Ukraine - Russia Conflict

That's what I'm getting at. The poor slobs have been thinking all this while that the US will come to their rescue. They are getting a reality check now.

You mean the extra cost the EU has to pay from getting oil and gas from somewhere other than next-door Russia?

Your propensity to never stick to the point is apparent here.

Yes, this is how sheep think. It's black or white.

Look at all the "Russians..."
View attachment 23306

1. It's not. In a war, the Russians would actually kill people.
2. Desired even in democracies.
3. The same as democracies. No. Only when it's exposed without a doubt.
4. The same as democracies. Unless exposed.

'Cause I can think for myself.
The US is still supplying them weapons.

And the extra cost Russia has to pay to export not just oil but gas elsewhere, gas being far more difficult to transport. We can afford it. Russia has also lost the rest of its exports to the larger EU market.

Your stupidity is apparent literally everywhere in this thread. The fact you think I'm not sticking to the point is evidence of that. It's evident that you have no comprehension of European politics in the slightest, so I try to give you a more local example and you think I'm changing the point.

People elsewhere in Europe wanting to be in Russia... oh lordy that's a good one sir.


Some people just try far too hard to find grey areas where there are absolutely none. This really is black and white. Russia has invaded an independent country with supervised elections (deemed to be fair by the international community). The vast majority of the world condemned the invasion. Hardly any democracies didn't condemn the invasion. Russian forces committed a massacre. Russia has been kicked off the UNHCR.

If you can't spot that such a picture has been deliberately staged by Russia then you are a f*cking idiot, simple as that. Really, the Azov flag, the Nazi flag and the NATO flag. How convenient. F*ck me, you guys are dumb beyond repair. Shame they forgot to include the Ukrainian flag patch on their shoulders though eh? The KGB would never have made such an obvious mistake back in the day.



1. You think they're not killing people? They've killed tens of thousands of civilians in Mariupol.

2. Desired maybe, prohibited no. See Russell Brand, see pro-Russian/Serbia rallies in Berlin. They would get 15 years in Russia no questions.

3. Why do you think it gets exposed - that's a free press fool.

4. Again, free press. Russia never admits it even after it's exposed. If they knew they were striking civilians from the off it wouldn't happen in the west. So of course they can only know after it's exposed.
If threat from the air existed, then the column would have had greater separation.
Unless they were so poor at logistics that it couldn't. They might not even know when a threat from the air is coming.
Another Russian countryside cook-off. Marks deducted, all servings were overdone.

More than a hundred more Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered in Mariupol, the total number of surrendered is approaching half a thousand.

Recall that they almost ran out of ammunition, food, spirit, and the personnel massively died in battles.
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Somali battalion artillery, namely, D-30 guns, destroying the Azov battalion company retreating to the Mariupol port:

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Somali battalion artillery, namely, D-30 guns, destroying the Azov battalion company retreating to the Mariupol port:

Damn Paddy ! You've got blacks kicking the shit out of Nazis . How doubly humiliating can this be ? @BMD
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Serbian fans in the stands of FC Crvena Zvezda put on an impressive show in support of Russia: Russians and Serbs are brothers forever!

Update on operations in Ukraine 12 April 2022
Translated with (free version)

The general situation changed little. All Russian forces are now under the sole command of the Southern District (General Dvornikov) and not three districts as before. This is more rational, but it takes time to reorganise the command in action and the new general staff has to manage seven different combat zones at once, while seeking - apart from the capture of Mariupol - a clear victory in the Donbass before the beginning of May. It is not at all clear that he will succeed.
Apart from a few local counter-attacks, the Ukrainian posture is necessarily defensive at least for the time of the Russian offensive in the Donbass, even if it means taking the initiative again if it fails.

Three waiting zones on the periphery of the main front.

  1. Kherson and South-West: the 49th Russian Army commands a disparate group with what remains of the 20th Motorised Division (DM), the 7th Airborne Division (DA), the 11th Air Assault Brigade and three independent brigades, i.e. a dozen Combined Arms Battle Groups (GTIA), facing 4 Ukrainian regular brigades and several National/Territorial Guard (GN/T) units. Balance around Kherson and the Dnieper.
  2. Zaporizhia line to DNR: Russian forces line up three weakened regiments of 19, 42 and 150 DM and an independent brigade, under the command of 58th Army, against 2 regular brigades and two GN/T brigades. Fixation front, with no significant fighting so far.
  3. Kharkiv Region: 6th Army with 3 independent brigades and two regiments of 47th AD, little more than 5 GTIA, fixes Ukrainian forces in the city by threatening it and holding it under artillery fire. It covers the deployment of Russian forces in the Yzium region via Belgorod. Kharkiv is held by three GN/T brigades, plus police forces and an air defence division.
Four combat zones
  1. Yzium region: concentration of the manoeuvre corps on the M03 axis. 106th AD with two regiments and 8 armoured/mechanised regiments under an unclear divisional command, the units belonging to four different divisions (2nd, 3rd and 47th DM and 4th armoured division). The whole, worth 10 to 15 GTIA, was probably under the overall command of the 1st Armoured Guards Army (ABG). The 35th Army from Kiev is present in the rear in the area of Velykyi with the reduced 38th BM, other units may follow to form a reserve that can reinforce all the northern combat areas. The entire Kharkiv-Yzioum area was held by six Ukrainian brigades, two of which (81st and 95th Air Assault Brigade, BAA) were directly opposite Yzium where the Russians were consolidating their positions. To the rear, the Sloviansk-Kramatorsk conurbation was solidly held and reinforced daily by the GN/T, which could be reinforced by one or two regular brigades. Even surrounded, it has a resistance capacity equivalent to that of Mariupol.
  2. Severodonetsk Region: the salient is defended by GN/T forces and the 79th BAA. It is attacked by two regiments of the 4th AD, an independent brigade of the 5th Army and the 6th regiment of the 2nd Corps-LNR, i.e. four to eight GTIAs. The Russian forces did not advance. To the south-east of the salient the town of Popasna was attacked, so far unsuccessfully, by the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Corps-LNR against the 24th Mechanised Brigade.
  3. DNR Region: the 1st CA-DNR is reinforced by a Russian brigade of the 5th Army and/or the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade. Its objective appears to be the town of Poprosk with the intention of then linking up with forces from Yzium, and encircling the Ukrainian forces inside the pocket or at least forcing them to evacuate. This manoeuvre is all the more difficult to achieve because even if it succeeds, it will be necessary to hold a 100 km line in the face of Ukrainian harassment and counter-attacks.
  4. Mariupol: Accusation of the use of chemical weapons (tear gas + suffocants?) on 11 April to dislodge the defenders of the Azovstal metallurgical factory on the port. Contradictory statements on the situation in the city (true or false message from the 36th naval infantry brigade announcing the end of the battle). The city should fall quickly, but the Russian forces are unlikely to be able to resume fighting.
Another Russian lieutenant colonel went to Kobzon's concert (aka killed)

Yesterday, the seaport of Mariupol has completely come under the control of the People's Militia of the DPR:
You mean Russian Army.
Serbian fans in the stands of FC Crvena Zvezda put on an impressive show in support of Russia: Russians and Serbs are brothers forever!
Where "brothers" = war criminals.
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They knew Putin is wrong.
After all The Washington Examiner next to Yahoo & Rolling Stones are neutral news portals . And their credibility is a touchstone for reliability & excellence in reporting & analysis across the news world next only to the Irish Intelligence Review .

I wonder if UK is contributing towards food security in some manner & if not RoI is. I mean there's a projected demand for potatoes across the world to make up for it's shortage given that it's mostly cultivated in Ukraine. Since potatoes are also the base material for making vodka, it's prices are expected to shoot as well given the shortage, Paddy. Time for RoI to make itself useful.