Ukraine - Russia Conflict

More than 1000 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine today surrendered in Mariupol. This happened in the afternoon, but only now is it allowed to report information. They surrendered to the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR:

Another Ukrainian captured Humvee with a medical module Burtek B4731 in Mariupol. In total, the armed forces of Ukraine from 2016 to 2019 received 60 Humvee Burtek B473 ambulances from the United States as military technical assistance:

Missile strikes on targets in Mirgorod.

Rockets hit infrastructure facilities, Poltava region authorities report.
DNR doctors provide assistance to wounded Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who surrendered in Mariupol:

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These are not illegal immigrants, they are Ukrainian citizens in Ukraine who are being taken to Russia. And their treatment at these filtration camps has also been questionable, with allegations of rape.

All immigrants and refugees go through this. Even those applying legal visas go through it.

The US is still supplying them weapons.

Which is also illegal.

Some people just try far too hard to find grey areas where there are absolutely none. This really is black and white. Russia has invaded an independent country with supervised elections (deemed to be fair by the international community). The vast majority of the world condemned the invasion. Hardly any democracies didn't condemn the invasion. Russian forces committed a massacre. Russia has been kicked off the UNHCR.

Politics. The US escaped the same scrutiny for doing worse.

If you can't spot that such a picture has been deliberately staged by Russia then you are a f*cking idiot, simple as that. Really, the Azov flag, the Nazi flag and the NATO flag. How convenient. F*ck me, you guys are dumb beyond repair. Shame they forgot to include the Ukrainian flag patch on their shoulders though eh? The KGB would never have made such an obvious mistake back in the day.

Are you stupid? They were not affiliated with the Ukrainian military, they are militias connected to Zelensky today. No flag for them.

1. You think they're not killing people? They've killed tens of thousands of civilians in Mariupol.

2. Desired maybe, prohibited no. See Russell Brand, see pro-Russian/Serbia rallies in Berlin. They would get 15 years in Russia no questions.

3. Why do you think it gets exposed - that's a free press fool.

4. Again, free press. Russia never admits it even after it's exposed. If they knew they were striking civilians from the off it wouldn't happen in the west. So of course they can only know after it's exposed.

Unless they were so poor at logistics that it couldn't. They might not even know when a threat from the air is coming.

1. That's the Azov's doing. Civilians should be evacuated during war, the Azovs prevented that from happening.
2. Don't be so sure about that.
3. Exposes happen in authoritarian regimes too. What shouldn't be revealed gets revealed on both sides. It has nothing to do with the form of govt.
4. Same as 3.
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Oh, no, all these ugly slumming Indians coming to our country and dominating our established industries and giving their expert opinions on how to further improve said industries... How dare they!!! SHAME!!!
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Meh. Russia keeps donating more advanced tanks I think Ukraine is more than ok to lose these obsolete junks. :)

Both sides have outdated/obsolete junk. If India's preparing to replace these vintage weapons, then you can understand how much of a junk it is in Europe, 'cause India buys most stuff 10 years after introduction.
Should always go back to before it led to that, like the Euromaidan protests that signalled the end of psuedo-democracy in Ukraine. When histroy books are written, we are going to have to read the causes that led to the war, like relentless NATO expansion, the West's deliberate disdain over repeated Russian warnings, the failure to apply realpolitik etc, all the way until the protests happened and a democratically-elected leader was ousted and the region he represented that put him in power was disenfranchised, and his people were isolated. Russia "reacted", it's simple as that.
Euromaidan "signalling the end of democracy", lol. It's the other way around. Since this history lesson needs to be repeated constantly: Yanukovych was signing an association agreement with the EU. That's what the people wanted, that's what was on the program that got him elected. There were some sticking points, though, but when the sticking points were lifted, then Putin intervened to tell him to cut it out. That's when he did a 180° turn and abandoned all EU negotiations to go with Russia, cowing to Putin's threats; and that unwanted surprise turn is what caused the uprising.

Since then, there have been free elections in Ukraine, that are overseen by international observers and found without irregularities. Russia cannot say the same thing. Belarus and Kazakhstan and the rest of Russia's little clique of client countries cannot say the same thing.

"relentless NATO expansion" is a Putinist talk point. In reality, there was no such thing.

What Putin and his cronies forget to mention is that NATO is not actively looking to expand. It's the other way around. All those Eastern countries asked to be invited in NATO. And as we see now, they had a very good reason.
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Is this a freely market-determined exchange rate? No, it is not.
(L’Opinion, apr.12)
France trained Ukrainian soldiers just before the Russian invasion

EXCLUSIVE: French military aid to Ukraine is worth €120m: missiles, satellite images and training

France has already spent around 120 million euros to help the Ukrainian army fight the Russian invasion, according to information from L'Opinion. Since the beginning of the war, the French authorities have refused to communicate on the amount and nature of military assistance to Ukraine: our information is therefore neither confirmed nor denied by official sources. Other European countries have been much more transparent about the aid provided to Kiev.

French aid is of several kinds. One of the most important contributions concerns satellite imagery. France has several observation satellites (Helios, Pleiades and CSO) which enable it to provide images several times a day to the Ukrainian military staff. This is likely to be done in close cooperation with allies, especially the Americans.

Light missiles. In terms of equipment, France has delivered at least three types of light missiles. Old Milan anti-tank systems (Franco-German manufacture) and Javelin, more recent devices acquired from the United States during the war in Afghanistan and stored since then. Mistral very short-range anti-aircraft missiles (SATCP) were also supplied. We do not know the volume of these deliveries, but it is probably not very high, given the weakness of the French army's ammunition stocks, as pointed out by a recent parliamentary report.

The supply of these weapons systems was accompanied by the training of Ukrainian military personnel called upon to use them. This took place before the start of the Russian invasion on 24 February. "We didn't sit back and watch, even though we weren't sure that Russia was going to attack," says a source close to the case. It is not known whether this training has continued since then and the conditions under which it was delivered.

In addition, France provided the Ukrainian forces with fuel and uniforms. However, no transmission systems were provided: these came mainly from the United States, which thus ensured the security and control of the networks. (deepL)

La France a formé des soldats ukrainiens juste avant l'invasion russe
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All immigrants and refugees go through this. Even those applying legal visas go through it.

Which is also illegal.

Politics. The US escaped the same scrutiny for doing worse.

Are you stupid? They were not affiliated with the Ukrainian military, they are militias connected to Zelensky today. No flag for them.

1. That's the Azov's doing. Civilians should be evacuated during war, the Azovs prevented that from happening.
2. Don't be so sure about that.
3. Exposes happen in authoritarian regimes too. What shouldn't be revealed gets revealed on both sides. It has nothing to do with the form of govt.
4. Same as 3.
We're not talking about immigration, we're talking about Ukrainian civilians in Ukraine.

No it isn't.

Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan had internationally supervised elections before the US got there, torture was present in one, conspiration of major terror plots in the other. One leader was a war criminal a million times over who'd invaded a country. There are no parallels, stop trying to find them.

Oh sure. Funny how all the other militias still have that flag. It was a staged photo, if their faces weren't obscured, UK and US intelligence would probably match them to GRU agents. That's why they are obscured. Fool.

1. Russia mined the roads, shelled people trying to escape, and put them in concentration camps. That's why. Bombed a train station, bombed a civilian shelter.

2. It's the law in Russia.

3. And then the person who revealed it dies in authoritarian regimes.

4. Nope. Authoritarian regimes never admit any mistake.
Every G7 member may snub India over Russia stance. If their opinions were the same as the likes of randomradio and Ironhide I would definitely tell them to f'off.