puppet regime in Ukraine at worst, not conquer it.
That's true for all nations.

It's not significantly more than 2.3m barrels per days and it's a lower percentage, so has a smaller % effect on economy. Saudi Arabia sells them more and guess who Saudi Arabia is likely to side with with reference to Pakistan.

Puppet regime is the same thing. They will need troops on the ground to have any chance of maintaining a pro-Russian regime on the ground after this and the G7 has already determined that Russian troops in Ukraine = sanctions stay in place. :poop:tin can either pull out or go bust.
Nothing to do with what I said. Economies adjust after shock. I'm talking about when their economy stabilises after absorbing the shock. Investments will pour in when Russia is at its lowest in order to benefit from its rise.

As for normal trade with Russia, the US doesn't care, but the EU will lose in the long term.
They won't after seeing what happened with the 500 airliners that got seized and knowing that their investments could be impacted by sanctions at any time due to the Russian government being complete nut-jobs. The US and Europe are larger and more stable markets.
Russia: "Pay in Rubles or run out of gas."

EU: "Sell in $s or run out of economy."

Russia says it will drop its pants and come out with its ar5e in the air.