Ukraine - Russia Conflict

British mercenary in Ukraine has been captured by Russian troops in Mariupol, according to a statement issued on his behalf.
Aiden Aslin, 28, who goes by the name "Johnny", said his unit had tried its best to defend Mariupol but "had no choice but to surrender to Russian forces" - Sky news UK

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Sparta battalion destroys down the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the "Avdeevsky cauldron":

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A captive marine named Vitya tells how they tried to escape from the Ilyich plant.

He tells that the whole brigade tried to escape - more than 1500 people. Many had thoughts of giving up, but after two Marines tried to do so, they were caught by their own and disappeared.

Accordingly, if the statement that 1,000 people surrendered is true, then more than 500 soldiers were killed. I want to remind you that the command came to the Marines to break through, they were told by their leadership that help was coming towards them. Moreover, he indicated the direction of movement to the village of Zachatovka, which is located near Volnovakha and has long been under our control.

The deaths of these marines are in the hands of Zelensky and this bloody gang. They were deceived in order to make martyrs out of them.

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@randomradio Oh my God China should invade you and set you straight - Your logic here.

Check out the credentials of the speaker. He's a Christian evangelist who's been called out earlier for his anti Semitic statements & slurs & who off late has teamed up with the Khalistani lobby including a proclaimed offender from India who's now a US citizen or always was , with strong links to Pakistani ISI in terms of finances.
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The national security planners have asked the Service Headquarters to study the Russian offensive into Ukraine and draw tactical lessons from the brutal war that has now stretched into seven weeks.
While former Indian Army commanders told Hindustan Times that two out of three diplomatic objectives have been achieved by Russian President Vladimir Putin's offensive into Ukraine, the cost of the war may turn out to be too high for Moscow in the long run. The Russian objective of Ukraine not joining NATO and securing US guarantees for the same has been achieved with Ukraine recognition of the Donbas region in eastern part of the country still work in progress.

Lt Gen Subrata Saha, former 15 Corps Commander and National Security Advisory Board member, assessed that the Russian war of attrition was going as per Putin’s plans, but questions were being raised about the morale of the Russian conscript army and its logistical issues. “There appears to be an issue of command and control as the Russian army has been losing senior commanders in the war, but the offensive seems to be relentless and in pursuance of Putin’s military objectives,” said Gen (Retd)Saha, who has also worked as Additional DGMO of Indian Army.

While Saha feels the Russian offensive remains strong, a former Indian Army Chief on condition of anonymity told Hindustan Times that there were serious problems with the Russian offensive and poses serious questions on capability and commitment of a conscript army. “War videos available show that the Russian Army has tactical issues in Ukraine war. Tell me, which tank formation goes to war in a single file without air or infantry cover when the opponent is equipped with the best anti-tank guided missile like Javelin or Turkish Bayraktar TB2 missile firing drones? There is question on Russian air supremacy with Ukraine Army armed with shoulder fired Stinger surface to air missiles as well as the night fighting capability of the Russian Air Force,” said a former Army Chief.
Given that the battle is between Russian Goliath and Ukrainian David, the Red Army has not been able to capture Kyviv and has now focused on Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine to declare victory and end the special military operation. The Russian Army has taken down the Ukrainian air defenses and has followed the scorched earth policy, but the real military objective of a regime change in Kyiv has not taken place with only innocents getting killed and property destroyed.

Although the Russian offensive using surface to surface ballistic missiles have rained destruction on Ukraine rendering people homeless, the economic cost of the war including western sanctions will lead to double digit constriction of Putin’s economy this year.

While the European Union led by Germany has imported USD 99 billion worth of energy imports from Russian in 2019-2021 and continues to help Moscow reap the windfall of increased prices of oil, gas, and grain, the Red Army will face a challenge in rotating its troops as the tour of duty goes beyond two months. However, in the short term, the Russian offensive will be funded by high crude oil price because of which Moscow has earned nearly USD 10 billion in sales during April alone.

With Russian Army estimated to have lost nearly 476 tanks in Ukraine war, the Indian Army will also have to revise its tactics in the era of shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles and stand-off weapons. The Indian Army relies on Russian tanks, artillery, rockets, and ammunition with Russian Su-30 MKI forming the backbone of Indian Air Force. The Ukraine war really shows that the era of low-tech war as waged in World War II is over as it only leads into long war of attrition with no clear cut winners and only innocents getting killed.

Check out the credentials of the speaker. He's a Christian evangelist who's been called out earlier for his anti Semitic statements & slurs & who off late has teamed up with the Khalistani lobby including a proclaimed offender from India who's now a US citizen or always was , with strong links to Pakistani ISI in terms of finances.
Btw - this YT content creator here is a very interesting phenomenon. I recognise this guy from around 4 yrs ago where he uploaded a series of videos doing an expose on extremely poor quality construction by some of the most prominent builders of Mumbai notably Lodha developers.

I recall back then he created quite a storm on SM with his exposes on Lodha which prompted them to move the HC to get a restraining order on him . Back then he also started his crusade on similar practises by other prominent builders & contractors.

Around the same time he mixed these with his own diatribes against Modi the BJP & the RSS . You can do a random check of his videos from around 3-4 yrs old & older.

Ever since the Ukraine crisis broke out he's morphed into a content creator / circulator of various short video clips of western propaganda on Ukraine interspersed with clips such as the one quoted above of propaganda on Modi , BJP / RSS etc .

Most of his videos on Ukraine attract thousands of views & a corresponding increase in subscriber base which is nothing short of amazing given the absolute lack of interest in the war out here . Then along comes Paddy quoting him out here. If we weren't too familiar with the 5th Gen information warfare being waged on western based SM & MSM , this'd go unscrutinized.

I hope the powers that be here are keeping an eye out on such disseminators of propaganda. Evidently for some one who up until the Ukraine war had no content worth the name to offer on international events ( hell most of his content & diatribes against Modi was on local issues restricted to Mumbai not even Maharashtra leave alone India has suddenly gone international ) to the extent that some village idiot of Irish extraction in an equally run down English village is now quoting him on an Indian defence forum is curious indeed. Very curious.
Euromaidan "signalling the end of democracy", lol. It's the other way around. Since this history lesson needs to be repeated constantly: Yanukovych was signing an association agreement with the EU. That's what the people wanted, that's what was on the program that got him elected. There were some sticking points, though, but when the sticking points were lifted, then Putin intervened to tell him to cut it out. That's when he did a 180° turn and abandoned all EU negotiations to go with Russia, cowing to Putin's threats; and that unwanted surprise turn is what caused the uprising.

Yanukovych's main agenda was to join the EU, most of his term was spent in doing that. And based on an article Picdel had posted here, he even asked the EU for help in staving off pressure from Russia. The fact is small countries that are in prime locations have limited sovereignty. There is always someone ready to step on their toes with their heft. The US is guilty of the same, in fact they are the champions at that. Hell, you can see how much pressure they have been applying openly on India, so you can expect the kind of pressure smaller countries are under, it's practically bullying. In a fair world, a word like "realpolitik" wouldn't exist. It should have been used. Putin's repeated warnings should have been taken seriously.

Many Eastern European countries joined NATO, and the EU membership paved the way towards that. Putin stepped in when the West crossed that line in Ukraine.

I would actually argue Yanukovych was set up for failure from the start. Because everybody knew if Ukraine wasn't supported by the West, then Putin would succeed. And that's exactly what happened. Euromaidan was easy enough to achieve with opposition members that outnumber the Russians, even characters like the Azovs. Biden can't just wake up in the morning and make Russia a pariah state.

Funny how the police withdrew from central Kiev, without permission from the central govt, and handed the city over to protesters. If that's not a coup, I don't know what is.

Of course, that followed a purge. So, goodbye Ukrainian Russians.

Since then, there have been free elections in Ukraine, that are overseen by international observers and found without irregularities. Russia cannot say the same thing. Belarus and Kazakhstan and the rest of Russia's little clique of client countries cannot say the same thing.

Without a strong opposition, all democracies are dictatorships. Especially so in small countries that are not federal in nature, unlike the US or India.

There's no point in comparing Russia with Ukraine. Ukraine's democractic standards should be compared to Western Europe, or even Northern Europe. Being a little more democratic than Russia doesn't mean you are democratic.

"relentless NATO expansion" is a Putinist talk point. In reality, there was no such thing.

What Putin and his cronies forget to mention is that NATO is not actively looking to expand. It's the other way around. All those Eastern countries asked to be invited in NATO. And as we see now, they had a very good reason.

Should have been denied. Not just denied their entry, but NATO should have been dismantled in favour of a common EU military alliance. Of course, we know how realistic that is.

Do you realise if Russia was even slightly more powerful, had they modernised even a slightly bit more, they would have done far more damage than just Ukraine? Now, there's no telling what they will do 10 years down the line. An 81-year-old Putin may not give enough of a damn by then.
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We're not talking about immigration, we're talking about Ukrainian civilians in Ukraine.

All refugees are tagged and bagged. Even in Europe.

Oh sure. Funny how all the other militias still have that flag. It was a staged photo, if their faces weren't obscured, UK and US intelligence would probably match them to GRU agents. That's why they are obscured. Fool.


1. Russia mined the roads, shelled people trying to escape, and put them in concentration camps. That's why. Bombed a train station, bombed a civilian shelter.

2. It's the law in Russia.

3. And then the person who revealed it dies in authoritarian regimes.

4. Nope. Authoritarian regimes never admit any mistake.

Every G7 member may snub India over Russia stance. If their opinions were the same as the likes of randomradio and Ironhide I would definitely tell them to f'off.

Yeah, dude, okay. :rolleyes:
The tent camp of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed as a result of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces:

All refugees are tagged and bagged. Even in Europe.


Yeah, dude, okay. :rolleyes:
You can't be a refugee whilst in your own country dumbass. And, like I keep telling you, but for some reason it hasn't sunk in.... NOBODY WANTS TO GO TO RUSSIA... NOBODY... THEY WOULD RATHER RISK DEATH!

RT: "We're forced to say what we say."

randomradio: "It's okayyyy, I believe you anywayyyyy."

randomradio: "Heyyyy European guys, you arrrrre sheeeeeeep, baaah baaahh!"

You couldn't make this shit up.

Destruction of Russian equipment by Ukrainian artillery Destruction of russian equipment of the AFU

You can't be a refugee whilst in your own country dumbass. And, like I keep telling you, but for some reason it hasn't sunk in.... NOBODY WANTS TO GO TO RUSSIA... NOBODY... THEY WOULD RATHER RISK DEATH!

RT: "We're forced to say what we say."

randomradio: "It's okayyyy, I believe you anywayyyyy."

randomradio: "Heyyyy European guys, you arrrrre sheeeeeeep, baaah baaahh!"

You couldn't make this shit up.
Who's going to explain to Paddy the Irishman , village idiot & resident autistic dyslexic retard that it made more sense were the EU to extend the same invite to Russia to join them in the late 90's early 2000's , that Putin had admitted asking Clinton during the last days of his presidency for admission into NATO , something Clinton laughed off .

That if you seek to defang a former foe you either do so completely thru confrontation or thru co option . You don't go about steadily & not so stealthily trying to co opt all his allies & former components of his state while being aloof to his concerns & worse denying his claims for entrance into the same organization.

Either this behaviour smacks of incredible arrogance with more naivete than can be expected from a super power & it's minions or there's a more sinister explanation to it . I mostly veer towards the latter .

Then you act shocked when that ex super power which has been cautioning you against such behaviour since forever , indicating their red lines in public takes action & you scream human rights abuses , sovereignty of nation-states , democracy vs dictatorships etc which is probably one of the reasons why the US position hasn't got much traction abroad except for the 30 odd EU / NATO countries & the usual suspects in Australia , NZ , Canada , Japan & S Korea.

This hasn't gone unnoticed in the rest of the world or in Washington , various European capitals , Moscow , Beijing or even New Delhi . Now Paddy being Paddy would point out to the suspension of Russia from the UNHRC or the various UNGA resolutions condemning Russia. In the final analysis what exactly do they amount to apart from a slap on the wrists for Russia.

In a nutshell this is realpolitik.
The national security planners have asked the Service Headquarters to study the Russian offensive into Ukraine and draw tactical lessons from the brutal war that has now stretched into seven weeks.
While former Indian Army commanders told Hindustan Times that two out of three diplomatic objectives have been achieved by Russian President Vladimir Putin's offensive into Ukraine, the cost of the war may turn out to be too high for Moscow in the long run. The Russian objective of Ukraine not joining NATO and securing US guarantees for the same has been achieved with Ukraine recognition of the Donbas region in eastern part of the country still work in progress.

Lt Gen Subrata Saha, former 15 Corps Commander and National Security Advisory Board member, assessed that the Russian war of attrition was going as per Putin’s plans, but questions were being raised about the morale of the Russian conscript army and its logistical issues. “There appears to be an issue of command and control as the Russian army has been losing senior commanders in the war, but the offensive seems to be relentless and in pursuance of Putin’s military objectives,” said Gen (Retd)Saha, who has also worked as Additional DGMO of Indian Army.

While Saha feels the Russian offensive remains strong, a former Indian Army Chief on condition of anonymity told Hindustan Times that there were serious problems with the Russian offensive and poses serious questions on capability and commitment of a conscript army. “War videos available show that the Russian Army has tactical issues in Ukraine war. Tell me, which tank formation goes to war in a single file without air or infantry cover when the opponent is equipped with the best anti-tank guided missile like Javelin or Turkish Bayraktar TB2 missile firing drones? There is question on Russian air supremacy with Ukraine Army armed with shoulder fired Stinger surface to air missiles as well as the night fighting capability of the Russian Air Force,” said a former Army Chief.
Given that the battle is between Russian Goliath and Ukrainian David, the Red Army has not been able to capture Kyviv and has now focused on Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine to declare victory and end the special military operation. The Russian Army has taken down the Ukrainian air defenses and has followed the scorched earth policy, but the real military objective of a regime change in Kyiv has not taken place with only innocents getting killed and property destroyed.

Although the Russian offensive using surface to surface ballistic missiles have rained destruction on Ukraine rendering people homeless, the economic cost of the war including western sanctions will lead to double digit constriction of Putin’s economy this year.

While the European Union led by Germany has imported USD 99 billion worth of energy imports from Russian in 2019-2021 and continues to help Moscow reap the windfall of increased prices of oil, gas, and grain, the Red Army will face a challenge in rotating its troops as the tour of duty goes beyond two months. However, in the short term, the Russian offensive will be funded by high crude oil price because of which Moscow has earned nearly USD 10 billion in sales during April alone.

With Russian Army estimated to have lost nearly 476 tanks in Ukraine war, the Indian Army will also have to revise its tactics in the era of shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles and stand-off weapons. The Indian Army relies on Russian tanks, artillery, rockets, and ammunition with Russian Su-30 MKI forming the backbone of Indian Air Force. The Ukraine war really shows that the era of low-tech war as waged in World War II is over as it only leads into long war of attrition with no clear cut winners and only innocents getting killed.


Yep, the Russians are achieving some of their objectives, although at a great price. But this 'price' is also subjective, since most of the defeated systems are meant to be replaced, like our Mig-21 loss in 2019. Most of what you have seen destroyed were built in the 80s, ie, 30-40 years ago. Even their most modern tank, the T-90, was largely built in the early to mid 90s. The loss of armour crew and infantry is where it will hurt most because of Russia's declining population.

Neither of the two problems affect us. Our army is organised very, very differently, we have enough infantry, and plenty of air support. And we won't have any restraint when we deal with Pak or China. We are going to press the trigger when necessary. Plus we won't be dealing with the same battlefield, urban warfare, and our objectives are easier to accomplish than Russia's in a conventional setting.

Their economy will go through a temporary downturn from next year onwards, as their oil and gas marketshare starts reducing drastically. But they will bounce back by diversifying their industry and exports over the years. The global grey market will get a massive boost from all the copied stuff Russia is capable of producing. It should take a few years, but it's possible.

The world will destabilise greatly with the military modernisation of rogue states and terrorist groups. Europe could see a major increase in terrorism.
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