Ukraine - Russia Conflict

UK News: Price of milk could increase by 50 per cent as farmers face spiralling costs. Inflation as well as the war in Ukraine has caused significant price increases for farmers, according to an industry leader

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It depends on how many conscripts are trailer trash I guess .

I'd figure you'd obviously respond to mein post because you're hung up on me and can't let me go but I knew this specific post about pooping outside would get your absolute attention since pooping outside is your expertise.
Yo homie ! I wanted to give you a pleasant surprise but what the hell ?! You're an old pal of mine .

I just applied to change my username to WHOHE

Monkey see monkey do. That's all you've been doing since I came here. You've even started using my "zee" when trying to do ze German accent. You have also been using my sweetie schtick is there nothing original from you? Don't get me wrong I love that you love to imitate me as the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.

Have a great day mein pet monkey. ;)
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I'd figure you'd obviously respond to mein post because you're hung up on me and can't let me go but I knew this specific post about pooping outside would get your absolute attention since pooping outside is your expertise.

Oh no , sweetie . Unlike you I don't live in a trailer park with no piped water .

Attention : piped water doesn't refer to overhead tanks conveying water to faucets below but external fixed pipes carrying running water to homes but not trailer parks .

Monkey see monkey do. That's all you've been doing since I came here. You've even started using my "zee" when trying to do ze German accent. You have also been using my sweetie schtick is there nothing original from you? Don't get me wrong I love that you love to imitate me as the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.
Aww , my poor sweetie is upset , nobody given xim / xer / xem credit for anything . Come to daddy , my hunny bunny .

Umm , btw you forgot to mention I stole your former Display photograph too & soon your former user name , sweetie .

Have a great day mein pet monkey. ;)
"You have me in your mind. I've total control over you. "

goodfellas-henry-hill (1).gif

P. S - I thought you said you'd never quote me again. I see that trick about adopting your former username did it.
Destruction of the "Right Sector" camp in Donbass

Novogrodovka area (DPR), high-precision strike on the base camp of the Nazis "Right Sector":

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Monkey see monkey do. That's all you've been doing since I came here. You've even started using my "zee" when trying to do ze German accent. You have also been using my sweetie schtick is there nothing original from you? Don't get me wrong I love that you love to imitate me as the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.

Check out the date in the SS sweetie & the date of your joining this forum. Need more evidence? Don't be embarrassed to ask.

BTW thanks for reading all my posts. I wish I could say I reciprocated it. But I'd try to do so from now on.
No such thing as what?

Iran and Saudis see themselves as each other's main enemies. Israel's stuck in their corner, so it doesn't affect Iran as much. Plus they have nukes, so Iran's being more careful with Israel. Otoh, the Iranians have a history of attacking the Saudis.

Only if you have a monopoly on it. Other countries can produce enough oil to meet EU and US demands, that leaves Russia oil for remaining countries at an ultra low price.

Yes, yes, you don't know the basic concept of supply and demand, I get it, no need to advertise your ignorance in every post you make.

You're confusing Russian-speaking with people who want to be in Russia

And you decide that?

don't forget lots of people are trying to leave Russia, even their astronauts wore Ukrainian colours on the ISS. The whole Donbass situation was created by Russia pouring men (troops) over the border, plus some obvious Chechens to stir up trouble and then handing out Russian passports. If they were allowed to take territory they'd only do the same again. They're basically behaving exactly like Pakistanis do in your neck of the woods. Here's proof:

They reacted to the Western-supported coup in Ukraine.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Russia is an authoritarian regime, its main allies (China, Belarus, Syria, North Korea) are dictatorships too. US, Canada, UK, EU countries, NATO countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea.... all democracies. Ukraine is trying to move towards that. Try using your damn brain, there is only one lot of bad guys, Putin's bunch!

Ah, the good ol' good vs evil trope. Nothing to do with interests and opportunists.

Pakistan is mostly Muslim, India mostly not. The difference crossing a border doesn't generate a new ethnic group over the space of 1m. I'm sure Pakistan has a lot of people their too. They stir up sh1t, they get shot, therefore you are committing a genocide of Pakistani Muslims - that is the game Russia is trying in the Donbass too.

:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Let's leave Indian history out of it. Or next you will say Pacific Islanders are Englishmen with a tan. I bet you think the Welsh and Scottish don't exist either.

And you believe it was theirs and not put their by Russia? Even in pro-Russian videos posted by IronHide I see see civilians in 'CCCP' tracksuits cheering them on. That's actually worse than Nazi memorabilia, and we know it's legit too because it's their own PR.

Sure, all those Azov photos with men holding the hakenkreuz were Russian models.

They mined the roads and shelled civilians because the were too worried about soldiers getting out.

Um... The Russians actually wanted the Ukrainian army soldiers out too.
Russia are sending them to filtration camps, i.e. concentration camps as well as shelling them and mining the roads. Nothing Putin does is ever humane. Remember that and you won't go far wrong.


You take the meaning of retarded to the next level. The exit corridor the Russians proposed takes the citizens of Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia, that's in Ukraine, behind UAF lines.

You take the meaning of retarded to the next level. The exit corridor the Russians proposed takes the citizens of Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia, that's in Ukraine, behind UAF lines.
They're not just letting them out though, they're being shipped to filtration camps in Russia.
Iran and Saudis see themselves as each other's main enemies. Israel's stuck in their corner, so it doesn't affect Iran as much. Plus they have nukes, so Iran's being more careful with Israel. Otoh, the Iranians have a history of attacking the Saudis.

Yes, yes, you don't know the basic concept of supply and demand, I get it, no need to advertise your ignorance in every post you make.

And you decide that?

They reacted to the Western-supported coup in Ukraine.

Ah, the good ol' good vs evil trope. Nothing to do with interests and opportunists.

:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Let's leave Indian history out of it. Or next you will say Pacific Islanders are Englishmen with a tan. I bet you think the Welsh and Scottish don't exist either.

Sure, all those Azov photos with men holding the hakenkreuz were Russian models.

Um... The Russians actually wanted the Ukrainian army soldiers out too.
The Saudi can deal with them. They should be a peer adversary for Saudi Arabia.

Oh I do, I also know the concept of transportation costs. It is you that doesn't understand it. Demand for Russian gas will fall dramatically, and you consider that that will not affect Russia.

No, migration statistics decide that, I am just the conveyer of the obvious, which you seem oblivious too. Europeans wanting to be in Russia is like South Koreans wanting to be in North Korea or China. You have no idea how little sense anything you say makes.

Because that's basically what it is when you cut through the bullsh1t, democracies vs autocracies. Look at the facts, look at the allies of each, look at their system of government, civil rights and economies. It's not perfect good all the time maybe, but it's a million times closer to it than what Russia and China is offering the world.

The only thing that differentiates them is accent and what football team they support. There are ethnic Pakistanis in India.

Russian actors most likely. Russia does not have a free press, if they show you something, it's because they want you to believe their narrative, counter narratives are not allowed in their press system.

1. You can't call it a war in Russia - which is beyond retarded at this point.
2. You can't criticise the conflict, or Putin.
3. You will never hear them report on any Russian atrocities ever. Say what you like but western press covers abuses by western soldiers.
4. They never admit to any strike that kills civilians, deliberately or otherwise.

Knowing these facts, how can you possibly believe anything they say or show you?
They tried to take it, they failed, and then they retreated and are now pretending that it was what they wanted to do in the first place. That's ridiculous.

With 2000-3000 infantry? Seriously? The very fact that they didn't prepare for siege level logistics is proof enough that they thought they will either take Kiev via a Ukrainian surrender or they will stay there in order to disperse Ukrainian fighting capability for a week or so.

Russia attacked the Donbas first by setting up terrorist militia to try to overthrow Ukrainian control.

Should always go back to before it led to that, like the Euromaidan protests that signalled the end of psuedo-democracy in Ukraine. When histroy books are written, we are going to have to read the causes that led to the war, like relentless NATO expansion, the West's deliberate disdain over repeated Russian warnings, the failure to apply realpolitik etc, all the way until the protests happened and a democratically-elected leader was ousted and the region he represented that put him in power was disenfranchised, and his people were isolated. Russia "reacted", it's simple as that.

They weren't disenfranchised.

When democracy dies, that results in the disenfranchisement of the ones out of power. You don't need a piece of paper to tell you that.

Once pro-Russian candidates were gone, the only options were leftist Ukrainians, like Zelensky, to stand up to openly hostile Poroshenko. Zelensky pretended to be a saviour for the Russians but turned out to be the big bad wolf.

Ukraine stopped being a democracy in 2014. Even in Pakistan, while PMs are ceremoniously ousted, no parties are banned. Rather successors take over the mantle. But Ukraine's Russian opposition died in 2014.

That's a bunch of bullshit. There was a bill proposed, that didn't even actually pass, that made Ukrainian the sole official language. Everybody is bilingual anyway because these two languages are so close that when you speak one, you can grasp the other pretty quickly.

The bill passed in 2019, before Zelensky came to power.

There's a reason why India has no national language.

Anyway if that's disenfranchisement, what should we say about the situation in Kashmir? With the total blackout imposed on the population and so on? Pretty clear that it's enough for the international community to protect the Kashmiri legally by assisting a Pakistani invasion, right?

The situation in Kashmir is being dealt with using the police because they are largely dealing with criminal elements. We are not using artillery on the Kashmiris, only tear gas. One of the goals of the blackout was to prevent the mobs themselves being attacked by terrorists in false flag operations, and not merely protect them from fake news from Pakistan, who were passing off violence in Syria and Iraq as the ongoing situation in Kashmir. Shutting down some services and suspending some liberties in order to actually protect the local population is democratically legal and is very different from doing the same for the sole purpose of waging war on the population. Kashmir's internal situation is basically a law and order problem, terrorism is cross-border. The Ukrainian attack on Donbas is state-sponsored violence against a specific group of people, typically called "genocide".

Putin explicitly demanded a return to 1997 borders, before NATO expansion. Why would he want to have the Baltic states, Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania out of NATO if he's only interested in Russian-speaking people?

Those are two different things. The Russians want NATO expansion rolled back to 1997, but they wish to have direct control over all "European Russians". They do not want the non-Russian regions under the SU all over again. Those are two different demands, or wishes if we are actually real about it.

Hell, if the world was "fair" and the West was actually "good", NATO would have dissolved right after the Warsaw Pact did.
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If one day NATO do decide to attack, can you imagine how these long, densely-packed columns will look with a few dozen CBU-105s poured over them?

If threat from the air existed, then the column would have had greater separation.
The Saudi can deal with them. They should be a peer adversary for Saudi Arabia.

That's what I'm getting at. The poor slobs have been thinking all this while that the US will come to their rescue. They are getting a reality check now.

Oh I do, I also know the concept of transportation costs. It is you that doesn't understand it. Demand for Russian gas will fall dramatically, and you consider that that will not affect Russia.

You mean the extra cost the EU has to pay from getting oil and gas from somewhere other than next-door Russia?

No, migration statistics decide that, I am just the conveyer of the obvious, which you seem oblivious too. Europeans wanting to be in Russia is like South Koreans wanting to be in North Korea or China. You have no idea how little sense anything you say makes.

Your propensity to never stick to the point is apparent here.

Because that's basically what it is when you cut through the bullsh1t, democracies vs autocracies. Look at the facts, look at the allies of each, look at their system of government, civil rights and economies. It's not perfect good all the time maybe, but it's a million times closer to it than what Russia and China is offering the world.

Yes, this is how sheep think. It's black or white.

Russian actors most likely. Russia does not have a free press, if they show you something, it's because they want you to believe their narrative, counter narratives are not allowed in their press system.

Look at all the "Russians..."

1. You can't call it a war in Russia - which is beyond retarded at this point.
2. You can't criticise the conflict, or Putin.
3. You will never hear them report on any Russian atrocities ever. Say what you like but western press covers abuses by western soldiers.
4. They never admit to any strike that kills civilians, deliberately or otherwise.

Knowing these facts, how can you possibly believe anything they say or show you?

1. It's not. In a war, the Russians would actually kill people.
2. Desired even in democracies.
3. The same as democracies. No. Only when it's exposed without a doubt.
4. The same as democracies. Unless exposed.

'Cause I can think for myself.
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They're not just letting them out though, they're being shipped to filtration camps in Russia.

This is done to illegal immigrants and refugees by everybody, including the US and Europe.